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  • Has anyone sold a car to "we buy any car" ?
  • diz
    Full Member

    Just out of interest I put the details of my wife’s car in and it came back with a extra £1100.00 over what I’ve been offered on the trade for the new car!
    My concerns are it seems to easy, and they only put the money in my bank 4 days after taking the car or 1 day with a fee ?
    Any one got any experience of them?

    Free Member

    They offered a pal of mine £49 for his Fiat tipo… he bit their arm off, he’d been quoted £100 to get rid of it.

    Full Member

    Yes, was very happy, Sold a car to them in January, For what they gave me I could go to my local main dealer and upgrade to a newer, better, lower milage version of the same car?????

    Full Member

    A mate did, they picked up a few minor cosmetic issues that bought the price down a bit, but still better than P/X value and far less hassle than private sales especially if you’re not at home all the time. Only the most cursory of mechanical checks made, they’re more concerned about cosmetic stuff to beat the price down with – what they’ve quoted you’d only get if it was absolutely immaculate.

    The payment thing is just because 4 days is standard for most bank-to-bank transfers (although it’s generally faster now), if you want faster then CHAPS guarantees it but there’s a fee – which they pass on to you.

    Full Member

    Several years ago, I sold an old, virtual write-off to them for £120 which was about £115 more than it was worth (and only cos it had about £4.90 of fuel in it when I left it with them).

    Dead easy.
    Since then though I’ve heard several horror stories of massive under-valuing and last time I used their website for a valuation (just out of interest) it came back with a price about £1200 less than I’d expect to get on a private sale. And they kept bloody emailing me saying that I had a day left to confirm this valuation and deal with them.

    Free Member

    We were just talking about this last night. A friend of my Parent’s contacted them to inquire about off-loading his BMW – low mileage for it’s age, excellent condition. They told him over the phone they’d give him £4000. When the guy came to collect it, he inspected it and offered him £2000. When he refused to accept that the guy from WBaC got quite nasty and aggresive.

    Moral of the story: Don’t believe what they say over the phone, and don’t let them stiff you when they turn up.

    Full Member

    They got slated by the OFT a couple of years back over offering big money valuations that then became much lower once the rep was viewing the car, but by that point they could hard sell the ease of transaction. Since then from what I’ve heard their online valuations are far more realistic and the whole process a bit more transparent.

    Free Member

    They offered me £1750 less than I sold at a fair price on AutoTrader. I wouldn’t bother with them.

    Full Member

    Offered me £75 for a Bora, I sold it for scrap for £350 and the guy was over the moon at that price. Not sure why you’d pay £100 to get rid of a car?

    Free Member

    They gave me £150 last year for a scrap mk1 clio. I was down there like a shot in that little clio, fastest journey it ever did. And I took the battery back home with me too :lol:

    Not sure I’d bother getting a valuation off them for a car with any real value.

    Full Member

    They offered me the scrap value, which was fair enough, though I expect if I’d taken them up on it they’d have offered less on the day.

    My brother spent ages filling in every possible defect on their form on his scabby Combo- they offered £500, when the feller turned up he pointed to a scratch on the bumper, said “That’s longer than you said in your report” and offered £100. Then went mental when they told him to bugger off.

    Free Member

    I just scrapped my old Pajero, I put in all the details but they declined to make an offer, so they don’t buy any any any car! Then filled in a load of forms for online car breakers, all offered me scrap value of about £150. Had a look on ebay and similar spares/repairs were going for £400. Ended up selling to a guy who was honest enough to say that I’d get more on ebay but offered me £350 if I wanted to save the hassle.

    I’d stick it on ebay with an honest and full description, I might sell for more than you think.

    Free Member

    They offered a pal of mine £49 for his Fiat tipo… he bit their arm off, he’d been quoted £100 to get rid of it.

    You get £200 to scrap a car these days…….. They were taking the p1££

    Free Member

    The brother in laws GF sold her car for £1700 using it, the car needed. Couple hundred quids worth of work, they were chuffed until they told me and I said I’d have given them £3k and with the work would have been worth £4k at low book price.

