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  • Friday discussion – Chalk and protest content….
  • richc
    Free Member

    sofatester last time I rang the police (to report some people breaking into a pensioners house by smashing through the windows) it took me 20 minutes to *explain* what was going on, and then after waiting a further 25 minutes I called some of my cousins and we went around to confront the people breaking into the house (who ran off), 1 hour later the Police turned up and said no one was there.

    Who would have thought it 1hr 45mins after the 1st call about a vulnerable pensioners house being broken into and the people doing it had gone.

    We asked them why it took so long especially considering the Police station is a 10 minute drive away, and they refused to comment.

    Full Member

    richc maybe they were testingsofas 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had the police use Anti Terrorist laws to stop and search me.

    A young, white, middle class british male with a animal backpack. The yellow form the gave to me stated they were searching for firearms and explosives; they confiscated my cider and threatened to knick me for being rude.
    The british police are using laws brought in for apparent serious public safety to survey and intimidate normal people. My sister, who is under 16 had the law used to search her bag. We are slowly losing all our civil liberties.

    When I got beaten up, quite badly the police did sweet FA, even though they had two patrol cars in the area and even stopped and spoke to the guys earlier they said they didn’t have sufficient evidence to do anything. They guys were from a well know rough family. All faith lost and don’t even talk to about PCSOs.

    Do they know it is illegal to impersonate a police man?

    Free Member

    If you’re interested in crap arrests (oh, and the occasional civil liberty), then you’d do worse than to follow Schnews (, I think). Based in Brighton, it’s like a political fanzine, sent out by email once a week. A regular feature is “Crap Arrest Of The Week” – and it’s from reading that I can tell you that this is not the first time someone has been arrested for chalking on the road/pavement, it’s has already happened some years ago. Can’t remember the details though.

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