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  • Hampshire Riding
  • plyphon
    Free Member

    There’s loadsa singletrack round Lyndhurst, more pedally and trialsy than gravity assisted though. Oh and it’ll all be cheeky. Still better than trying to get in and out of there in a car at the weekend.

    Thats ideal – any idea where to start looking?

    Full Member

    Chawton Park Wood– not been there for donkeys but seem to remember some single track. Is it still there and easy to follow? Thanks.

    Free Member

    I know Chawton Park Wood quite well, and for a period of 10 years or so, would ride in them at least once a week, although since moving from Alton my visits are probably once or twice a month now. Took daftvader round there a month or so ago, good ride it was too :-)

    There’s a reasonable amount of single track and cheeky trails, some less obvious than others and since the winter storms, some have some new and as yet indistinct diversions. generally, when you spot a cheeky trail off one of the main paths, it will be worth heading off and following it. You won’t get lost!

    If you follow a north-ish direction, you can link up with Bushey Leaze woods, just outside of Alton, by a trail opposite the Jubilee playing fields at their southernmost, , ‘Sleazy Bushes’ are slightly smaller than CPW, but again, quite a few trails to have fun on.

    Full Member

    Excellent info, thanks slackalice. 8)

    Free Member

    Frogstomp, am just a little bit upstream of you, then! Difficult arranging rides around work and v young family, but will keep an eye out! What do you ride? Spesh Enduro is my usual gnarpoon.

    Free Member

    I chickened out of map reading tonight and went for a blat round swinley. Mighty fun it was too, even got my first 2 wheel drift of the year too… I’m so hardcore :lol:
    Is anyone other than slackalice interested in a midweek mincers trip to Afan on the. 9th of July?

    Free Member

    Hi all, this is being written on board the Eurostar on which I have just purchased and consumed probably the worst pizza in the world. I may be ill later!

    On Sunday I was eventually given a pass out mid afternoon for a quick play at QE, sorry BS :-(. Met a chap who pointed me in the direction of some new trails built for a recent race. Didn’t have the time to investigate on Sunday so I went back Monday night to have a look around and found that they were quite fun. The two routes I found both had drop offs that I bottled but apart from that I strayed in and came out unscathed.

    The downside of the new trails is that they spit you out right at the lowest point of QECP and the only way home is up! Legs were killing me the following day, need to get one of those electric bikes :-)

    Free Member

    Buy your food at the M&S and take it on the train. Ditto in Paris for the return, buy something at the Boulongerie. The Eurostar is ok for cold beer though ! I’m on the 8am on Saturday.

    Earn those turns John 8) I look forward to being shown them sometime.

    Full Member

    Normally a Scott Scale or Salsa Spearfish round here…

    Free Member

    Will keep an eye out! Still learning the local trails here, having moved in November.

    Free Member

    Arse. Off the bike for another 2 weeks whilst steroid jab takes effect. :x

    Free Member

    johnj2000 – next time you get a pass out, post up and I’ll show you the ‘fun’ stuff. I’m only a few minutes ride from QE

    Free Member

    Whats Hampshire riding like at the moment?

    I’ve not been down for a few weeks and I’m missing it :?

    Has it dried up a bit down on the Hamble? or up in the Downs? Or what are the lanes like ?

    Gotta get back home soon before I become a shivering wreck :lol:

    Free Member

    @bikebouy it was a bit soggy in the usual places (eg on bw between Hamble and Burseldon) but generally dry and running ok (standard Hamble/Manor Park loop). Biting insects where out in force mind.

    Free Member

    Hi Mork will probably be there sat and sun morning or possibly sun evening. Any good?

    Full Member

    xc riding is shockingly overgrown, full body cover is the order of the day. Been fighting my way through tracks, even ones such as Stephen’s Castle Down that I thought was well used.

    Use ’em or lose ’em!

    Free Member

    check last week on a ride behind Dummer and the Candovers I got torn to shreds… Was thinking of getting some kind of shin protection. Is there anything out there that is light and scratch resistant rather than designed for impact??

    Free Member

    Years ago I had some orienteering bramble bashing shin pads that were ideal protection against brambles. Not sure if they’re still available. Not body armour in the normal bike sense, just a really simple shield against thorns.

    Free Member

    @daftvader, football shin pads – you can get some which don’t need long socks. Take some secateurs and trim the brambles. I seem to suffer worse on the forearms and agree that the “alpine” body armour is a bit over the top.

    Full Member

    Night ride earlier in the week felt like pedaling lengthways through the middle of a hedge. the brambles and stingers are on the attack!!

