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  • Hazard perception test [RANT]
  • scuzz
    Free Member

    Scuzz, missed your edit in your first post:
    “Two clicks per hazard won’t penalise you, neither will four for the developing hazard”

    Im going to go for that technique next time. Identify hazard, click, give it a second for the computer to join in, click again, then click 4 times as it’s developing.
    That should see you through – it’s how I did it. If you get disqualified, I’ll owe you a drink 🙂

    Free Member

    So much for hazard perception. Someone should invent a test for self perception.

    Full Member

    I think computer kids would find it a doddle.
    I did lots of practice ones online first for my bike test, its easy to click too early or too much.
    Passed though.

    Full Member

    I say his attitude shows complacency ( because he did not train for / understand the test) therefore he is not as safe as he claims – because of his complacent attitude.

    It only shows a complacency towards tests, not towards driving. Stoner may approach all things in life with the same complacency (I don’t know, I’ve never met him) but there’s nothing to suggest the absolute correlation that you seem to be inferring.

    Free Member

    It’s the flagrant complaceny extended towards internet arguing I can’t abide.

    Good to see the excellent work on this thread.

    Free Member

    It’s the flagrant complaceny extended towards internet arguing I can’t abide.

    Good to see the excellent work on this thread.

    I reckon it would be a fairly easy task for one of the STW programming gurus to put together an automated “STW Thread Generator”, where you type in a topic, enter the names of the participants and then the code generates a 4 page thread, locking it immediately afterwards.

    This would give many people lots of spare time to do other things, like ride bikes and talk to humans and stuff.

    (can some please try coding this, it would be great 🙂 )

    Full Member

    LOL. You don’t think TJ is actually a real person do you? 😉

    Free Member

    Biker petition

    Not sure if STW have done this. Equally relevant to non- motor bikes. Deserves own thread?

    Free Member

    But peterfile I think the site does a sort of theraputic service for the communnity.

    Maybe Mark and co. could apply for Social services funding?

    Free Member

    don’t worry teej, junkyard reckons I’m a crap motivational speaker aswell, i think he’s just not very motivation-able.

    I cant be arsed replying – See what I did there 8)

    Free Member

    I’ve been arguing on internet newsgroups and forums for over 20 years, so fairly sure I know how to apply the usual rules of English grammar and comprehension, yet it seems the rules for winning an argument on STW are completely different. I’m fairly certain I’ve failed for attempting to argue in a logical and coherent fashion.

    What a bucket of monkey spunk.

    Free Member

    I agree with most people that the hazard perception test is a load of absolute garbage.

    However, if it actually makes new drivers think about potential hazards at all, then it may have some merit.

    In reality, people (including me when I took it for a bike test, 13 years after passing myt car test and a lot of cycling on the road ) just practise the test to be able to pass it.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    LOL. You don’t think TJ is actually a real person do you?

    Real? Define real. Seeing as none of you actually have any physical presence……………

    Full Member

    none of you actually have any physical presence

    If that’s true, Christmas and your Birthday must be really disappointing.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    If were were all the same the world would be dull.

    TJ – marching to the beat of a different zylophone ( the one in my head that talks to me)

    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post

    Full Member

    Oddly TJ’s IP address resolves to: http://www.cleverbot.com/ 😀

    Free Member

    Seeing as none of you actually have any physical presence

    well granted I am not as fat [headed] as you but that is still overstating it somewhat


    Free Member

    But peterfile I think the site does a sort of theraputic service for the communnity.

    Maybe Mark and co. could apply for Social services funding?

    I dunno, it’s only a matter of time before we see something like this in the Daily Mail:

    “Cyclist attacks group of disabled war veterans after arguing tirelessly on the internet since it was invented.

    Sources suggest the devil worshipping cyclist may also jump red lights and tolerate immigrants”

    Free Member

    In fact I wonder if stw is a government experiment to divert the efforts of numerous ****wits from properly ****ing up their employers’ businesses 😉

    Full Member

    yet it seems the rules for winning an argument on STW are completely different.

    You can never really win an argument on STW.

    You can only stop caring.

    Free Member

    I disagree GrahamS

    Free Member

    I disagree GrahamS

    No you don’t!

    Full Member

    That’s not an argument, it’s just contradiction!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    When I did the test, one of the things that crossed my mind was ‘what sort of person could possibly fail it?’.
    Now I know 😀

    Free Member

    So much for hazard perception. Someone should invent a test for self perception.


    I was involved in the design and validation of the hazard test. It went through a rigorous pilot process with, novices and experts. Was validated against a series of other similar tests, giving good concurrent validity, was tested in parallel forms over time, giving good reliability, was used as a predictor for driving test performance and incident records giving good predictive validity. It’s not something just knocked up by a bunch of folks who thought it looked good. Tell me, is you life littered with a number of tests and assessments on which you should have done well, but failed to do so, because the test had not been calibrated to cope with your awesomeness?

    Free Member

    Now that is what I call an argument

    Free Member

    *Arms catapult*

    It’s not something just knocked up by a bunch of folks who thought it looked good. Tell me, is you life littered with a number of tests and assessments on which you should have done well, but failed to do so,

    Actually no. It’s pretty much the first time Ive failed anything, so yes, a little sore about it.

    Was validated against a series of other similar tests, giving good concurrent validity, was tested in parallel forms over time, giving good reliability, was used as a predictor for driving test performance and incident records giving good predictive validity

    Im assuming this is published somewhere then?

    Free Member

    *keeps stirring*
    Give him GRAPHS

    Free Member

    Im assuming this is published somewhere then?

    Where’s Ben Goldacre when you need him? 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In fact the more I think on it, the happier I am in my opinion that it is a monkey spunk of a test regardless of the sincerity of the methodology the designers insist they used. Not one person in this thread as far as I can see has concluded that the test itself is a good test, the principle of the test is welcomed, yes, but not the test itself – even those who have passed it first time, and even TJ (which is rightly so as he hasnt sat it).

    On any google search of forum search you find the same accusations levelled at the mechanics of the test.

    How can a test designer be happy with that? It has to work in application, not just in statistical theory.

    Free Member

    Im assuming this is published somewhere then?

    Free Member

    Love it.

    93% of would be bikers pass the test – perhpas because they prepared for it?

    Stoner does not – therefore the test is at fault. the fact that other people whinge about it is proof

    Free Member

    How can a test designer be happy with that? It has to work in application, not just in statistical theory.

    On top of all this, new drivers still fail to perceive hazards.
    Ban this sick filth.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Im assuming this is published somewhere then?

    No, why would it be? This is the real world not some academic tossing off exercise.

    Free Member

    Not one person in this thread as far as I can see has concluded that the test itself is a good test

    Nope, it’s far too easy 😀

    Free Member

    No, why would it be?

    Something about someone paying someone else’s wages? 😆
    (This isn’t a personal jibe, just tacking with the winds of a typical STW argument)

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