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  • Evil Sovereign?
  • thepleasantpheasant
    Free Member

    I’m happy to see that this thread has inspired some people to dig out their old Sovs!

    skiboy – Awesome to hear that yours is getting a new lease of life. When the time comes to make my own custom frames then the OP Sov will get handed down to someone in my family.

    Does anyone have a set of these they’d be willing to part with?
    Or know somewhere I can buy them? (except Silverfish – they don’t and won’t anymore for some reason)
    I’m quite heavy (85kg) and ride out of the saddle 99% of the time so these would be ideal…

    Free Member

    Have you heard back from EVIL? The pics of the new Sov and Faction look to use exactly the same chaintugs, so there must be something available. If you don’t find any there, or here, I’d try asking in the “Evil Sovereign stoke” thread on mtbr.

    Free Member

    To be honest I don’t think the chain tugs are completely necessary because, as you will find, the correct way to run a Sov is with the stays rammed as short as they will go. Everyone I know that has or had one ran them like this eventually, you may as well cut to the chase and run them like that from day one. Set up like this the tugs are redundant.

    Full Member

    To be honest I don’t think the chain tugs are completely necessary because, as you will find, the correct way to run a Sov is with the stays rammed as short as they will go. Everyone I know that has or had one ran them like this eventually, you may as well cut to the chase and run them like that from day one. Set up like this the tugs are redundant.

    this + a lot. why would you not want not manual/wheelie like a lunatic everywhere? ran mine slammed as you might have guessed!

    Free Member

    Munrobiker speaks the truth. The only reason I’m holding onto mine (sorry) is because I might SS it.

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