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  • DON’T PANIC!!!
  • imnotverygood
    Full Member

    Just a reminder
    3pm today

    Free Member

    I’ve switched it off.

    Free Member

    Blimey, I thought for a minute Clive Dunn had died.

    Oh, wait…

    Full Member

    I’ve left it on out of curiosity.

    Free Member

    Only found out about this yesterday. Switched it off. Would’ve given me a panic attack if it had gone off. WW3 is supposed to be next year.

    Free Member

    I’ll be outside at 3.00 wondering how many I’ll hear…

    Full Member

    WW3 is supposed to be next year.

    Frankly thats naively optimistic

    I’ve switched it off.

    Only found out about this yesterday. Switched it off. Would’ve given me a panic attack if it had gone off.

    It’s a text message – thats all – the interaction it requires is for you to click ‘ok’. Amazing that such a simple. obvious, easy strategy for creating a safety system that literally requires the beneficiaries to do absolutely nothing is met with anything from resentment to moral panic by anyone. Its something  that most of us (maybe all of us) may never receive again. It’s the least possibly intrusive thing I can imagine. In the circumstances where it might get used for anything other than a test…. a text message is the very last thing I’d be bothered about.

    If you’ve gone to the trouble of of switching it off I genuinely astounded that you have so many **** to give that you can spare one for that.

    Remember how THEY put the clocks forward recently and how upsetting that was – well THEY are going to put then back again soon. I’ve burnt all my clocks to spite them.

    Free Member

    met with anything from resentment to moral panic by anyone.

    Not at all.

    just seems a little pointless in the UK.

    We don’t have the major weather events that occur at very short notice that warrant it.

    Regards terrorism, well if they have knowledge of an imminent event then I’m sure we would hear through the normal channels.

    Full Member

    It would have been quite handy when I was trying to get to a bit of London where unknown to me busses were being blown up some years ago.
    Although they switched off the mobile network, which caused some concern at home. I’m assuming the warnings would still work.

    Full Member

    It’s a text message – thats all

    In as much as its a message containing text then yes, but in other ways it’s totally different.

    – It will sound a unique, LOUD tone that people have never heard before

    -it will override silent and dnd modes on your phone

    -it will overwrite anything on your phone screen and your phone will not be usable until you confirm the message.

    So no, it’s not just a text message and I can see how it could confuse or concern some people.

    Full Member

    We don’t have the major weather events that occur at very short notice that warrant it.

    Tell that to Edwina Curry

    I once read the account of the polciemen who was on duty one night in Canvey Island in 1953 – it was pretty harrowing – people downing in their beds. Plenty  people there  and all along that coast who would have benefitted from being alerted by a loud beep

    Full Member

    – It will sound a unique, LOUD tone that people have never heard before

    -it will override silent and dnd modes on your phone

    -it will overwrite anything on your phone screen and your phone will not be usable until you confirm the message.

    OK – put it like that it’s absolutely terrifying. LOUD in capitals must mean theres a level of sound output my phone is capable of that has heitherto not been utilised

    Full Member

    its a text message with a different beep.

    😀 – fair enough

    Full Member

    I hope it’s another U2 album.

    Free Member

    Tell that to Edwina Curry

    That was not a sudden event, it developed over many hours, hence why they had time to mobilise a Chinook and the required materials.

    Full Member

    Plus it’s an absolute gift to 2 sections of the population.

    1. Your mum will call you in a panic about the loud noise that her phone has made, despite the fact that she saw t in the Mail only this week, and mentioned it when she called you

    2. Conspiracy theorists; they’re going absolutely nuts about this, they’ve not been so happy since the lizards from the moon that we’ve not been to made that anti-vaxx 5G radar Clinton baby eating mind control thing that Bill Gates wants to see into your mind to make you ignore the twin towers because the earth is flat just in case the Chemtrails don’t work like Soros promised they would.

    Full Member

    Its not a text though is it.
    Its activation of the Apple nanobots that were injected along with the so called covid vaccine.
    Obey or you will be exterminated.
    I have prepared a bigger tin foil hat, and a Faraday cage in readiness, they’re not going to tell me what to do , no sireee.

    Free Member

    – It will sound a unique, LOUD tone that people have never heard before

    This. I have always had my phones on silent. Always. Both for my own sanity and as a courtesy to others. A random siren going off would’ve had me running round the house wondering wtf was going on.

    And as others have said. What’s the point?

    Full Member

    I thought it was an atrocious bit of planning not to schedule the test in the middle of the coronation.

    These have also been introduced in Germany, we recently got one alerting us to a large WWII bomb that had been uncovered in construction work nearby, not close enough to be an immediate danger but it messed up the areas traffic and public transport so the warning allowed people to plan their journeys home from work to minimise the impact.

    Full Member

    And as others have said. What’s the point

    It’s giving people who are constantly on the lookout for something to moan about, something to moan about. Some folks, if you gave them £100 would moan it’s in the wrong denomination notes!

    No, we don’t typically get weather events like other parts of the world where these types of alerts are literally lifesavers.


    As for “I’d get the alerts through normal channels” – there’s little nowadays more ubiquitous than the mobile phone, portable, usually on….. it’s the perfect vehicle!

    Full Member

    And as others have said. What’s the point?

