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  • Fancy Editor
  • 1
    Full Member

    What am I doing wrong? In creating this thread I can see it and can


    or use bold and italics

    But when I reply to a post it’s not there? Unless I go back in and edit.

    I know there’s an option in profile or preferences and it’s ticked (and has been unticked and reticked) – what am I doing wrong?

    Full Member

    It’s not even here to reply to my own thread

    Full Member

    Tap the visual tab


    Full Member

    YEah not there for me either in ‘text’ mode.

    I’ve had interesting results with Visual in the past and none of them were pretty.

    Full Member

    YEah not there for me either in ‘text’ mode

    Same here, opera browser.

    Full Member

    YEah not there for me either in ‘text’ mode.

    Same here.

    Visual only appears if you toggle between the two. But text editor just isn’t there.

    Full Member

    Fancy editor (Visual) hasn’t worked properly or at least intuitively ever. Text editor options seem to have disappeared completely over the last few days and spell checking stopped working for me on multiple devices on the text editor a while ago.

    The number of incoherent and badly formatted posts has risen recently (although a lot of that is on the Starmer thread so might just be frothing incoherent posters).

    Full Member

    All the text editor tag buttons missing for me as well.

    While we wait for the fix, use the ‘visual’ editor, but flip back into ‘text’ mode to check it before submitting.

    Full Member

    I’ve had interesting results with Visual in the past and none of them were pretty.

    It’s very easy on a phone, just scrolling to accidentally set it to right justification or a bulleted list. A fat thumb issue in my case.

    I’ve recently noticed that in visual mode, all those tools – quote, italic etc. have often disappeared when I go to use them. But if I click on text, then back to visual they reappear.

    Full Member

    I don’t have an option of visual or text (chromebook or android phone)

    Free Member

    Same for me. The toolbar in visual mode isn’t there…select the text tab and then back to the visual tab and it appears.

    The text tab doesn’t have a toolbar, just an unpopulated space

    STW is consistently variable in its bugs :)

    Full Member

    I would attach a screenshot but I can’t access the toolbar. Am I going to be stuck in a loop – send us further info / I can’t because it doesn’t work / send us further info about how it doesn’t work / etc.

    Hold on – is this because I took the piss out of the IT people in that thread? OK, joke’s over, turn it back on for me please.

    (unless as I said I go in and edit, and then it reappears)

    Screenshot 2024-02-23 09.00.13

    Full Member

    STW is consistently variable in its bugs 🙂

    It’s a feature to alleviate the boredom that would inevitably result from a slick reliable, interface.

    Full Member

    But if I click on text, then back to visual they reappear.

    Been like this for me (on Windows 11/Chrome) for the last few days, can’t say exactly how long. Had to do it to post this.

    Free Member

    All here for the so called spongers.

    Free Member

    Mayby try something new…

    Full Member

    It disappeared for me too. I have to click on the Text tab, then the Visual tab to get it back.

    Chrome/Android and Chrome/Windows.

    I’ve reported it to the Tech team.

    Full Member

    I get the same issue as @thotherjonv, no fancy editor or text or visual toggle on this post, but if i go in and edit my response, both are there.

    I’ll take a ticket,

    Full Member


    I’ll point IT in this direction.

    Full Member

    Yes something a bit odd is happening – the ‘text’ formatting tools are absent for me just now. Its intermittent though – they were back at around 6am this morning, but now gone again.

    Maybe they’ve eloped with he ‘preview’ button

    Full Member

    Any chance of them fixing the direct picture upload whilst they are at it? I’ve had to resort to the old image hosting site thingummy to get pics on here. The members photo upload is borked.

    Full Member

    I’ll point IT in this direction.

    I think we need to know their working environment so we can offer advice accordingly.

    Is it an open plan office?

    Any chance of them fixing the direct picture upload whilst they are at it? I’ve had to resort to the old image hosting site thingummy to get pics on here. The members photo upload is borked.

    It is? I used it about 15 minutes ago…

    Full Member

    Any chance of them fixing the direct picture upload whilst they are at it? I’ve had to resort to the old image hosting site thingummy to get pics on here. The members photo upload is borked.

    It’s working fine for me.


    Full Member

    It is? I used it about 15 minutes ago…

    It is for me on phone and Chromebook. Chrome browser on both. I get a pop-up saying it’s in the wrong format, needs to be jpg, png or whatever, even though it is. Never had issues before. I think someone else started a thread about this recently?

    Full Member

    Been missing for me using safari or iPhone for ages, don’t worry I hear there is a new website and forum coming soon

    Full Member

    @blokeuptheroad – I know it’s a meme but have you tried powering off/on your phone? The other person that reported this had 90+ tabs open and it could have been related to that.

    Full Member

    I’ll give it a go but I’m careful to minimise open tabs – to just one usually.

    Full Member

    The “fancy editor” has never worked properly.

    On the unfancy editor, the button bar disappeared from the Text tab a day or so ago.

    Free Member

    Button bar disappeared for me last night and hasn’t reappeared.

    Full Member

    found you have to go into settings – disable fancy, save, then reenable fancy and save it it comes back…

    for about 10mins and then on next use has gone – this has only started to happen in last day or so…. ever since the CRC/Wiggle news…. and that powered by banner has gone.

    Full Member

    and that powered by banner has gone.

    its still there

    Full Member

    It’s working fine for me.

    Has @Scotroutes inherited @Dracs iPad? 😀

    Full Member

    Has @Scotroutes inherited @Dracs iPad? 😀

    Inherited? Has Drac left us, is Scottroutes his offspring?  Didn’t see that coming!

    Full Member

    Not an advert for Chipps’ job?

    If you post and then edit, the edit functions cone back

    Full Member

    This is what I see until I click the visual tab again, then all the formatting buttons reappear.


    Full Member

    They dont on the text editor unfortunately.

    Full Member

    This has been happening to me as well, restarted my tablet several times, but nothing has worked, and I can’t post photos, I just get the URL link. I do still have the spellcheck band above the keyboard, though, which is good, ‘cos I do rely on it as my backup.

    Just editing my last post, and the text editing tools are available now, which they haven’t been up ‘til now.

    I think I’ll just go read a book… 🤷🏼

    Oh, and this is on all my regular browsers, Safari, Brave, Firefox, which all have DuckDuckGo as search.

    Free Member

    Visual editor is working for me, but not the text one, that tab is blank. If try to edit a post then it is ok.

    That’s with Brave browser on Android.

    Full Member

    Yeah I’ve had it render several times like tthew’s image above, both on phone and PC.

    In fact it’s done it now. I just bang the text in and click submit, it’s often easier to just type your own BB code for ‘[blockquote]’ etc, but the visual editor is nice for simpler adding of images now and then. Shame these things only work ~80% of the time.

    Full Member

    If you click on the Text tab, and then click again on the Visual tab, do you not get the usual editing icons/buttons?

    If you click on the little Image icon (with the mountains on), do you not get the Full Member Can Upload Images box?

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