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  • Hope Hoops: ZTR Flow EX and rim strip questions.
  • roverpig
    Full Member

    I’ve just received some Hope Hoops from CRC with a view to going tubeless, but have a couple of questions.

    1. They were advertised as HopePro 2 Evo hubs on ZTR Flow rims, but the stickers on the rims say ZTR Flow EX. Does the EX make any difference?

    2. The rims have a green rim strip that seems to be stuck down pretty securely with a small slit cut by the valve hole. Do I have to remove this, clean up the glue and put on the Stans rim tape that I bought, or will this green stuff do the job just as well?



    Free Member

    EX are new rims bigger and more gnarr than normal flows, you may have wrong ones.

    Green strip and all the messy gunk it leaves behind needs removing before buying 25mm Gorilla Tape from Screwfix for a few quid.

    Free Member

    Stans have discontinued the regular Flow so it could be that Hope are now using the new EX rims.

    Full Member

    Thanks. Just popped on the Nobby Nic tubeless tyres that I bought with these and they went on ok with bare hands, which was a relief. Got a tube in there now to stretch them. Also got the Stans kit, with rim tape, valves and gunk, but can I really be bothered to peel off that green tape and clean up the glue? Seems silly to sell a wheel but a tubeless rim and go to the effort of glueing on a rim strip that isn’t up to the job.

    Had a quick google on the EX rime and they do indeed appear to be stronger. Not sure how much heavier they are than the standard Flows, but stronger is probably better for me. I’m getting more into riding remote natural Scottish mountain trails so reliability is probably more important than low weight (although both are good of course).



    Free Member
    Free Member

    but can I really be bothered to peel off that green tape and clean up the glue?

    The tape on mine when they arrived was fabric style proper ‘rim tape’ type stuff. I presumed it wouldn’t seal on the tape or edges so replaced it with the plastic tape. YMMV.

    Full Member

    A photo of the tape would help… My Hope Hoops came with green cloth tape. Stans tubeless tape is yellow (but some people see it as a greenish yellow)

    Full Member

    My Flows had Hope branded green cloth tape on them when bought. Took about 10 minutes to get the tape off and replace it with the yellow Stans tape.

    There’s a short vid on the notubes website telling you how to put the tape on (key into the paint with sandpaper, clean with degreaser first, etc)

    Free Member

    I use Scotchbrite (basically a green scourer) to prepare the inside of ZTR rims (so far used Arch, Olympic, 355, Crest, Flow) and use contact cleaner to remove any grease, glue residue.

    Full Member

    Thanks all,

    It was indeed Hope rim tape and pretty easy to remove. Although it seemed well stuck down there was very little residue once it was removed. A quick rub down with some sandpaper (as I didn’t have a Scotchbrite scourer to hand), a wipe down with some brake cleaner and a good pull on the Stans tape (sticking the wheel in the trueing stand helped here) and the tape seemed to go on easy enough. Fitted the Nobby Nic Tubeless tyres (by hand) with an inner and tube and am going to leave them pumped up at 40 psi overnight before trying the tricky bits tomorrow.

    To be honest, if I can’t get the tyres to seat or seal it wont be the end of the world as inner tubes have served me well enough over the years. But I’ll give it a go.



    Full Member

    Whytf do Hope stick a non sealing rim strip on a rim that can be used tubeless? Should bung on a traditional strip or proper tubeless rim tape.(I have a Hope Hoop in the post) 😕

    Edit: Too slow. Looks like it’s a simple job then 🙂

    Free Member

    Just got the same set last week and waiting to tackle the same job on the weekend maybe. Hadnt appreciated how important it was to sand and remove all the residue from the Hope tape.

    I thought I might be able to get away with either putting some Stans tape over the top, or using some Stans rim strips I have from a Notubes kit (especially as I dont have any separate tubeless valves)

    Free Member

    no need for a rim strip with flow ex, just tape and valve
    as they are 3mm wider internally than the old flow, would a rimstrip fit/work?

    Free Member

    I got a set of Hope Evo hubs & ZTR Crest rims with a thin moulded on polystyrene type of ‘tape’. I left it on – didn’t use tape – just a valve & fluid & it has worked perfectly.

    On another bike with Superstar switch hubs & ZTR crest rims I tried to use the yellow tape – but it was wider than the inside of the rim so I just used about 3 widths of plastic electricians insulating tape with valved & fluid & this has worked well too…


    Full Member

    Well that was easier than I expected !

    After leaving them inflated at 40 psi (with a tube) overnight, today, I let them down, carefully pushed the tyre off one side, removed the tube, put in a valve (without the core), put the tyre back on (being careful not to unseat the side that was already seated) and connected a track pump. I then started pumping like fury, expecting this bit to be tricky. But the tyre just inflated and popped into place. Didn’t even use any washing up liquid. This was brand new Nobby NIc Tubeless ready tyres on Flow EX rims. After that it was simply a matter of removing the pump (letting all the air out), putting the content of one small bottle (60ml) of fluid in through the valve, putting the core back and inflating. No leaks (as far as I can tell) and no bubbles. I pumped them back to 40 psi and did the recommended disco moves, but all seems fine.

    So, all in all a pretty simple job



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