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  • How do I fit my prophets front mech?
  • mangoridebike
    Free Member

    Just bought a prophet on the classifieds and the seller included a couple of front mechs in the sale. I've never seen this type before, it looks like they mount on the BB, is that right?

    Free Member

    take out bb, fit round mech, do up bb. the best thing is the mech is in the right place, no messing. worst thing is no choice where the mech fits if you have a non-standard chainset

    Free Member

    it goes around the bb (against the shell and replaces 1 drive side spacer)

    Free Member

    you need an e-type mech.

    Free Member

    as above but don't forget there's also a bolt that attaches to the bottom of the down tube.

    You can also fit a low clamp 'normal' bb which helps if you want to run a chaindevice.

    Full Member

    Bolts in behind the BB plus the bolt on the seattube.

    There should be two positions the mech can mount on its backplate. I can't remember which it is for a prophet, check the prophet manual (dale's website).

    Check your crank manual (if hollowtech) to check the relative spacer/mech positioning. The mech takes the place of one spacer, and IIRC you put the other behind the mech plate. While since I did it though…

    Free Member

    Excellent – thanks everyone

    now, next question – running the rear mech cable through the swing-arm, do you do that with the outer running the full length, or do you end the outer at the beginning and start it again when it comes out the other end?

    Also any tips for the best way of getting the cable out the other end?

    Free Member

    I just looked at the advert for the frame. The shock in the advert is a high volume one? I thought that the High volume shock did not work to well on the Prophet?
    You run a sheathed cable all the way from the shifter though the swing arm to the rear mech.

    Free Member

    Cheers GEDA

    It is a HV shock, previous owner reckoned he had no problems with it, so will try it out. However I've also read stuff about the HV not working well with the Prophet so if it doesn't work out I'm prepared to change it. I'm pretty sure its easy to change the aircan to a normal one if needs be.

    Free Member

    I just got a Prophet MX. Have not worked out totally how to set up the 12mm axle. Trying to work out if I should take it to the Alps or not. I took my normal Prophet to a downhill day last Sunday and it was great fun. Nice and light for getting air.

    Free Member

    Two Prophets! – Thats proper posh 😉

    I'm looking forward to getting mine out on the trails. I've got a set of Pikes that will be going on there to begin with, but I'm tempted by putting a set of Lyrics or similar on there, keeping them at 140mm but benefitting from the burlyness up front. Not sure about the weight penalty though.

    Full Member

    I had a prophet with both a regular and high volume shock (regular shock was shorter, to make it an SL).

    I think it worked better with the HV one, and pretty heavy damping setup. Pikes on the front.

    Free Member

    Buy and sell.

    Free Member

    How tight should the rear clamp be for the 12mm rear axle? It does not come too close together.

    Free Member

    Some info on the rear clamp here GEDA, not sure if you've seen it before or not

    Full Member

    HV shock should work OK on the prophet. IIRC there were issues with a HV on the Rush as it has a greater falling rate.

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