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  • Hope TRex & 9 speed
  • MadBillMcMad
    Full Member

    Can you ?

    Free Member

    Probably not without modifying it. The spacing will be slightly too large between the cogs because 10 speed cassettes overhang the free hub a bit and so you might have to take a bit off either the hope cog or spider to get this right for 9 speed. You’d then have to add a spacer on the inside to get the right stack width so there isn’t any play. Then there’s the supports which look too high for a 34 tooth cog and might interfere with the chain.

    It doesn’t sound easy to get it perfect but might be doable.

    Full Member

    Probably more likely with a OneUp, as the use spacers, unlike the T-rex.

    Free Member

    I made an 11-40 9speed like this

    works perfectly.. but no bling value 🙂

    Full Member

    If I had had a 40t ring and a set of short chainring bolt spare i would have gone for that.

    What I am thinking is an 11-36 1×8 so I can use XT thumbshifters.

    Free Member

    you can fit any size ring onto it you have handy and space it for 8 speed too.

    PM me on PB if you want to try one.

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