    Full Member

    Mate was offered £50 for a wreck of a car. Oh and a £49.99 handling fee….

    so that a 1p

    Free Member

    Their valuations are, for the most part, ridiculous. There are stories of one or two slipping through the net where the seller has done marginally better than if selling to a trader, but generally they offer way below bottom book price.

    If you’ve got a car that has a ticking time bomb of a problem that you need shot of fast but have the conscience not to sell on privately, or you are up the creek financially (say your house boiler just blew up) and you need money fast, they’re better than an extortionate payday loan at least as you know where you stand. But otherwise, steer well clear. If you’re worried your car is too battered to ask decent money for it, stick it on eBay with a low starting price. One persons rubbish is another’s treasure. People scrap very valuable cars cos they don’t know the value of them! Heard a horror story of someone during the govt backed scrappage scheme, of someone scrapping a mint 80’s BMW 635i cos they assumed it to be worth nothing, so thought £2k off a new Ford Focus warranted sending it to the grave!

    Full Member

    I found them to be straightforward and quick and easy. I took my old Skoda to them last week and was delighted with their offer and their service it was a lot less traumatic than dealing with tyre kickers and hagglers. The only negative was my wife insisting that I take out short term insurance to enable me to legally drive to their offices.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother!!!!

    Took my car to them which they valued at £3k on website… they said maximum £2.6k when I went there, and after having wasted at least an hour of my time viewing it, taking details, checking this and that and all that crud.

    Worse, when I asked why they were offering so much less than the quoted web price despite them not picking up anything – no cosmetic, no mechanical, no nothing fault with the car, they said “Well, prices often change between the time you obtain a web quote and when you bring the car in”. When I then pointed out to them that the webquote which was just 18hrs earlier they just shrugged and said that was the price.

    Utter shysters. Total, utter waste of time.

    I was given £3k by a dealer on trade-in later that week.

    Free Member

    Where do they move them onto? Exported or Ebay?be interested in finding out.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Tried them when I was selling my old Alfa, they offered me £1,250, eventually sold it for £3,500.

    Try them, but be sure to check Autotrader first to make sure you’re not being stiffed.

    Full Member

    Thank you everyone, I will give them a try. I’ve got an appointment on Sunday morning. Will be interesting to see what happens! I will post the results.

    Free Member

    I have heard good and bad from friends . Just be prepared for a row if you decline. Good entertainment IMHO .

    Full Member

    Where do they move them onto? Exported or Ebay?be interested in finding out.

    They send most of them to auction, usually BCA branches. Go on the BCA website & search for vehicles from ‘UKCGR’ (UK Car Group Remarketing), which is We Buy Any’s parent company, the ‘Carcraft’ car supermarkets are also UKCGR companies too.

    Full Member

    Aren’t they related to the company Carcraft?

    Full Member

    They didn’t want to buy my old fiesta. We buy any car my ark… :?

    Free Member

    This thread prompted me to see what they’d offer for my ’02 Volvo S80 D5 SE, four previous owners, partial service history, 124,000 miles, cam belt done last year. £400 :-D

    Higher mileage ones have recently sold on eBay for more than five times that amount! Not that I’ll ever try selling a car on eBay again…

    Free Member

    Two years ago they offered me £200 for a 10years old immaculate low mileage Astra. Told them to bugger off and sold it on eBay for £700. Guy who bought it couldn’t believe the state it was in and was over the moon.

    Free Member

    Sold or listed? ;) 2.5k is alot for an old S80.

    Full Member

    They reduced the quote by £170 for the front tyre that i know was buggered so made £930 over what the garage had given me as a trade in and with the bonus that i now get a better deal on the new car for no trade.

    Very pleased. many thanks everyone for your help.

    Full Member

    I scrapped my Golf a few months back and got £300 for it (and they collected)…

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