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  • Effect of beta blockers on riding
  • SaxonRider
    Full Member

    In the wake of my heart scare last week, I have now been prescribed beta blockers for stress, and am wondering if anyone has any experience of the effects taking than can have on riding (and other cardio intensive activities). This is just a matter of interest, seeing as they slow the heart rate. Does that mean that I will have to work harder at cardio stuff in order for it it have any effect?

    Full Member

    i was on them for 4yrs. they put a lid on your heart rate.
    if you push it too hard you may pass out, i did a couple of times, i soon found a level i could ride at, it was not very fast.

    Full Member

    Kevin was on them for a few years. In his words it was like riding into a brick wall

    Full Member

    I was prescribed them for stress a few years ago, for which they worked very well. Unfortunately I discovered that I couldn’t seem to get my heart rate past about 120bpm on them, which is a pretty gentle pootle. Fresh air and exercise is the best stress relief I know so I didn’t bother taking them again!

    Full Member

    I was prescribed them for anxiety, was like riding with only 1/4 of a lung, I just didn’t go anywhere. Stopped them and went onto SSRIs which have a negligible affect on riding although do seem to take the edge of racing as you just care less about winning (I no longer care about competing, but that’s not the drugs).

    Free Member

    I was on Propranolol up until a couple of years ago to help with migraines.

    They didn’t seem to have any kind of negative impact on my riding, I remember being excited to slowly come off them as I had convinced myself I would gain some form of magical ability to climb faster overnight.

    I still blew out of my arse on any decent climb even after coming off them.

    Free Member

    I was prescribed them for migraine. Tried propranolol for a month but it made me quite breathless, then tried metoprolol and it slowed me down so much that walking upstairs was a big effort and it made me feel really depressed. Not a good experience.

    Full Member

    Thanks for jumping in vickypea. I have wanted to pass some info on to you. Do you mind sending me an email using the address linked it this forum?

    Free Member

    I was on Bisoprolol for a few years.I stopped taking it as I maxed out at less than 120BPM but it also really affected my balance. walking was bad enough but a bike ride wasn’t complete without a few crashes, even on simple stuff.

    Free Member

    It’s not a migraine cure is it?!
    I sent you an email

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