I didn't know this was a thing until reading about it on various news sites today.
Hillarious! It's properly hit the spot, has this
Reported spam.
Oh, very good!
"wall of gammon" is my favorite
There's probably a serious medical point to be made about diet, exercise & definitely blood pressure here.
Just nothing forrin.
The big question is, egg or pineapple?
Gammon, gammon
What's even more funny/ironic is the racist Gammonites claiming calling them red faced is racist, you couldn't made it up if you tried.
That's exactly it footflaps. You can also read it the other way too, that the anti-racist left are being a bit racist. Nobody really winning, but very very funny, especially the right being so wound up!
Those I am not a robot tests are getting tougher:
It really is a brilliant metaphor. The beauty is, you don't need to try to reason with them anymore (which is an impossible task anyway) just constantly talk over them saying "Gammon!" loudly in a variety of amusing voices and watch as they slowly get more and more gammon-like before having a heart attack and keeling over.
I don't think it is racist - you could definitely have a gammon-of-colour (it's more about the way they act, really, than how they look) but no examples really spring to mind. Certainly I have encounted female gammon before so it isn't sexist either!
Other than gammon, what is this thread about?
White, middle aged men being marginalised.
White, middle aged men [s]being[/s] feeling marginalised.
ftfy. well I would have done if the BBCode worked... [edit] it did! just not in preview.
They Don't Like It Up 'Em!
I'd happily wear a 'Libtard' tee-shirt. I doubt they would enjoy a 'Gammon' one.
What about the vegetarians ? We can't marginalise them.
I wasn't aware of this until yesterday, coincidently I also had gammon for tea.
I think the people claiming it's racist are just 'hamming' it up.
FFS Wwaswas, these poor men are having their very existence erroded! Plus, how can you feel marginalised if you don’t have feelings? Not like those bloody commie lefty snowflake libtards
The same people saying it's racist probably don't see an issue with the name they use for the corner shop.
corner shop
The same people saying it’s racist probably don’t see an issue with the name they use for the corner shop.
One Stop?
You say that... when they were discussing this on R2 yesterday there were a fair few people phoning/texting in saying they were "Gammon & Proud!"I’d happily wear a ‘Libtard’ tee-shirt. I doubt they would enjoy a ‘Gammon’ one.
Handy chart for working out exact Gammon flavour....
David Gammeron?
must be some swatches missing... doesn't even mention gay marriage, cyclists or people on benefitsHandy chart for working out exact Gammon flavour….
The bar at my local is like a supermarket meat isle
"That’s exactly it footflaps. You can also read it the other way too, that the anti-racist left are being a bit racist."
It was started by brexiteers to slag off David Cameron. And no it isn't even a bit racist.
I've read all thirty posts in this thread, and I have no idea what it is about.
I’ve read all thirty posts in this thread, and I have no idea what it is about.
Watch Question Time and then ask yourself what have all the pro-Brexit attendees got in common (other than racism, homophobia, an irrational hatred of foreigners etc).
Older than you think...
Best gammon: Countryside Alliance
Best porkers: Wetherspoons
I just see it as picking on peoples appearance TBH. Two wrongs don't make a right.
"rene59 wrote,
I just see it as picking on peoples appearance TBH"
It's not really though- I mean, my dad looks like a gammon steak, but he's not gammon because it's not just looks, it's about the spluttering and pointing and rage. It's a look rather than an appearance.
Michael Gammon
It's still using a physical characteristic to point out a behavioural one. Funny how many of those banding the term about would make a big deal of someone doing the same in another situation.
People turn red when they get angry. That's not a physical characteristic, it's a physiological one.
it’s about the spluttering and pointing and rage
If I were to watch QT I would be as angry as those people above but I'd be shouting abuse at those ****ing racist ignorant ****s.
Does that make me a (potential) gammon?
There again I 'm sensible enough not to watch QT.
Gammon feel the noize...
At best its childish bullying at worst its racism. No different from chocolate drops, golly wogs, tiddly winks etc
Just because its funny and helps you score points in an argument doesn't make it ok.
Your opinion is invalid because you have X physical characteristic.
Ha Ha.
I genuinely found it funny when I came across it and I can can see it the irony of using it against people who are spouting discrimination against other groups ("wimmin", "foriners" etc. etc.).
But the more it develops, its less about irony and more about just bundling people together in a group and treating them all the same.
The beauty is, you don’t need to try to reason with them anymore (which is an impossible task anyway) just constantly talk over them saying “Gammon!” loudly
Shouting people down is easier, not better.
I’ve read all thirty posts in this thread, and I have no idea what it is about.
that makes you one off them
In not sure corbyn would be gammon his diet rich in pulses & free of red meat probably results in low blood pressure.
I'd agree it could be bullying, racist ? I suppose the whole frothing angry red face shows up most on us white folk, am I gammon too*?
I see it more as picking on people for being old & unhealthy, possibly working class, rather than racism
*especially when Farage is on QT & my bp is up!
Just another divisive gift to the already divided nation, borne of brexit
exactlyShouting people down is easier, not better
I think the people relating this term solely to physical characteristics have totally missed the point.
At best its childish bullying at worst its racism. No different from chocolate drops, golly wogs, tiddly winks etc
It's not racism. If you've got a red face from eating too much, drinking too much, smoking, not taking any exercise, and getting angry after reading the Daily Mail, then this is the result of your lifestyle choices. And it's completely valid to point out the effects of your lifestyle choices on your appearance, and to infer possibly deeper cognitive issues that may result from those choices.
And it’s completely valid to point out the effects of your lifestyle choices on your appearance, and to infer possibly deeper cognitive issues that may result from those choices.
Is it, fatty?
An [s]eye for an eye[/s] gammon for a snowflake turns the whole world blind.
While it's quite amusing to have a word to use in retaliation to snowflake, I agree that it's ultimately just name-calling and not very helpful.