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  • Free Car!
  • freeform5spot
    Free Member

    Well, probably not but you never know!

    Had a hire car for work 2 weeks ago (big old Vauxhall Vectra ordered throuh ha 3rd party brokerage that work uses) and, as per the hire agreement, after finishing with it put the car keys under a flower pot.

    Car still out front at the moment.

    Did a bit of digging and the hire company has gone bust.

    Question: Anyone want a big old Vauxhall Vectra??!! :lol:

    Free Member

    Move it somewhere and lie low for a while.

    Free Member

    yeah lay low

    you wont be able to drive it as you wont be covered by the insureance also when it needs new tax you wont be able to as you will not have the log book/reminder as it will go to them!!

    sell it to a scrapper cash in hand no questions asked secenario

    Free Member

    is it on your drive? If so write a letter to them saying you’re going to be charging them £150 a day ‘storage / parking’ fees…

    Full Member

    write a letter to who, if they went bust?

    Free Member

    The administrators, by the time they get round to you if the bill is big enough you might be able to negotiate to keep the car in leiu of payment.

    Free Member

    no drive but will send them a letter saying that I am charging them for the daily safe storage of the keys (£10 a day from the date the company went into administration) plus a to be negitiaed price for taking up parking space in front of the house.

    Or they could just buy me a Gravity dropper and we’ll call it quits! :P

    Full Member

    negitiaed price for taking up parking space in front of the house.

    if its public road there is nothing you can about that.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t belong to you. It’s taxed and insured and therefore it’s legally parked outside your house. Possession of the keys doesn’t give you some kind of “hold” over the car. The hire company will have creditors – some of them self-employed cleaners, car valeters. It may also have employees who have not been paid wages. Charging for “key storage” is just selfishness…I’d give you a penny a day and make you collect and sign for it.

    It’s all very well to try and take the piss out of some company because it’s just a business name, but there are human beings behind the business who are now wondering how their mortgage will be paid for the next few months. Do the decent thing and ring the administrators and tell them there is a car belonging to the hire company outside your house.

    Full Member

    As deadly said.

    Although there’s probably some mileage in offering a cheeky sum to the Administrator, if one has been appointed.

    Free Member

    The rental company probably doesn’t even own the car, and there will be a second set of keys somewhere so someone will just come and collect the car once they’ve worked out where it is.

    Your best bet is to call the company/administrators and remind them where the car is and ask what they want you to do with the keys. Better to be shot of the whole thing asap – but make sure you have a paper trail of who you handed the keys over to and when.

    Free Member

    Yeah agree with above… The admins will prob send it for auction so if its half decent then put in a cheeky offer and you never know!

    Free Member

    Don’t leave it sitting! If they go over the inventory and discover it was rented but hasn’t been returned they’re perfectly within their rights to report it as stolen, and good luck explaining that to the Police! (would look good for their cleanup figures!).

    Should be easy enough to find out who’s handling the company winding up and give them a call.

    Free Member

    Be careful what you do here.

    The creditors can claim for the rental from when it should have been returned, which as you dont have a signature could be tricky for you

    Or again as you dont have paperwork saying its been returned its still your responsibility if something happens to it in the meantime

    Free Member

    rental agreement is for it to be left on the street after the period ends and so I am not liable for anything now.

    drafted a letter to the administrators offering them a grand so fingers crossed! :wink:

    Free Member

    you could always just eat cake: my uncle has been signed off work for being too fat to work. so now he gets a disability car – a car they wanna give him a **** bike!

    Free Member

    balls – they picked it up.

    *puts plans for fleet of bling bikes on hold* :|

    Free Member

    Its a Vauxhall? Pretty soon GM will go bust and it will be worthless anyway.

    Free Member

    balls – they picked it up.

    Did you really expect anything different?

    Free Member

    lol, company owes lots of people money, company owns assets, administrators move in and try to work out where they can get cash to pay off debts, freeform assumes cars belonging to bust companies become lost souls floating around the roads, is upset when car is removed for sale….

    Free Member

    stranger things have happened!

    Free Member

    how do you know some fly STW bod has been round your house looking for a plant pot with keys under it and nabbed the Vectra? Would you then be an accessory to the theft for telling folk about it?


    Free Member

    probably, but the £50 left in place of the keys will go a long way to buying my silence!

    Free Member

    Its a Vauxhall? Pretty soon GM will go bust and it will be worthless anyway.

    Since when did a car company going bust render all existing vehicles worthless? Do they all just stop working?

    Free Member

    Since when did a car company going bust render all existing vehicles worthless?

    Would you buy a Rover?

    Full Member

    Not after the last one I bought, no. Unless it’s a Land Rover of course.

    On the other hand, I would buy an old Bugatti, or maybe a Saab.

    Free Member

    The administrators will have you for it.

    Is it worth it?

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