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  • James Bond curious 8yr old
  • lesgrandepotato
    Full Member

    We have all the movies (well the old ones) in a 25box set.

    Where do we start? What’s a good opener?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Oooh, do you want him to see violence, or 60’s misogyny?

    I vote start from the beginning and work through.

    Full Member

    I started my nephews with MoonRaker, followed by OHMSS….

    Full Member

    Oooh, do you want him to see violence, or 60’s misogyny?

    This. The new stuff is great, but not for 8yr olds. The old stuff is shit, though with luck the casual racism and overt misogyny will go over their heads.

    Stick to Barney etc.

    Full Member

    To be fair, I was brought up on Bond in the 70s and turned out not to be racist or misogynistic. Or violent.

    Or great at stunt driving, or mysteriously irresistible to much younger and more attractive women.

    Either run through in sequence, or start with Roger Moore when they really were being played for laughs.

    Full Member

    Oh god, can’t people just accept them for what they are ? Entertainment movies made 30,40 years ago..

    Why read more into them than needed.?

    Full Member

    To be fair, I was brought up on Bond in the 70s and turned out not to be racist or misogynistic. Or violent.

    I’d say with certainty that we (white, male boys) ALL turned out to be a bit racist and misogynistic. It was just so ingrained into every day society (by for example a good dollop of Bond at christmas) it’s taken us 40 odd years to start to see it/us for what we were and start working it out of our systems.

    Full Member

    We have all the movies (well the old ones) in a 25box set.

    Where do we start

    Haven’t you watched them? Any of them? If you have, you must have an idea of which one would suit your child? (Mine – all a little older than yours – would wander off after about 10 minutes, especially with the Connery ones.)

    Full Member

    We started ours off with Goldeneye as an easy way in. Although my two weren’t all that fussed, if they were keen to watch I would have started them from the beginning.

    Full Member

    Why read more into them than needed.?

    Cos there are about a bazillion alternatives to watch instead so no need?

    Also, rewatching now – they are disappointedly shit. Best left as fond memories of the 45+ yr olds imo.

    Full Member

    Oh god, can’t people just accept them for what they are ? Entertainment movies made 30,40 years ago..

    Why read more into them than needed.?

    Stone the unbeliever!

    Full Member

    Oh god, can’t people just accept them for what they are ? Entertainment movies made 30,40 years ago..

    Indeed, they are just entertainment movies made 30, 40 years. And they’re full of casual racism and misogyny, as society was 30 or 40 years ago (and let’s face it, still is). Just because it was ‘okay’ then, doesn’t mean it’s ‘okay’ now.

    I’d say with certainty that we (white, male boys) ALL turned out to be a bit racist and misogynistic. It was just so ingrained into every day society (by for example a good dollop of Bond at christmas) it’s taken us 40 odd years to start to see it/us for what we were and start working it out of our systems.

    This, basically.

    Free Member

    Oh god, can’t people just accept them for what they are ? Entertainment movies made 30,40 years ago..

    Why read more into them than needed.?

    I think it’s pretty important to not shy away from the past. I don’t have any kids yet but I would want to make sure what my 8 yearolds, boy or girl understood that the attitudes on display weren’t right then and still aren’t right now. It does detract from them. In the same way friends seemed harmless but the amount of jokes about being gay or more specifically NOT being gay makes it pretty grim viewing now.

    Also… Sean Connery is on video as saying hitting women is okay if they don’t what they are told. He was also the shittest bond so it’s quite easy just not to watch them.

    Full Member

    He was also the shittest bond

    Whooooooooooooah there sunshine….

    Free Member

    He was though.

    Some of his bond may be some of the better bond films. But not because he was in them.

    But he’s shite in everything he has ever been in.

    Full Member

    I’d go with the Pierce Brosnan 3 – they are the ones I watched as a kid at time of launch, they dont feel too old our outdated yet they are far less ‘serious’ and gritty than the Daniel Craig Era.

    Then go right back to the beginning if he enjoys it.

    Full Member

    But he’s shite in everything he has ever been in.

