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  • Grand Designs last night- anyone watched?
  • hora
    Free Member

    Saddos here but, for me the kitchen was amazing- I was very sceptical about this ‘un and they must have had very very deep pockets!

    Full Member

    I liked it but the better ones are where the owner has “suffered”.

    Hiring a team of deigners and builder then throwing £1,000,000 is easy. I want to see them chipping off old paint for 18 hours a day in freezing conditions.

    Full Member

    I wasn’t impressed. A lot of money for something not that grand with very close neighbours.

    Full Member

    I watched it on Wednesday and really wasn’t keen. I thought the outside ultimately didn’t look that historical, and the inside was just not very homely at all. There were a couple of points in the middle where the wife seemed rather miffed with the whole undertaking… And I thought it funny that at no stage did they mention the neighbours’ house, less than 100m away. They must have been raight miffed with the building for 2 years…

    Free Member

    agree with the comments

    i watched the one last night where the couple renovated the water works..

    the mother of all renovations…

    Free Member


    I take it none of you will want to move in next door then!

    Free Member

    There were ‘deadspots’ that I thought the Architects could have utilised better and the stairway was hidieous. It would have been better going for a standard lookatusmodern glass walkway and in parts it definitely looked like a vistors centre but the back living area was mental! Get some creeping vines growing on the frontage and it will be stunning. I was utterly cringing at the begining- some foundations above ground level etc and thought the programme was going to be a car-wreck of ‘we are trying to extend a loan/mortgage etc’.

    Free Member

    he was a right **** though wasn’t he?

    Full Member

    Like justa I thought the waterworks was a fantastic effort by a couple who knew nothing and had bugger all money when they started out. It was the first episode I saw and set my expectations of what the show was about- sadly too many episodes have been about throwing pots of cash at a pile of bricks or stones.

    Free Member

    That guy with the church too, with the disabled son, who had about 10K, that was great.

    Full Member

    I seemto have become addicted to Location Location…i saw one last night with this guy that looked like, well I dunno really, pointy Jimmy Hill chin, weird wife, odd relationship, eco-loonie but actualyl seemed to be doing it more for attention. They ended up buying a mess with a rooted water wheel and a pad in brighton for his bum mates to come round and molest him while his wife video taped it*

    Anyway, i hate architects, especially my architects who seem to have taken our budget and accidentally designed somethign that could possibly be built with a following wind for almost double. Somehow they fail to see the error of their ways. Maybe we should go on Grand Designs…..

    * I made that bit up.

    Full Member

    The forester guy, who built his house out of his trees, and straw bails- that was the best one. The rest, nice as they are, you could just buy one like it, but that guy it realy meant something to him. (sorry for sounding a bit ****tish!)

    Full Member

    Yeah i agree that dude in the forest was incredible. And also the couple that did that place in Leith

    Free Member

    Agree 100% with the above posts – the guy in the forset and the couple in the water works were the only ones which weren’t annoying.

    It’s just an unbelievably formulaic and repetitive show which 9 times out of 10 is just bankers, architects and the like throwing money at vanity projects which invariably results in some modernistic, austere, clinical Bauhaus-esque w**k fests. Which of course Mcloud loves. Sickens my sh*t.

    Free Member

    Isn’t there a new series starting soon….anybody know when?

    Full Member

    Where the heck do a relatively young couple get £1m to spend on a house though…

    Free Member

    Wednesday at 9pm isnt it?

    I must admit I like the ones where they know its a challenge from the start, struggle but pull off a successful project.

    Free Member

    Where the heck do a relatively young couple get £1m to spend on a house though…

    Banking Bonus, Previous Property Appreciation, Mortgage.

    Not too hard I imagine

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