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  • Found a drone – how to trace owner?
  • NewRetroTom
    Full Member

    I was out for a walk in the woods near my home today and found a DJI Spark drone. It looks like it’s slightly damaged from falling through the trees, but not seriously.
    How can I trace the owner so they can get it back?
    I have searched online for a lost and found service, but didn’t really come up with anything.

    Free Member

    Any local facebook groups you’re a member of where you can place a generic “found a drone near wherever” type message and ask for potential owners to let you know what type of drone and where they think they lost it ?

    Free Member

    The SD card may also have footage on it that shows where it’s been that could help too.

    Free Member

    They don’t have an electronic footprint which a traceable

    Full Member

    There is no SD card in it. Does that mean it was just beaming footage back to the controller?

    Full Member

    There is no SD card in it.

    Is that the SD socket is empty or you can’t find it? (Sorry obvious question.)

    Full Member

    SD socket is empty.

    Free Member

    Odd, our DJI has a GPS tracker on it.. I would have thought the owner was on their way to collect it and you’ve half hinched it :lol:

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Somebody posted on here a few weeks ago about losing a drone…

    Free Member


    The poster from that thread lives in Edinburgh….as does our OP.

    It couldn’t be…. could it…. 8O

    Full Member

    Would be good if it was…

    Free Member

    Fly it around until you find someone looking forlornly up at the sky – there’s your guy.

    Full Member

    I’ve sent a PM to tpbiker in case it is his.
    His posts in a more recent drone thread suggest that he has either found or replaced his.
    If I email DJI presumably they will be able to trace the owner using the serial number?

    Free Member

    No mine ..I got mine back !

    Full Member

    I have sent a message to DJI via their website form with the serial number to ask if they can help me get it back to the owner.

    Full Member

    Good man Tom. Very decent of you.
    Might be worth handing it in to police lost property?

    Full Member

    DJI got back to me and said nobody has reported it as lost.
    Might be time to see if I can hand it to police lost property.

    Free Member

    Not sure how the fine my drone thing works but if you remove the battery you can find the wifi password and, as long as it’s not been changed join the device. Might help once the drone is connected to the network and has access to satelites to notify the owner of where it currently is. Don’t know if this might work but It could help the owner who I suspect assumes the battery had died and that was the end of it.

    Full Member

    Drop it in to the local police station. If it’s that anonymous it might have been used to fly contraband over prison walls.

    Free Member

    aye police station, I think it’s unlikely you’ll find the owner.

    Saying that, they maybe turn up at the same location with another drone, so you might be lucky and bump into them, unlikely though, and your chances of verifying ownership, out with them having the controller to prove it’s there’s is probably unlikely.

    Full Member

    Long shot but it might have been bought from Marionville in Livingstone. They’re the local “bricks and mortar” DJI supplier.

    A call to them might come up with something.

    Full Member

    Sounds like these drones should have a ‘contact details’ label on them.

    Full Member

    Just a wee update on this – I handed it in to the police who initially said that if it wasn’t claimed after 2 months I could have it back.
    When I contacted them to see if it had been claimed I was told that it hadn’t been claimed, but that “it is Police Scotland’s operating procedure not to return anything with a camera or recording device attached due to the Data Protection Act”.
    So they are going to bin it even though it doesn’t store data internally (there was no SD card in it when I found it).
    It does seem a bit of a bizarre procedure, as I will guarantee that pretty much anyone who finds a digital camera will look at the photos to see if they can easily identify who it belongs to before handing it in to the police.

    Free Member

    Police Scotland’s operating procedure not to return anything with a camera or recording device attached due to the Data Protection Act”.

    I would FOIA the procedure and the list of what has been disposed of and by what route. The drone will have batteries so it isn’t a black bin bag job.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to auction

    Full Member

    (hmmm..I’ve wanted a drone….)

    Erm, yeah, it’s mine…

    I’m right down on the Sussex coast, but it’s pretty windy ehre and I THINK it gone blown North.

    Can you just fly it back south – I’ll shout when I can see it overhead….


    Full Member

    As a result of this my advice to anyone who finds a drone, a camera or anything similar in Scotland – DO NOT HAND IT IN TO THE POLICE unless you’re happy for it to be needlessly destroyed.
    Instead inform the police that you have it and all the details so that they can identify it if the person who has lost it comes forward.
    You will have discharged your responsibilities under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 by doing this: “[a finder] shall take reasonable care of it and shall without unreasonable delay deliver the property or report the fact that he has taken possession of it to a constable”

    Full Member

    You’ve probably not lost much. If you wanted to use it yourself, you would have had to pay for any repairs needed and buy the proprietary DJI radio gear, (about 80 quid) charger, (about 60) and maybe another battery. Doubt a second hand, damaged spark would be worth much on e-bay either.

    Full Member

    If you wanted to use it yourself, you would have had to pay for any repairs needed and buy the proprietary DJI radio gear,

    Can’t a Spark be controlled by a phone (in short range at least)?

    Full Member

    Can’t a Spark be controlled by a phone

    Yes it can. Also it can be charged with a usb cable.

    I may (ahem) have taken it for a wee test flight around my garden to check it was all working.

    Full Member

    Police Scotland’s operating procedure not to return anything with a camera or recording device attached due to the Data Protection Act”.

    I’d be challenging that if I were you. The policy makes sense as far as it goes but the DPA surely can’t apply here if there isn’t any data to protect.

    Full Member

    Can’t a Spark be controlled by a phone (in short range at least)?

    Oh aye, appears you can, I’d not thought of that. Looking at the website it seems it will even do gesture controls without a phone or controller. Clever!

    So sorry OP, looks like you’re bang out of luck. :(

    Full Member


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