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  • Drug use in the office – your thoughts and experience, please
  • druidh
    Free Member

    Is that “building tolerance” the same as alcoholics manage? So it’s OK that someone permanently drunk is allowed to drive?

    Free Member

    Seriously, did no-one ever tell some of you – no-one likes a tell tale 😆

    Its a tough one, if you speak to him, he might suddenly have it in for you and start plotting your downfall. Do you want to lose your job because of a bitter pot-head? What sort of relationship does he have with his boss? What sort of relationship do you have with his boss? Beware office politics.

    Of course you could just do what most office workers do – gossip behind his back. By the time it gets round everyone and back to you he’ll be a 60 a day recovering smackhead who is now addicted to pot, having an affair with Jill from personnel (beacuse they coincidentally booked the same day off together) who cross-dresses in his spare time.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    Is that “building tolerance” the same as alcoholics manage? So it’s OK that someone permanently drunk is allowed to drive?

    It means it takes more of something to have the same effect. Don’t know what drunk driving’s got to do with it though?

    Free Member

    butcher – Member

    Building tolerance is a myth too, I’ve smoked plenty enough to know that.

    With all due respect, you’re talking out of your brown hole.

    I smoked a lot of pot when I was a lad (partly for medical reasons, partly for recreation) and built up a huge tolerance.
    I smoked five buckets before my GCSE maths exam and got 100%, using only two-ninths of the time allotted, and then did a huge victory jump down some stairs on my rigid GT to great applause.

    Two tokes now and I’d be **** with an inability to either think coherently or move.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member

    Is that “building tolerance” the same as alcoholics manage? So it’s OK that someone permanently drunk is allowed to drive?

    To be drunk is to be under the influence, so not tolerant. 💡

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter how much he is taking, or how much he can handle. He is doing something which is both illegal and against the terms of his contract.

    If someone in a position of power finds out, he will (or should) be marched out the door and dismissed.

    OP knows about it, which puts him in an awkward position. There are 2 things he can do. Ignore it, or report it.

    Having a quiet word with the guy warning him == ignoring it. You risk him mentioning in his eventual dismissal hearing that everyone in the office knew (and he’ll be able to name you). Not a situation I’d want to be in.

    My opinion: report him.


    Free Member

    Is that “building tolerance” the same as alcoholics manage? So it’s OK that someone permanently drunk is allowed to drive?

    strawman. our drink drive limits are not based on ability, they are based on a quantative measure of the blood.

    Free Member

    I smoked five buckets before my GCSE maths exam and got 100%, using only two-ninths of the time allotted, and then did a huge victory jump down some stairs on my rigid GT to great applause.

    are memory loss and exaggeration side effects? 😉


    Free Member

    butcher – Member
    Building tolerance is a myth too, I’ve smoked plenty enough to know that.

    you’ve not smoked nearly enough then…tolerance to weed comes on fairly quickly and disappears just a quick.

    My advice to the OP would be don’t be a knob and go to the bosses. A simple heads up to the guy that it’s fairly noticeable will do the trick… He’ll probably s*** himself that people are noticing.

    Free Member

    I wish some of the people here were on drugs. Life might be bearable.

    Free Member

    alfabus – Member
    OP knows about it, which puts him in an awkward position. There are 2 things he can do. Ignore it, or report it.

    Having a quiet word with the guy warning him == ignoring it. You risk him mentioning in his eventual dismissal hearing that everyone in the office knew (and he’ll be able to name you). Not a situation I’d want to be in.

    Or have a word with him first, if he stops problem solved if not go to the boss.

    Full Member

    To be frank, i’ve had quite a few bosses that could have benefitted from a little smoke. And I’ve had other bosses whose decision-making process seemed heavily influenced by drugs, even though they were sober.

    Personally I’d fit the decision to the exact circumstances, which only you know. It’s indecorous what he’s doing, and morally wrong, but it’d be material impacts that’d concern me. Look at the big picture, judge his performance not his practices.

    I’d be swithering about letting him know that I know… Because if it’s known that you know, and you don’t act, and it goes tits up…

    Free Member

    Or have a word with him first, if he stops problem solved if not go to the boss.

    Wouldn’t help in my job – regular drug tests, so they would find out soon enough and sack him. If I’d spoken to him and pissed him off, he might try to take me down too.

    OPs job may not be as strict, in which case he might be able to get away with it. I’d rather not mess with my income for the sake of being nice to someone I didn’t like.


    Full Member

    Two tokes now and I’d be **** with an inability to either think coherently or move.

    The first couple of times after a long time out always hit you hard. That’s true. Just like when you get a head rush from nicotine if you haven’t smoked in a while. But outside of that you just get used to it. You don’t build tolerance. You still feel stoned smoking the same amount. That’s my experience, and the experience of others I’ve smoked with.

    Free Member

    I wish some of the people here were on drugs. Life might be bearable.


    There’s a theory that criminalising natural acts of medicinal intoxication could well be the cause of many of society’s problems

    Free Member

    OP knows about it, which puts him in an awkward position.

