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  • Happy!
  • Cougar
    Full Member

    Anyone else watching this?  New series on Netflix, I’m a couple of episodes in.

    It starts off as a typical gritty action series, very dark, about hard-boiled ex-detective turned hitman.  Then a young girl gets abducted, he gets shot, and when he comes round he start seeing the girl’s imaginary friend – a flying blue cartoon unicorn.  It’s like Breaking Bad crossed with Roger Rabbit.  I’m properly enjoying it so far, it’s stark raving genius.  Recommended.

    Free Member

    My flatmate has a rare talent of finding the weirdest stuff to watch – Happy! is a real good bit of twisted entertainment!! Was a little surprised at how violent it gets

    Free Member

    Only watched the first episode to see if I should add the series to my list for later viewing. I did, but it’s a long list, more is getting added than I can seem to get through.

    Free Member

    Netflix innit.

    So no.

    Full Member

    Watched it at the beginning of the year. It’s bloody brilliant.

    Free Member

    Started watching it earlier today. It’s pretty entertaining, i like it.

    edit: it definitely is quite dark in places!

    Full Member

    watched it earlier in the year. Its great, strange and funny in places. The insect party?

    ” I Shouldn’t have and juice I’ve had to much cocaine today”

    edit: Starting to hate windows phone…

    Free Member

    Watched it. Loved it.

    Full Member

    Now on my list ta. Right up my avenue.

    (says the person who completed Grimm!)

    Free Member

    Thanks, Cougar – hadn’t heard that this comic got adapted, so will D/L to fit in between Preacher & Better Call Saul.

    Free Member

    Bat fish mental bit of TV. Loved it!

    Free Member

    Watched a couple of episodes. Some parts of it require suspension of disbelief. The escape from the hospital seemed to go a bit too smoothly considering the odds, for instance. Amusing though, especially the bit where he kills all those people while spouting witty one-liners.

    Free Member

    Some parts of it require suspension of disbelief.

    Like the bits with the imaginary friends? 😁 😁

    Free Member

    Like the bits with the imaginary friends?

    Well, that’s the premise of the show, so, within that universe the imaginary friend makes sense. Being off your face on drugs after being shot, then drinking a pot of coffee and fighting off an army of bad guys is a bit hard for me to believe though.

    Also, if you like the mad ultraviolence kind of thing, Preacher might appeal. If anything, even crazier than Happy!

    Full Member

    The pebble dashed wall plus face scene made me cringe a little, which is tough given how generally desensitised I am!

    Full Member

    3 episodes in and very much enjoying it

    Full Member

    Very Deadpool

    Free Member

    Well, that’s the premise of the show, so, within that universe the imaginary friend makes sense. Being off your face on drugs after being shot, then drinking a pot of coffee and fighting off an army of bad guys is a bit hard for me to believe though.

    I take your point, as it is set in “the real world”. But as it’s taken from a comic book anything goes??

    The imaginary friends stuff, I guess, can be viewed as magic realism.

    Free Member

    Very Deadpool

    Studio pitch: “it’s Harvey meets Deadpool”?

    Full Member

    Studio pitch: “it’s Harvey meets Deadpool”?

    I’ve been describing it as an 18 Cert “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” (similar to the OP’s decription)

    Free Member

    Watched five this week. Me and Mrs. S are hooked. It’s fanbleedintastic!

    Full Member

    so right.

    Full Member

    I’m hooked too . Very dark and funny.

    team umizumi (children’s programme on same channel) will never be the same as it really sounds like Happy!

    Full Member

    Bringing this thread back as a bit of a psa, season 2 has started. Just about to dive in.

    Full Member

    Yup started beginning of the week I watched E1 after nights so need to watch it again as I fell asleep. 😂

    Full Member

    Cool, had forgotten about this :-)

    Full Member

    Woohoo! Cheers for the heads-up.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately this will be the last series too as it’s been cancelled 😕

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