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  • I think I’ve got Swine Flu!
  • PeterPoddy
    Free Member

    So, I went to the doctors and he though I was telling him porkies!

    Sorry. IGMC etc.

    On the ‘Oh FFS!’ side we’ve just had a company email regarding Swine Flu. I quote –

    Following recent national and local outbreaks of the Mumps & Swine flu virus please see below some important information on symptoms of the viruses. If you are concerned that you may have mumps or Swine flu, please seek medical advice from your GP and take any recommended action.

    As a cautionary measure we do have stock of antibacterial telephone & key board wipes that can be collected from office stationery for you to use.

    Swine Flu

    Symptoms of swine flu

    The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of human seasonal flu and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.

    Oh FFS, OMG etc. I give up.

    Free Member

    Better than my place – when i turned up today with no voice a sore throat and an incessant cough. I was asked if i could be more quiet while i get on with everything.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You jolly well have not got Swine Flu, Peter; you’ve got Cake Flu.

    And I think we all know why that’s happened, eh? :wink:

    I think somebody’s been a bit of a naughty boy…

    Free Member

    As a cautionary measure we do have stock of antibacterial telephone & key board wipes that can be collected from office stationery for you to use.

    does anti-bacterial stuff kill viruses then?

    Free Member

    point out to the HR bod that its a virus, not a bacteria? Then again I’ve no idea how you kill a virus, is it the same as bacteia (i.e. alcohol?)


    Free Member

    DAMIT, should have hit reply 21 min ago before going for lunch!

    Full Member

    O.M.G we’re all going to die.
    Panic buy everyone, before it’s too late.

    Free Member

    does anti-bacterial stuff kill viruses then?

    Depends on the antibacteria stuff.
    Bleach will work for both for example.

    Free Member

    got swine flu?

    you’ll be needing some oinkment then…


    Full Member

    Antibacterial stuff can kill viruses, but it’s not a certain thing.

    I remember the disinfectant that we used to clear off nasty shit in Guildford. You do not want to be putting your hands in it. Really nasty, cytotoxic stuff.

    From memory, it’s easy to kill bacteria because they have things in their biochemistry that you can stop working (the 30s rhibosomal subunit is one that thing that a lot of antibiotics go for). Viruses don’t have that sort of thing (as they hijack a cell’s inner workings to produce many copies of themselves), so most “normal” stuff doesn’t work.

    Good gods, I haven’t had to remember that sort of thing for years. That hurt.

    Free Member

    ive got man flu. id rather have swine/pig flu

    Full Member

    7 people dead on the other side of the world,

    Erm.. 160 dead so far actually. And five reported cases of infection in the UK.
    But yes it is still a very tiny number and the risk is still small.

    Free Member

    A pig flu?
    That’s impossible….


    Free Member

    i could really eat a bacon buttie right now.

    Free Member

    so thats about 1 in a billion chance of dieing of it then, if only 7 people cork it in the world.

    Jesus some people are dumb!

    PS i once saw a car crash, ive now started telling everyone never to go on or near any cars, just in case

    Full Member

    You and half the D-list celebs. Don’t forget you can’t spell pandemic without panic. :?

    Free Member

    Erm.. 160 dead so far actually. And five reported cases of infection in the UK.
    But yes it is still a very tiny number and the risk is still small.

    I think the confirmed cases are only 7 though – unless things have rapidly changed since breakfast time
    The other deaths are just suspected swine flu – for now

    Full Member

    If alcohol kills the virus, then I think I’ll start self-medicating now.

    Which is better, Bowmore or Laphroaig?

    Free Member

    How many men die each year from Man Flu? I am close to death at the moment….

    Full Member

    so thats about 1 in a billion chance of dieing of it then, if only 7 people cork it in the world.

    160 people have “corked it” so far.

    But the general scare is about the potential for it developing into a worldwide pandemic – which it may or may not do.
    Not about the actual risk of catching it right now.

    Jesus some people are dumb!

    Yeah – particularly those medical experts, virologists and geneticists at the WHO – they’re really dumb :roll:

    Full Member

    I think the confirmed cases are only 7 though – unless things have rapidly changed since breakfast time
    The other deaths are just suspected swine flu – for now

    Indeed. 7 confirmed deaths in Mexico, and 1 little boy in the US today.
    The remaining 152 deaths in Mexico are suspected to be swine flu – but not yet confirmed.

    Free Member

    Im hoping the pandemic gets going – the planet is really too full at the moment. Plus Im selling face masks on ebay.

    Free Member

    7 confirmed deaths, 160 peope dying of not entirely known causes in a country the size of Mexico is hardly newsworthy.

    Free Member

    i am reading this while sat in a doctor surgery with a fever and sore throat. I am a swine to live with apparenty.

    Am i going to die?

    Full Member

    There’s a case of it down here in Torbay 8O

    Free Member

    As most of us are fit and young we’re well positioned to fight off these bugs right? Bugs kill of the weak so maybe it’s nature’s way of keeping down the population? Like pikes….

    Full Member

    7 confirmed deaths, 160 peope dying of not entirely known causes in a country the size of Mexico is hardly newsworthy.

    Well no, but the evolution of a animal-borne virus to a human-borne form that is potentially lethal and to which we may have no natural immunity is definitely of interest enough to make the news.

    Not worthy of the hype perhaps, but worth reporting certainly.

    Full Member

    Also bear in mind that if it does turn out to have killed 159 in Mexico, then that is a pretty high mortality rate given that they were talking about around 1000-1500 infections.

    Free Member

    As most of us are fit and young we’re well positioned to fight off these bugs right? Bugs kill of the weak so maybe it’s nature’s way of keeping down the population? Like pikes….

    “Another unusual feature of this pandemic was that it mostly killed young adults, with 99% of pandemic influenza deaths occurring in people under 65, and more than half in young adults 20 to 40 years old.”

    From here;

    If this kind of thing comes back we may well be doomed.

    Free Member

    thought i had it , had what i thought was a cough / oink , but turned out to just a normal sneeze / fart type of thing.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    Free Member

    I rang up the nhs hotline but all I got as crackling :-/

    Free Member

    There’s some research that claims that a very large proportion of 1918 pandemic victims in fact died from secondary infections that would be relatively easy to control with anti-biotics today

    Free Member

    are you board on the way to work , on the bus , train or tube ,pretend your on the fone , and talk about your 4 weeks tour of mexico , hang up and then sneeze.

    Full Member

    Smudge this your coat?

    Free Member

    I rang up the nhs hotline but all I got as crackling :-/

    LOL! Brilliant…

    Free Member

    I woke up this morning covered in Rash-ers

    Free Member

    It is important to bear in mind that regular strains of flu kill 250,000-500,000 worldwide each year so swine flu has killed very few compared to the regular strains.

    It is the potential for it to spread that is worrying in my mind

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