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  • Free bondage equipment – who can I give it to [ fnar fnar]
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    Ok now someall of you wont believe me here but for a rather complicated reason I am in the position of trying to help a friend dispose of thousands of pounds worth of bondage equipment [ it may need a clean 8O ]. There is everything you could possibly imagine and more – full size man cot anyone?
    Now rather than just bin all this is there any way to get rid of this or somehwere to send it- charity ??? support group ???

    It cannot be sold it has to be given away

    My intial thoughts were public schools, tory party and the catholic church :wink:

    i think it is highly unlikely that anyone has a serious suggestion but I lay it open to the hive mind…and hope the moderators will let me get away with this – nop access to mail or I would have checked this was ok first

    It is a serious question and it is a friend who has this issue

    Full Member

    a friend who has this issue

    yeah right :lol:

    Free Member

    is there enough for me to safely change the theme of my wedding to bondage whether the guests like it or not? (getting into the theme see!)

    Full Member

    Car boot sale?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    donate it to church jumble sale

    Full Member

    Is there any high pressure enema equipment?

    Free Member

    Bondage forum? C’mon, they must exist, surely.

    Free Member

    Hmmm used gimp mask anyone?

    Full Member

    I’d love to know the back story on this.

    If you gave itto a support group maybe they could have a whip round for charity?

    Free Member

    It cannot be sold, it is a friend [ female] and it is not hers either.

    Phil yes that is a winner if you are serious – e-mail in profile

    Free Member

    Will it fit in the back of a skoda?

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Local dodgeball team?

    Free Member

    No yeti apparently it is nearly a house full 8O
    you would need a luton van minimum

    Full Member

    Just flog it to your local correction parlour, mine’s always looking for lightly soiled equipment.

    Free Member

    Dobbo – Member

    Just flog itI see what you did there…

    Full Member

    Johnny – give Illusions in Bolton a bell.

    Free Member

    Have you got any pictures? I’m after some form of machine thing… hard to describe it.. do you know if any of them have motors… ideally electric?

    Free Member

    Is it lunar at all?

    Free Member

    Myeh heh heh.


    Free Member

    I assume you have the number Mr Sparkle?

    Free Member

    Well, I’m looking forward to my invite

    Full Member

    There’s a place near me which needs it for a refit…

    Business as usual at New Forest sex club[/url]

    “The New Forest is famous for many forms of recreational activity but this is one that adds nothing to its reputation.”

    Party poopers :o

    Free Member

    I wonder what the rubber suits are like to cycle in, perhaps the mag can do a feature on this, a special Bondage Grinder, may help the readership :?

    Full Member

    Gimme half an hour to sort a van out and me and Wors will be round later…. no questions asked.

    Full Member

    I’ll get back to you, a bit tied up at the moment…..

    Free Member

    I have just called a friend of mine who happens to be very… erm… committed to an alternative lifestyle, he has a warehouse, a van and would like to know more.

    EDIT: Ah, no access to mail. Perfectly serious though if you want it all gone quickly. Cheers!

    Full Member

    This thread id bound to do well :)

    Most imaginative troll ever

    Full Member

    JY I know of a few forums where you could unload it pretty quickly i reckon


    PM if you need help!

    Free Member

    torm it is in the North west if that helps

    Free Member

    He has a distribution network as part of his business and has drivers moving around the country all the time. If you want it shifted quickly, I am sure he would oblige. Email is in profile.

    Free Member

    Someone ram-raided the wrong shop?

    On the offchance you’ve got one I’m after one of these –

    Full Member

    Best thread ever :lol: this is going in the favorites!

    Free Member

    On the offchance you’ve got one I’m after one of these

    Hm, I was expecting one that I’d seen in a ahem, video… :grin:

    Free Member

    why am i not surprised at the amount of STWers knowledge on this subject? :-)

    Shurly your ‘friend’ must have had some other ‘friends’ to help with the outfits/ playtime?

    why wont they take the stuff off your their hands?

    Free Member

    My uncle was a cross dresser with a huge wardrobe of women’s clothes. We only found this out when he died suddenly, actually at my grandads wake, which made probate a bit fiddly.
    Anyhow. He bequeathed his extensive wardrobe to the “Northern Concorde” cross dressing club he belonged to.
    My dad was there when these two big lads came round to collect it all, and yes, they came in a Tranny Van.

    That was my Uncle John, and the reason why our CROSS frame is named as such.

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