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  • House sales pictures: we have a new pinnacle šŸ˜³
  • scruffywelder
    Free Member

    In the name of all that is good, pure and holy, wwwwwwhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!?!

    Donā€™t EVER do psychotropics in this house


    Full Member

    I donā€™t see the problem Iā€™d move right in!

    I also spend loads of time on redfin and zillow browsing ridiculous American houses. Itā€™s how I get through afternoons at work.

    Free Member

    (stuck for anything more to add!)

    Full Member

    That is something alright. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«

    Free Member

    I love it!

    Weird feeling of relief when you open picture 72, ā€˜phew it was all a dreamā€¦ā€™

    Full Member

    63 looks like a murder room

    Full Member

    I also spend loads of time on redfin and zillow browsing ridiculous American houses. Itā€™s how I get through afternoons at work.

    Youā€™d love Selling Sunset on Netflix. Apparently.

    Free Member

    In Picture 45 it looks like they have missed the poles around the top and between the leg posts so just balanced the canopy in place. Mind you, given some of the other wood working in there it may just be a bad picture of it.

    Full Member

    Gaudi would vomit all over that.

    Full Member

    A friend of a friend viewed that house. Thereā€™s a hidden sex dungeon which isnā€™t in the photos.

    Full Member

    Its been viewed over 109000 times! it went up over 400 in the time it took me to skim the pictures.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Many questions..
    Who needs that many shelves in their cellar?
    What did they collect?
    Where did they go, did they get more shelves?

    Free Member

    Mistook gaudy for Gaudi?

    I do however,admire anyone who decides to have their home just as they want it.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    A friend of a friend viewed that house. Thereā€™s a hidden sex dungeon which isnā€™t in the photos.

    From the advert

    There is a hidden storage room in the basement which might be perfect for wine storage

    after you mop the floor and remove the gimp

    Full Member

    A dungeon, you say ?

    nice short walk from the local playground, too

    šŸ§ šŸš”šŸš”šŸš”

    Full Member

    Well, the house is in California for a startā€¦

    Personally I like it and the location!šŸ˜

    Free Member

    I meanā€¦. youā€™ve got to appreciate the amount of effort thatā€™s gone into creating that

    Full Member

    Crazy what some people do. Why would you put a bath in front of a plain glass low level window, madness!

    Free Member

    Still seems more appealing than a standard UK box from the usual suspects.

    Full Member

    Step away from the greenā€¦

    Full Member

    Reminds me of one of these 80ā€™s home makeover shows with Lawrence Bosomething,whereby the owner mentions they like Gaudi.

    Itā€™s a funny one thou not sure a few gallons of magnolias gonna sort that out.

    Full Member

    youā€™ve got to appreciate the amount of effort thatā€™s gone into creating that

    ^ thatā€™s exactly what I thought ā€“ just WoW!

    Full Member

    A friend of a friend viewed that house. Thereā€™s a hidden sex dungeon which isnā€™t in the photos.

    Photo 63 was pretty bad tbh,harsh lighting and Matt black walls :-)

    Full Member

    Still seems more appealing than a standard UK box from the usual suspects.

    Tbh itā€™s the interior decoration thatā€™s fazing people the outside is just like a normal one.

    Itā€™s weird as some of it a very Spanish way of er doing stuff inside and they do actually have spanish villa style houses in cali but that house isnā€™t.

    Full Member

    I prefer a bit of

    Full Member

    I do like that thereā€™s a lot of built in shelves. Ready for a load of tat in case you move in and think the place looks a bit bare!

    Full Member

    Iā€™ve just had a proper look now that Iā€™m on the big screen. Itā€™s a lot more, er, striking.

    Iā€™d definitely love to live in that part of the world. Imagine the fun you could have recruiting local artists to help you finish it.

    Can we all chip in and have it as an STW timeshare?

    Free Member

    Donā€™t EVER do psychotropics in this house

    Why not, looks like the previous own did. Regularly. While. Decorating.

    Full Member

    Iā€™m impressed with the house. I wouldnā€™t buy it. First time Iā€™ve looked at an American house seeking website, the detail they provide about flood risk estimates and previous sale prices is interesting. Lots of info all in one place.

    Full Member

    Ā inspired by the renowned Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi

    Does ā€œInspiredā€ have some other meaning that Iā€™m not aware of?

    Free Member

    Great house, I work in far too many houses people treat as an investment rather than a home for their exact tastes.

    Full Member

    youā€™ve got to appreciate the amount of effort thatā€™s gone into creating that

    Absolutely this. Difficult one as the next owner could come along and rip it all out which, whilst not going to be to everyoneā€™s taste, seems a shame as it almost crosses the line to a work of art rather than just interior decoration

    Free Member

    Tbh itā€™s the interior decoration thatā€™s fazing people the outside is just like a normal one.

    Tbh I was referring to the inside. The interior still trumpā€™s your typical bett homes/Stewart Milne/persimmon home.

    And itā€™s in California to boot.

    Whatā€™s not to like.

    Full Member

    Tbh itā€™s the interior decoration thatā€™s fazing people the outside is just like a normal one

    Oh! I thought it was the pool! Duh

    Full Member

    inspired by the renowned Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi

    Well, itā€™s unfinished, so that makes sense.

    I actually quite like it!

    Full Member

    Wonder why theyā€™re selling ā€“ looks like heā€™s half way through various roomsā€¦..

    Free Member

    All the expense of that customisation will be irrelevant when it comes to the sale price.
    You have to feel for the owners, clearly they put a lot of time and effort into all that tat and then have had to sell for some reason.

    Free Member

    I tihnk itā€™s great theyā€™ve made a home that they actually like, rather than some tedious beige and magnolia box with TV as the only point of interest.

    You can only hope theyā€™re selling so they can move onto a new blank canvas to improve

    Free Member

    Not actually for sale, but impressive (thereā€™s more than the opening image on the video):

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