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  • Gary lineker
  • PrinceJohn
    Full Member

    I can’t decide is he’s a legend or an idiot, but he’s certainly brave and a man if his word

    Full Member

    Oh very brave standing in a pair of shorts.

    Full Member

    He was clearly reluctant to do it, never thinking he’d actually have to, but he’d said he would. So….. fair play to him. Very brave. For anyone.

    I’d imagine there are a whole world of blokes in far worse shape who’d be more than happy to do it in their nickers or less. Everything’s relative :lol:

    Free Member

    What Drac says. A pair of thick white shorts with pants underneath Inwould wayer. Hardly a Beckham / Armani ad was it ?

    Free Member

    Overpaid bellend.

    Free Member

    Tbh better a belt and braces than a glimpse of

    Overpaid bellend

    Full Member

    Harmless enough guy, stands by his convictions, maybe a few politicians could learn a thing or two…..

    Free Member

    I really don’t think you’d want to see politicians in their underpants.

    Full Member

    The guy wore shorts like that for years whilst kicking a footbal around, arguably shorter ones.

    Free Member

    Good on him, has a sense of humour unlike a lot in here ;)

    Free Member

    Y-Fronts or GTFO.

    Full Member

    Why didn’t he do it at the end of the season? Perhaps he needed the summer to get in shape?
    Anyway it’s not really much of a challenge in baggy boxers, Tom Daley’s swimming trunks maybe…

    Free Member

    Don’t blame fur working out – Gotta look good on TV!

    Free Member

    “challenge” to publicise
    and sell more
    not really

    Free Member


    Free Member

    He is a thoroughly unpleasant piece of ****. My contempt for him knows no bounds.

    Full Member

    He’d get thrown out of Saintsbury’s

    Full Member

    why are all
    as free form verse

    Free Member

    Lol Kimbers…

    Free Member

    They’re not shorts.

    The 1980s. Where real men had mullets and wore theirs shorts so tight they squeaked when they walked:

    Full Member

    I know someone whose work brought him into contact with him. I don’t know who was more gutted, him to personally find his idol had feet of clay or me to hear about it second hand. Always looked up to him as a sportsman, apparently he’s not worthy of that.

    Full Member

    Drac – Moderator

    Oh very brave standing in a pair of shorts.

    If you’re scared of it then you’re brave to do it. I’m scared of moths, so it’s brave of me to go in a room with moths in, even though being scared of moths is completely pathetic.

    Full Member

    Sorry. couldn’t resist. :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve also heard many a rumour from those supposedly ‘in the know’, that Barry Spinneker was somewhat liberal when it came to putting it about with the make-up staff, production staff etc, particularly when he was doing ‘They Think It Is All Over’ twenty odd years ago.


    Full Member

    @martinhutch, your dog is funny looking

    Full Member

    If you’re scared of it then you’re brave to do it. I’m scared of moths, so it’s brave of me to go in a room with moths in, even though being scared of moths is completely pathetic.

    He wore shorts in his former career.

    Free Member

    He wore shorts in his former career.

    But perhaps he always felt embarrassed doing it front of a crowd/TV cameras ?

    You never know…… in which case, yes – very brave.

    Full Member

    Given past performance, a pair of white boxers was a very brave choice.

    Free Member

    Given past performance, a nappy would have been the most appropriate choice of attire.

    Free Member

    It’s not the most amazing thing anyone’s ever done but I can’t really see why you’d knock him for it?
    He said he’d do it, now he’s done it, where some might have wriggled out of it. And saying he shouldn’t be bothered by it because he wore shorts in his playing days seems a strange argument.

    Free Member

    Mr Linekers salary is more than the combined amount that the Scottish, Welsh and Norn Irish leagues get from the BBC.

    I appreciate that this is not his fault, it’s the Beeb but it still gets my goat. Thing is, people watch MOTD to see the action, not to see him, I don’t see the value in his massive salary.

    Free Member

    I don’t see the value in his massive salary.

    I totally agree.


    Mr Linekers salary is more than the combined amount that the Scottish, Welsh and Norn Irish leagues get from the BBC.

    Why should the BBC give money to these Leagues? The only one that has any large audience is the Scottish League and they sold their rights to Sky and BT.

    Full Member

    theotherjonv – Member
    Given past performance, a pair of white boxers was a very brave choice

    Yep! :D

    Free Member

    I appreciate that this is not his fault, it’s the Beeb but it still gets my goat. Thing is, people watch MOTD to see the action, not to see him, I don’t see the value in his massive salary.

    IDK, without him and the rest of the pundits how is the pub bore supposed to sound informed when spouting off about how Basildon wanderers latest signing from the 3rd tier German leagues has transformed their midfield?

    I’ve no problems with his salary, or most others, they need/want ex footballers to present the show so you need:
    1) a Footballer that everyone knows
    2) that can talk/present well
    3) that has enough tactical insight to know what’s going on
    4) hasn’t gone into management as a result of the first 3.

    It’s a very small pool to raw presenters from, and I bet Sky/BT/ITV would pay him the same or more if they could poach him.

    Otherwise you end up with the painful to watch Claire Balding at the velodrome asking Hoy why the sprinters don’t do the pursuit if they’re faster.

    Free Member

    Why should the BBC give money to these Leagues? The only one that has any large audience is the Scottish League and they sold their rights to Sky and BT

    Because the folks in those 3 countries pay their licences too?. And BBC have TV and radio rights for Scottish football btw too.

    I’ve no problems with his salary, or most others, they need/want ex footballers to present the show so you need:
    1) a Footballer that everyone knows

    Nonsense, Des Lynam did alright, so well infact that GL has pretty much modelled his style on him.

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