    THANK YOU! This is the OTHER nub of the matter 🙂

    BTW, he does suffer from migraines. But even so… bottom line he’s high in the workplace.

    Free Member

    But banging on a J an hour before he can go home? Really??

    Free Member

    It’s better to talk to the guy rather than grass him up, that just makes you look bad and it could backfire

    Free Member

    alcol70 – Member
    But banging on a J an hour before he can go home? Really??

    It’s not really a hanging offence imo. saying that, I’ve been stoned at work in the past, so i’m obviously biased here! 🙂

    Free Member

    This thread is another Ned-magnet.

    RiNg ThE PoLiCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just tell him he smells of weed see what he does. If he still does the same in a couple of weeks tell the boss. He might not like you but you wont die*

    *Unless he loses his job, wife, kids, ability to buy weed and decides you were the source of his downfall.

    Full Member

    alcol70 – Member

    THANK YOU! This is the OTHER nub of the matter

    But who knows you know?

    Well, us obviously. And presumably all the folks who want you to grass him up (so to speak) are also dead keen to grass on you 😉

    Free Member

    I guess it’s to be expected that some of the **** frequenting this forum would be suggesting the OP makes a sneaky phone call to the plod. Enjoy your Christmas lunch booze ups and mind you dont fall off your high horses.

    To the OP just loudly announce “oh it stinks of skunk in here” and the penny will drop.

    Free Member

    Personally, I’d be arranging my breaks at the same time as his! Free weed, what’s not to like? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I guess it’s to be expected that some of the **** frequenting this forum would be suggesting the OP makes a sneaky phone call to the plod. Enjoy your Christmas lunch booze ups and mind you dont fall off your high horses.

    a) sneakily smoking weed at work.
    b) going to an office party, drinking alcohol (no driving).

    yeah, no difference between those is there.

    (edited to remove unnecessary stooping to his level.)

    Free Member

    awful, awful people.. ridiculous 😆

    Free Member


    aggression problems?

    edited due to another edit withdrawing a comment.
    of course, it makes no sense now

    Free Member

    (edited to remove unnecessary stooping to his level.)

    Yes because you’re better than him.

    Free Member

    Yes because you’re better than him.

    It was a response to being called a ‘****’… it wasn’t necessary, so I removed it. Problem?


    Free Member

    I wish some of the people here were on drugs. Life might be bearable.


    Free Member

    alfabus – Member

    are memory loss and exaggeration side effects?


    OK, replace “great applause” with “shouts of ‘stack it you ****'”.

    The rest is true.

    Free Member

    a) sneakily smoking weed at work.
    b) going to an office party, drinking alcohol (no driving).

    yeah, no difference between those is there.

    (edited to remove unnecessary stooping to his level.)

    alfabus slurs from his high horse whilst spilling whiskey from his hip flask..

    Should the OP also grass his collegues who have a couple of pints at lunch?

    Free Member

    Should the OP also grass his collegues who have a couple of pints at lunch?

    yes. if it affects their work OR if alcohol has been made illegal.

    Free Member

    OK because it’s illegal, right. I wish I saw the world as clearly as you do alfabus.


    Were you called “little grassy pissy pants” or similar in school?

    Full Member

    Should the OP also grass his collegues who have a couple of pints at lunch?

    Seriously? I have never once worked anywhere where people went for a couple of pints at lunch, or where it would be deemed acceptable in any way. I suspect I wouldn’t have a job for very long if I tried it.

    Time and a place and all that. Work is not really the place for drinking and smoking weed.

    Free Member

    Work is not really the place for drinking and smoking weed

    Totally agree. One or the other. Alcohol ruins a nice spliff imo.

    Free Member

    who cross-dresses in his spare time

    this is getting serious…

    Is Richard Branson your boss?

    Free Member

    butcher – Member

    Seriously? I have never once worked anywhere where people went for a couple of pints at lunch, or where it would be deemed acceptable in any way. I suspect I wouldn’t have a job for very long if I tried it

    Used to go for the 3 pint challenge with 10/12 others pretty much every lunchtime at an office I used to work at.

    Worked in a postroom where 5 out of the 8 staff would quoff from their hip flasks throughout the day, one delivery driver got done for drunk driving.

    Worked at a Games Developer where we used have beer at your desk Friday, people used to get paralytic by lunchtime.

    Current job have people taking clients out for lunch etc, not unusual for a few drinks to be consumed!

    Full Member

    Totally agree. One or the other. Alcohol ruins a nice spliff imo.

    Your wrong.

    It goes perfectly with a pint. So long as you keep it to a pint, and not a couple of dozen pints (followed by floating around the room aiming for the most appropriate place to puke).

    Free Member

    One of the most capable managers I ever had was often stoned on the job, well he certainly liked a smoke at lunchtime anyway. Some people are perfectly able to function having smoked a bit of weed in much the same way as lots of people have a couple of pints at lunch. I’d suggest a quiet word saying that people have noticed his behaviour/the smell is the best bet initially.

    Free Member

    So long as you keep it to a pint, and not a couple of dozen pints (followed by floating around the room aiming for the most appropriate place to puke).

    this is what marks you out as an amateur..

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