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  • How to find the best bits in Swinley?
  • rossrobot
    Free Member

    Heading to Swinley this weekend with some friends but our usual local guide can’t make it. I’ve only been a few times and the one time I had no guide it was a pretty frustrating day with far too much fireroad exploration.
    Anyone got any hints to put together a good route from the carpark?

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    Join in with Phil’s sex party?

    Free Member

    Its a tricky one, i’ve only been once with someone who knows the place- not sure how i’d get on on my own. The one weakness of Swinley IMO

    Free Member

    thisisanotaspoon – thought about that but will be there fairly early doors and fancied a quick quiet one.

    Free Member

    If it works as any kind of incentive I could return the favour with a similar guide for Stanmer 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve been there twice unguided and could never fine my way around the bloody place….

    Free Member

    forecast is good, should be a few riders out early on… if you see people standing around on fire-roads, chances are they’re standing near an entrance/exit of a bit of singletrack you could explore, a fair amount of singletrack joins up with another bit of you look over the fire-road from the bit you’ve just exited. no matter how lost you get you’ll always end up on a fire-road and near a star post 🙂

    hope that helps dude!

    Free Member

    Google search has just brought up the map below. I used it when I was first learning Swinley and it’s not bad. The trail “The Stickler” has a great extension that is not shown that loops in and out of bombholes, and the Labyrinth is always worth a run or 2 if you prefer things pointing downhill.

    The lookout is in the top middle.

    Free Member

    that’s a map that a chap called ‘Kerr’from the mtb britain forum put online 🙂 handy but sometimes tricky to use if you’re not sure where you are on the map in the first place! can work well if you cross reference it with the ‘official’ swinley map from the gorrick website though 😀

    Free Member

    Super helpful – thank you.

    Free Member

    How early are you getting there? I coud probably do a lap* or two before the sex party.

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – thanks for the offer but afraid i cannot guarantee a time and wouldn’t want to mess you around. We’re having a lager/curry fest the night before so our arrival time will be dictated by our hangovers.

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