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  • How do I improve mobile phone reception inside my house ?
  • I keep missing texts and calls because there’s no reception in my house.
    I can go outside to send a text, which isn’t too much of an inconvenience as long as it’s not raining.
    I don’t know how mobile networks work, but I’m guessing if a text is undelivered, it gets automatically resent every hour.
    This means, if I’m expecting a text, I have to leave my phone outside for a couple of hours and keep checking it.

    Is there some sort of booster aerial I can put on my roof to get a good signal indoors ?

    Free Member

    what network? if orange enable roaming, goes onto tmobile. works in my area

    Free Member

    If you’re on Vodafone, they can give you a sure signal box that connects into your broadband and works very well.

    Other than that, I’ve used boosters from here before and they worked very well – . Not cheap though

    Full Member

    move house

    Free Member

    build your house out of wood instead…….oh wait 😆

    Free Member

    Have you tried putting up big patches of tin foil around the house ? This enables you to capture and use the Placebo Effect. It’s a bit like The Force, which I hear is also good for improving wi-fi coverage.

    Blinkin’ flip, £300. I thought I’d get something from Maplins for a tenner.
    I’ll have to try to work out how to do call diversion on to my land line.

    I’m on O2, Orange gets no reception at all round here.

    Full Member

    One of my colleagues on T-Mobile got one of the repeater antenna booster gizmos, but reception is still shit.
    I’ve heard mixed reviews about the Vodafone sure signal kit too.

    Free Member

    Run mine through my wifi with orange(UMA). You have to a handset that does this though.

    Free Member

    Try this…

    Free Member

    Orange are now shipping phones with signal boost, this will route your calls and text messages over a wifi connection, and works very well.

    Free Member

    Why not contact your network provider and ask them to put a mast in your garden? That way you get better reception, and they will probably pay you too!

    Free Member

    Why not change to a provider that works in your house?

    Full Member

    I believe this man had some ideas about improving reception

    Or have you thought about trying a more old school form of communication

    Free Member

    The repeater things are illegal in the UK, doesn’t seem to stop people using them though but beware the knock on the door.

    The Vodafone Sure Signal thing is legal though (surprise, surprise) as it’s not a repeater but a femtocell which uses your broadband to provide the service.

    Isn’t there just a remote aerial I could get that plugs in, rather than a signal booster.
    There is a signal here, it’s just too weak for the internal aerial to pick up most of the time.
    It’s a Nokia X6, if that makes a difference.

    Full Member

    Get some free SIMs (or borrow) for various networks and see if you’d be better of changing.

    Free Member

    Some external aerials here – but I’d guess that you’d need to check that they’re compatible (and connectable) to you handset. Nokia used to be known as being one of the “better” handsets for reception in poor signal areas – don’t even bother to try with an iPhone . . .

    Free Member

    A number of factors to take into consideration, so looking at a network coverage map may not help with swapping providers.

    As previously stated Orange have launched UMA which means it connects over your wifi, they also now share signal with T-Mobile too. Still working on the 3G data element.

    In built coverage enhancements such as Picocells etc aren’t cheap.

    Could try and divert calls to your landline if you have one, don’t know if you can divert text too though

    Free Member

    Where abouts are you…

    I can ask network compliance if you want?

    Free Member

    The Vodafone sure signal thing does work wel, but it would irk me to have to pay Vodafone for a product designed to compensate for their poor coverage. Also if it was using my broadband I’d expect some rebate or to be charging Vodafone for carrying their traffic!

    Free Member

    Getcherself a Blackberry on Orange. Terrible phones but will work over WiFi when you’re in the house – as a thousand people have pointed out.

    Full Member

    Order a Vodaphone Sure Signal for the home office and the work’s office. Thanks to the STW forum hive knowledge – irritating problem solved (hopefully) 😀

    Free Member

    MTG – Try this:

    Made a big difference for my folks, used to get 0-1bar, now gets consistent 2.

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