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  • how to stop a biting cat
  • mrmo
    Free Member

    Has anyone had to deal with a cat that has a habit of biting? One of our two has a habit of biting my hands if they are anywhere near him? He has had his balls removed which did calm him down a bit. He no longer tries to shag his sister for a start.

    The biting isn't hard but sharp claws and sharp teeth mean even gentle biting can be a little painful.

    Free Member

    water pistol aversion training

    Free Member

    Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

    Free Member

    Sack and a couple of bricks. 😉

    Free Member

    Its forplay…..

    Free Member

    Is it play biting or get near me & you'll loose a limb biting?

    either way it might be something he grows out of.

    Free Member

    Bite it back. I did that to a dog, she din't bite me again.

    Cowered in a corner and looked at me funny, mind.

    Free Member

    obviously i meant with a large water pistol from orbit

    Free Member

    We had that and it was only against me not Mrs. He stopped when I squirted him with a water sprayer. Also letting him out has kerbed his naughtiness. If it's heavy rain he can be a nightmare in the house.

    Free Member

    punch him in the face
    its the only language they understand

    Free Member

    My cat bites me, but she understands the dance so I trust her. Always goes for the tender skin, but never inflicts any real damage. And believe me if she wanted to she could.
    If its only a little painful its in fun, and is a sign of trust and affection.
    I spose a tap on the nose when he goes too far might help.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you've got one of those rubbish cats.
    Throw it in the bin and get a new one.

    Full Member

    Try hissing at him when he does it to warn him off. Saves you carrying a water pistol all the time and is usually effective. Need to do it loudly and then not pat him etc.

    Works great with one of my pyschotic cats.

    Free Member

    my mate Gareth punched a cat in the face after he saw it 'spray' his car once. It was on top of a fench and he spent 5 mins winning its confidence and when it came over he punched it.

    A week later he caught it on his car bonnet so he threw a mug of tea at it.

    Free Member

    have it nuttered? (sp?)and then if that doesnt work have it sent to the farm!!! 😆

    Free Member

    have it nuttered?

    There's your answer. 😉

    Free Member

    my mate Gareth punched a cat in the face after he saw it 'spray' his car once. It was on top of a fench and he spent 5 mins winning its confidence and when it came over he punched it.

    A week later he caught it on his car bonnet so he threw a mug of tea at it.

    Sounds like a lovely bloke… 🙄

    Free Member

    You chopped his balls off and now you wonder why he's biting you?

    Free Member

    get a dog

    Free Member

    Water spray or his like a possessed cat-human beast back at it – works on mine!
    Mind you, mine swipes my legs as I walk past first thing in the morning if I don't give it a rub with my foot!

    Free Member

    Margin Walker – I'm not sure how to break this to you but I think you may have a friend who is slightly retarded.

    Free Member

    I thought it said 'how to stop biting a cat'

    … if you having that much difficulty.. don't bother

    Free Member

    there aren't many problems in life, such as this, that can't be solved with a hammer

    Free Member

    Some cats actually do this as a way to attract attention when they are hungry or something similar, might be worth looking at…..

    Free Member

    dress as a fat old wifey and throw it in a wheely bin when no ones looking (apart from the cctv.)
    then claim it was just for a laugh cos hes a cheeky wee ****?

    then sell story to national paper and aquire hate status thoughout the uk (for 24 hours) then dissappear into obscurity? EASY MONEY!

    Free Member

    When you realise killing is the only way, the cat will become useful —

    Free Member

    Have you let the cat out yet? Ours was a right handful until he started going out. He used to jump and climb everything, now he's very calm indoors. Just keeps bringing kills in to drip blood & guts everywhere

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