    How can you say that? I’ve never seen a more convincing portrayal of Russian submarine captain

    Full Member

    Indeed, they are just entertainment movies made 30, 40 years. And they’re full of casual racism and misogyny, as society was 30 or 40 years ago

    The early ones may reflect society as it was – I can’t speak for that because it’s before my time. Although, it is interesting that there were plenty of films from the 60s that didn’t include casual racism and misogyny. (And plenty did, of course.)

    But 30/40 years ago? We genuinely were quite enlightened by the late 80s, early 90s. Bond was seen as a moral dinosaur even then.

    Full Member

    Haven’t you watched them? Any of them? If you have, you must have an idea of which one would suit your child?

    In a word no. I dabbled for a bit but haven’t gone back to them

    Full Member

    I was around that age when I seen For Your Eyes Only. I’d seen many others on TV before that, the one I recall the most being Live and Let Die.

    Full Member

    I’d go with the Pierce Brosnan 3

    I love to think you’ve written “3” as you are in complete denial of Die Another Day existing.

    Full Member

    Wow your right, I didnt even really think through it properly but just assumed it was 3.

    Make that 4!

    Free Member
    Full Member

    I think there’s probably films I’d be happy for my 8 year to watch before we got around to Bond movies. From Disney to Shrek to; Oh I dunno, early Harry Potter, some of the Star wars, Princess Bride…Loads of stuff.

    Free Member

    Save the young un a world of drudgery, point him/her in the direction of Mr Tumble or something more interesting than Bond.

    +1 – Connery wasn’t a patch on Roger Moore, which is a bloody low bar.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget animal House NickC

    Full Member

    I think there’s probably films I’d be happy for my 8 year to watch before we got around to Bond movies. From Disney to Shrek to; Oh I dunno, early Harry Potter, some of the Star wars, Princess Bride…Loads of stuff.

    Add in Jurassic Park/World, How To Train Your Dragon, even some of the Tremors series and a host of other films that don’t have sexist misogynist overtones, shit acting, plot holes you could drive a bus through and terrible special effects.

    Anything before Timothy Dalton is watchable if you’re late 30’s onwards, kind of grew up with them on TV on Bank Holidays and there’s bugger all else on. That’s about their limit.

    Full Member

    I tried to revisit some of the earlier ones, and must say they make for very unconfortable watching in parts, some scenes are just flat out rapey.

    Free Member

    I remember going to see Moonraker with my dad, the first bond film I saw in the cinema.

    When the Bond(Dr No) music starts I am 9 years old again.

    I loved watching bond with my dad as a kid.

    When I was a kid I wanted to be either Bond or a Spaceman. What do lads want to be when they grow up now ????

    Full Member

    I remember going to see Moonraker with my dad, the first bond film I saw in the cinema.

    Best double entendre ever….

    Full Member

    I’d start with the mission impossible films myself.

    Full Member

    I’d start with the mission impossible films myself.

    Start with MI2. 1 is incomprehensible at times!

    Full Member

    Start with MI2. 1 is incomprehensible bollocks.

    They all blur into one for me, can’t remember which ones I’ve seen…

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Start with MI2. 1 is incomprehensible at times!

    Of no concern to an 8 yr old.

    Free Member

    For an 8 year old I’d start with The Spy Who Loved Me and then Moonraker. Loads of action and explosions, a baddie with metal teeth who turns out to be a nice guy, a car getting chased by a helicopter and then going underwater, scenery that’s (literally at times) out of this world and, best of all, space marines fighting with lasers. What’s not to like.

    And at the end of Moonraker you get the joy of explaining to an 8 year old what the “I think he’s attempting re-entry” joke means!

    Full Member

    I grew up loving Bond movies but my kids (11 and 12) aren’t that impressed with the older ones, and they hate it when I try to force my nostalgia onto them. I think back then we were used to waiting 40 minutes for an action scene because everything was slower paced. Our kids are used to instant gratification so if a movie isn’t moving at 1000 miles per hour they’re not interested.

    As others have said, get them going with Mission Impossible and that kind of thing. Mine love the Transporter movies.

    Full Member

    But he’s shite in everything he has ever been in.

    The Rock, he’s good in that.

    Bond films are shite. Just explain this to your eight year old and watch Spies in Disguise instead.

    Free Member

    “Look son. When you’re old enough to drink eventually you’ll be hungover enough to watch it. Until then: it’s shite.”

    Edit Transporter would be a bit spicy for an 8 yr old?

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