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  • How sad…
  • takisawa2
    Full Member


    God only knows what they were going through to do this.
    How tragic.

    Free Member


    For all who are involved.

    Full Member

    Without clicking this is the family that jumped off Beachy head?

    Can only agree.

    Free Member

    Sounds a lot like someone somewhere had it in for them. Very sad indeed.

    Free Member

    poor bastards, what a run of shit luck.

    Free Member

    Havent got the words for this one. Tragic.

    Free Member

    I guessed what the link was to, but I didn’t know the full story.

    I hope there really is a heaven for them to go to and be together.

    Full Member

    Utterly tragic. It puts your everyday problems into perspective.

    This sort of thing wouldn’t have upset me before my little lad was born, but things are different now. I’ll go home and give him a huge hug… and he’ll pull my ears and slap my head and wonder what the hell I’m playing at.

    Free Member

    That is heartbreaking. I didn’t know the full story either.

    Free Member

    It does seem a very, very sad way to approach what they did – although you can only assume they carefully considered what they were going to do. But it seems very disrespectful to do what they did to their poor child. Quite clearly they were not thinking straight.


    Free Member

    you think.

    Free Member

    Not really disrespectful, they obviously thought they were “taking him with them” or joining him somehow. It’s just a body once you’re dead.

    Free Member

    Not really disrespectful, they obviously thought they were “taking him with them” or joining him somehow.

    Perhaps they just couldn’t face life without him?

    Free Member

    It is clear they couldn’t face life without him but I don’t agree it is only a body after death. I mean, who would throw their mum/dad/brother/sister/son/daughter or whatever off a cliff because it is ‘only a body’

    I just don’t comprehend that bit. Surely a proper burial was the very least the poor child deserved.

    But that is merely my view.

    Free Member

    Terrible :(

    Full Member

    Looking after a disabled child for so long probably hasn’t helped their state of mind.

    Free Member

    maybe they wanted to be together at the end?

    incredibly sad, i cannot imagine what they went through to arrive at this decision :(

    Free Member

    have to be honest i had a real problem with a bit of dust in my eye when i read that story earlier :( really terrible…

    Free Member

    If we hadn’t had three other children when our daughter died, I can well imagine my wife and I doing a very similar thing to be honest.

    Free Member

    Surely a proper burial was the very least the poor child deserved.

    Now they can all be buried together. The loss of a child changes your perspective beyond anything.

    A real tragic story.

    Free Member

    Having wondered whether my child would reach his 2nd birthday (he did, and is doing well) I can vouch that life takes on a very different perspective with poorly kids

    Free Member

    Now they can all be buried together.

    Fair enough, I just feel they should have put him first then they could always have left a note to ask that they are buried with him.

    But I say that from a very objective point of view and as we are all agreed, they have just been through a very harrowing experience.

    Free Member

    dust in eyes here too – rip

    Free Member

    I just can’t imagine what anyone must go through when losing a child. Obviously, most people recover to varying degrees, but it’s easy to see how something like what they went through could tip you over the edge. That both parents were involved shows how hard it must have hit.

    Full Member

    Let’s not try and second guess what was going through their minds. They did it and no amount of debate is going to change that.

    Let’s just hope that they are at peace, and that non of us (or anybody else for that matter) get caught up in such a hideous situation.

    Free Member

    Fair enough, I just feel they should have put him first then they could always have left a note to ask that they are buried with him

    If I’d have been through what they went through I’m not sure I would want to go through my child’s funeral as well. Having brought up a severly disabled child maybe this was a way of putting themselves first for the first time in many years. To be honest tho’ this kind of thing is beyond rational explanation since until you’re placed in this kind of situation it is impossible to comprehend how you behave or feel. I’m sure the family will get all the sympathy they deserve

    Let’s not try and second guess what was going through their minds

    Free Member

    very sad indeed. RIP

    Free Member


    feel too for the families that they have left behind. last october one of my aunties took her own life. my mum and another aunty went to the house and had to break in only to see their ‘baby’ sister hanging in front of them framed as it were at the end of the hall.

    no-one can say why she did it (although she had a history of ‘problems/events’) but some-one said to me soon after that you must at least respect their decision.

    doesn’t help mum much though…

    Full Member

    certainly puts things into perspective

    Full Member

    I heard this in the car on the way home. I had a little cry.

    Free Member

    Lot of dust around at the moment.
    Must be the dry weather.

    Unless your the parent of a disabled child that was your life, and who had died at home four days ago, you can’t really get inside there heads.

    Free Member

    not wishing to spoil it all but, **** idjits, why kill yourselves just because your child died. How crap is that?

    (speaking as a parent)

    Free Member

    sq225917, have you ever had a child that died, thus enabling you to make such a valid comment?
    Frames of mind in cases like this are not exactly balanced. You need to experience it yourself before making judgement.

    Free Member

    I just read the story as it was on tv.

    I feel sorry for them and also the plane crash families.

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