    With 25,000 wildfires in the UK last year – including the well documented fires near/in settlements last summer – the use for evacuating people in those instances is clear.

    then I’m sure we would hear through the normal channels

    Such as? TV, radio, Facebook…? Plenty of people don’t check the news in real-time. Live TV viewers dropped by 14% last year, radio is also possibly on the decline – every full-time BBC channel lost listeners last year, for example. Facebook, Twitter? Nah, not with the way algorithms and verification are applied.
    I’m often surprised talking to people of all ages with a lack of awareness about key events in the news – even
    those that directly affect them due to employment issues or strikes, for example. People either don’t have time, aren’t able to justify the cost of a TV Licence and TV package, or just aren’t arsed.
    Then there’s the fact that not everyone in the UK is ‘native’; there are huge cultural or individual reasons why people don’t follow ‘traditional’ communication streams.
    I’m not saying the alert is a good or bad thing, just that we find things out from a variety of sources at different times, often well after it’s relevant.

    Free Member

    every full-time BBC channel lost listeners last year

    that was after the enforced “subdued” period of mourning for HRHQEII

    the only potential uses in the UK, from quotes above are
    traffic management
    localised wildfire evacuations

    Full Member

    What a non event to get in a lather over. Your phone is going to make an odd noise until you click ‘OK’. Whoopdy doo!

    Gob smacked that this registers high on any functioning adult’s ‘give a shit about’ list.

    Free Member

    And call me cynical but you just know it’s the thin end of the wedge. The right to use it will get sold, given or leaked to any clipboard-weilding bureaucrat who wants power to lord it over people. Or used to summon people to the town square to observe the latest grand scheme of wokery.  Insurance companies saying “well we sent the ‘rain imminent’ siren yesterday so we’re not paying out for your crash as it was irresponsible to drive your car with rain forecast. Bailiffs and TV Licence inspectors using it to ping people’s phones to see if they’re hiding behind the sofa. Jobseekers getting a six AM siren to get out of bed…

    And that’s assuming Labour get in next time. This incompetent lot will probably just forget to issue it anyway.

    *lighthearted post in the name of levity. Please don’t get angry, it’s Sunday 🙂

    Full Member

    Full Member

    This comment

    Regards terrorism, well if they have knowledge of an imminent event then I’m sure we would hear through the normal channels.

    shows a profound ignorance re. the technology (but you’re far from alone!) It’s a good idea IMO, but in the event it’s used frivolously then just switch it off 🤷‍♂️ Nothing to get over-excited about.

    Full Member

    he only potential uses in the UK, from quotes above are
    traffic management
    localised wildfire evacuations

    The flood alerts that show up on my Alexa are quite useful, they could be used for that. Will utilities have access too? Pinging a region accurately telling them about an unplanned outage + planned restoration time would save a lot of calls to a call centre.

    See them quite a bit when in Florida for the hurricanes. It seems to work fine. Notice there are two levels on my phone, Extreme and Severe.

    Free Member

    Given the clowns in power currently, I see greater scope for misuse or mismanagement rather than anything useful.

    But more than that, I’m disappointed this thread isn’t about HHGTTG

    Free Member

    And most of all. It would interrupt the snooker. So for that reason alone, I’m out.

    Full Member

    then I’m sure we would hear through the normal channels

    But people like Jamborgie seemingly haven’t heard about alert despite it being all over the TV, newspapers, the radio and of course the Internet for months. What else can they do, send everyone a text? Er, oh.

    They played an example on the radio the other day. It sounds like a clock radio buzzer from the 1980s.

    Full Member

    Will it work on burner phones?

    … this could be awkward!

    Full Member

    What a non event to get in a lather over. Your phone is going to make an odd noise until you click ‘OK’. Whoopdy doo!

    Don’t even need to do that it stops after 10 seconds.

    Regards terrorism, well if they have knowledge of an imminent event then I’m sure we would hear through the normal channels.

    Yeah catching it on the news when you get home or not as the marauding terrorist that you could have been warned about if only you’d not disabled the alerts.

    Full Member

    Will it work on burner phones?

    … this could be awkward!

    Actually that is (sort of) one of the reasons it’s being so heavily notified in advance. If you are suffering coercive control or similar and have a secret phone for safeguarding purposes then this could royally mess things up.

    Free Member

    Good job you lot don’t live in the Netherlands…..they have a WW2 siren in every town and village that goes off for 2 minutes once a month! Try switching that off.

    Free Member

    As I know it’s coming and it’s a test I’ve just turned it off. Once the test is over I’ll turn it back on again so if there’s a real emergency where I am I know about it. Nothing to get annoyed about as it can be avoided.

    Free Member

    Good job you lot don’t live in the Netherlands…..they have a WW2 siren in every town and village that goes off for 2 minutes once a month! Try switching that off.

    Strange I lived and worked there in the north for 6 months and never heard such a thing.

    As for the test. As above as I know it’s a test and I don’t want my afternoon disrupted for what sounded to me in the demo like a call to the life boats offshore.

    I also turned it off.

    I also am of the opinion that this government will not tell me about anything I need to know via this till long after I needed to know about it. – not through malice but through general incompetence.

    Free Member

    Good job you lot don’t live in the Netherlands…..they have a WW2 siren in every town and village that goes off for 2 minutes once a month! Try switching that off.

    I have spent a lot of time in the Netherlands with my work and have never heard a siren once.

    Full Member

    Good job you lot don’t live in the Netherlands…..they have a WW2 siren in every town and village that goes off for 2 minutes once a month! Try switching that off.

    We have that in Calderdale as well.

    Anyway, this phone notification is a good use of near ubiquitous personally carried tech. So obvious we’ll be wondering why the UK didn’t have it before, once we’re used to it. Turn it off if you don’t approve.

    Full Member

    We had one while in Corfu a year or two ago.

    A storm warning, apparently quite common late in the season (end of September)

    Sounded like short blasts of a fog horn along with the text message.

    I think they go out to every phone connected to a provider, so “burner” phones will get them too regardless of contract status

    Free Member

    Turn it off if you don’t approve.

    It’s not of approving or not.

    I see very little useful functionality of this in the UK.

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