    Free Member

    check last week on a ride behind Dummer and the Candovers I got torn to shreds…

    Oh dear, looks like I’m going to get shredded at Sunday’s Trailtrax then! Still, rather that than a mudbath :)

    CF do bramble bashers work on a bike then? Not got any myself but seen them at foot orienteering events, I’m sure they are still available to buy.

    Full Member

    These ‘bramble bashers’ – years ago I bought some shin protection and *(I think* they were from CRC who don’t seem to sell them now. Very lightweight.

    I wear knee length socks and the bamboo ones are so comfy and not at all sweaty. In addition I wear knee warmers. Only wear long sleeved tops but at least I can roll up the sleeves. A fright? Oh yes. :lol:

    Reckon the trails are the most overgrown I’ve ever seen and that’s going back donkey’s years.

    What’s disappointing is that the horses don’t seem to be flattening the growth, perhaps it’s too hot for them to come out!

    Free Member

    Didn’t wake up earlier enough to go to QE this morning so just did a bridle way out and back. I feel like someone has flayed me with nettles and brambles then sprayed me with a coating of glue and stuck every manner if insects all over me! It’s dangerous out there!

    Free Member

    Tbf it’s not so much the brambles as the grasses and the sticky weed which is just vicious…. However just found these at winstanleys…. May be worth a go.

    Full Member

    Just checked and it’s Scratch Guardz that I have. Actually, football socks would do the trick and they’ll be less sweaty. Again, I must sing the praises of bamboo socks. :D

    Free Member

    Jeez! Nettles, brambles, long grass, lightweight protection!! What a bunch of southern softies!! :wink:

    A bit of Histamine in your system will do you the world of good and as for scratches from brambles and long grass, wear them as badges of honour, rites of passage yadda yadda!! :wink:

    Spring 2001 was the last time I remember there being so much abundant growth in plant form, following another very wet winter and spring.

    I quite like the post-ride tingling forearms and shins, although not so keen on the brambles that seem to behave like Triffids that wrap themselves around limbs and particularly the inside of the elbow.

    Thanks for the link DV! :wink:

    Free Member

    It’s the feeling of having lightly filleted shins I didn’t like slackalice!!! :lol:
    And I guess I’d better order myself some before you lot buy them all :wink:

    Full Member

    Hope everyone had a better day than me. :D

    Rubbish ride, sick of fighting my way through assorted high yield whatever it was growing, couldn’t navigate for toffee and had left gps at home.

    Only one thing for it – abort ride and go to the pub! So tempted by the beer on offer but, in the end, plumped for a pot of tea. :oops:

    On the positive side though, very impressed with my new 5:10s that are so better suited to Summer. 8)

    How did you guys get on?

    Free Member

    Still no riding for me… Washed and polished the car instead of :cry:

    Full Member

    Bad luck daftvader. How much longer?

    Free Member

    Week before the road bike and 2 before mountain bike…. Ish!!!

    Full Member

    Hang in there, not long!

    Free Member

    Squeezed in a brief local spin earlier, between parenting duties, then home in time for a nice spot of lunch.

    Which was nice.


    Free Member

    Weeeeellllll I span out on another Hell of the North route, yesterday’s was the 2014 which I did the opposite way, today I did the 2012 version the right way.
    Sunny as a sunny hot dry day in another country, loads of folks on bikes, some sexier than mine (which is impossible :lol: ) and some rather fetching Female varieties stretching their legs too, to which it took me 4ks following them until I had to turn left to follow my route, shame, lovely view 8)

    Free Member

    Cheers cg… I’d only just got my fitness back from the last break after getting more of my tattoo done… Ho hum… Hopefully this cortisone jab will be the last of the long line of crap I’ve put up with on my wrist…

    Free Member

    I thought I’d offer it up here…. I’m off to BPW with another local riding buddy on the 6th July

    We’ve got uplift booked, and the ‘third’ person can’t make it now.

    They’ve not paid me for the ticket, so if anyone here wants to come with us (there’s room in the car for another person & bike leaving from Clanfield / Horndean area) and wants to give me £30 you’d be more than welcome!

    Free Member

    Sounds like a fine way to spend a day Mork, thanks for the invite. Personally I will be tied to a desk all day but feel free to enjoy yourself while the rest of us slave away :-)

    Free Member

    Hang on! July 6th is a Sunday not Monday hmmmm
    M I need to consider this further and talk to the boss.

    Free Member

    Bottled it again tonight, just can’t get the nerve up to ride off.

    Full Member

    Ha funnily enough I rode off that this afternoon, you weren’t the chap with the norco were you?

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