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  • Fatty Club 29/04/09 Update….
  • Jamie
    Free Member

    Just posting this for Chris while he is having interweb issues.

    *Goes back to beer and football and thoughts of starting diet tomorrow*

    Free Member

    Cheers Jamie!

    Good results (mostly!)
    i’m taking my +3 as A Good Thing as my jeans say my thighs are bigger and my butt and waist are smaller – all positive in my book …… though i’d rather had a ‘stay the same’ with the same clothing fit comments….. :D

    Keep it up folks!

    Free Member

    bumpety bump…..

    Free Member

    hey 2% of target weight lost !!

    *happy foot dance*

    yes I’m sad I know.

    Free Member

    having ruined my tricep/shoulder (fek knows how) i now can no longer swim/bike/run/walk i may as well give up at this rate!

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