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  • eVent – how often do you wash it?
  • iamsporticus
    Free Member

    Well the label says 'often' but how often is that?

    I have an eVent jacket which Ive worn maybe 10 times

    After yesterdays ride it was a sweatbox – its lost a lot of it breathability

    Assuming a wash and iron will bring it back to life just how often do you wash yours?


    Free Member

    I think i have washed mine a couple of times in 2 years. Usually just rinse the worse of the cack off in my post ride shower and hang it up.

    Free Member

    I second Jamie, I have only washed my once…actually, my wife selected about 6 of my favorite items and told me that if I don't wash them she would burn them because they stank. So long as the outside is clean from debris it should still breath.. or so I thought.

    Maybe you were just having an incredibly sweaty day… had you been drinking the night before ? 🙂

    Free Member

    no fabric conditioner and then redo te dwr coating if it no longer keeps the water out

    Full Member

    I usually stick it in a 30 degree wash, no fabric softener, extra rinse along with the rest of my riding kit.

    Interestingly the website advises against using an iron, despite what the label says.

    Full Member

    Just washed mine for the 1st time (probably just undar a year old with a bit of dried in mud on it), but then I was having a wash/reproofing blast on all of mine & my g/f's waterproof kit.
    Used Nickwax tech wash and their wash in re-proofer, as I'd found there re-proofing spray awkward last time (the wash-in stuff has no need to iron or tumble dry to activate)

    EDit: admittedly I only use my waterproof when it's properly raining, I ignore showers and general dampness otherwise.

    Free Member

    Roughly every three rides.

    30 degree wash, liquid detergent and no fabric softener.

    Seems to still perform as well as ever.

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