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  • Fixing Credit Rating after mobile 'phone provider cock-up
  • benz
    Free Member

    Wife had immediate credit limit reduction from £5k to £500.

    On basis of info received from Experian.

    Bought credit report – which reads perfect apart from delinquent balance of £1 from June last year c/o a certain large supermarket chain who also do some telecomms stuff.

    All mobile phone bills are paid Direct Debit.

    Looked at bill on-line – can see bill for £0.89 which clearly states she would have to do nothing as it would be collected by direct debit.

    Looked at bank statement – Direct Debit debited from her account the day after the bill.

    However, not reflected in her statement which shows £0.89 outstanding although every subsequent bill Direct Debit requested and paid.

    What remediation?

    Communication from mobile phone provider to Experian detailing completely the fault of mobile phone provider.

    Experian to correct the credit history?

    Experian to advise credit card provider that the credit history is perfect.

    Credit card provider reinstate full previous credit limit.

    Written apology from mobile phone provider.

    Mobile phone provider recompense my wife for all costs associated with resolution of this issue.

    Goodwill gesture from mobile phone provider?

    Anything else

    Free Member

    Sounds like a good plan there. Experian, in my experience, are really good to deal with and will help you sort it all out.

    I wouldn’t expect anything in the way of goodwill gestures, though – Mobile phone companies don’t need to be good to you.


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