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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kormoran
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    Pelosi has come out against him. That seems pretty significant

    Full Member

    I’m wondering, more like hoping, Biden will use this bout of covid to stand down gracefully.

    Exactly my reaction.  It’s a last chance for him to step aside with dignity intact. As if God had preplanned it.

    Full Member

    At this late stage any replacement will struggle. Harris has no presence and the fact that she is a) female and b) black will put a lot of people off her.

    Trump looks like a shoe-in now. It’s awful.

    Full Member

    Gavin Newsom might be a decent replacement. Seems well regarded as California governor and he’s about as moderate as it gets in US politics so shouldn’t be as polarising for the democratic voters as someone like Bernie Sanders.

    Also young enough to switch the “he’s too old” arguement squarely back on Trump, not that Trump’s worshippers bother themselves with such trivialities as consistency in their opinions.

    Free Member

    Yeah Newsom just seems like the obvious choice, although I’ve heard it suggested that they didn’t want anither California based candidate?

    Full Member

    The big problem remains there’s no mechanism to remove Biden unless he goes of his own accord. It does sound like the wind is starting to blow in that direction though.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk’s announcement about moving x and space x from California to Texas yesterday was to start the campaign against Newsome in case he gets the nod.

    Full Member

    Just watching the news and Biden looks absolutely terrible today. He resembles a reactivated cadaver. I can’t comprehend why he’d want to go on with this. It’s madness!

    More unhinged nonsense from Trumps supporters…

    I’m sure his speech later will be terrifying! He thinks the election is already in the bag. He’s probably right. He’s definitely right if it’s Biden he faces

    Free Member

    It’s absolutely horrifying. To say that Trump has the wind in his sails is an enormous understatement, he is running away with it. I don’t see how anyone, let alone Biden has a chance given the momentum Trump has built up.

    What is the mood in Blue states? Are they not basically panicking?

    Full Member

    What did I just watch? Her responses were like those of a mardy teenager.

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    @MSP I think there are massive tax benefits to being in Texas.

    Full Member

    Texas has no personal income tax…handy when you are a multi-billionaire

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    Full Member

    How the hell did Trump manage to find another guy that’s as much of an utter &£#@##£#£&&@#££?++#&&##£##£###£##… as he is?

    He didn’t find him, he pretty much created him. Vance was a relatively moderate republican of the old school, saying “Im a Never Trump guy”, called him an idiot, said he could be America’s Hitler, said he was unfit for the office. And “I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place. I think there’s a chance, if I feel like Trump has a really good chance of winning, that I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton.”

    And then he found himself out in the wilderness as the party went full cultist, and made the tactical decision to fake it and join them. Not quickly, mind you, he just stayed out of sight for a couple of years til he realised that there was no quick way back for the GOP and that if he wanted to be a part of it he had to be as mental as all the other MAGAs. It’s almost worse for people like this, he’s not crazy, he didn’t believe this stuff, he just fakes it.

    (though maybe he’ll end up actually believing it like a lot of the other nutters; plenty of people around Trump started out doing it tactically, but accidentally gaslit themselves and end up forgetting what’s real and not)

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Musk’s announcement about moving x and space x from California to Texas yesterday was to start the campaign against Newsome in case he gets the nod.

    Musk likes Texas, they’re pretty desperate to improve their economy on the tech side so they’ve pretty much waived environmental restrictions for boca chica, he’s been free to blow up rockets, set fire to a wilderness reserve, pour water runoff into endangered habitats in the nature reserve he was inexplicably allowed to built a space launch station in, and got permission for it on the basis of being a commercial launch site for Falcons then turned it into an experimental site for exploding Starships.

    The irony of course is that Spacex (like other tech companies) have brought loads of highly educated, upper middle class tech professionals into texas, all of whom vote blue and demand better infrastrcuture, schools and lifestyles than republican Texas likes, accelerating Texas’s general division and overall march leftwards.

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    When’s Trump going to take that plaster off, he was only shot in the head.

    Full Member

    It’s far more likely that every single lunatic in the audience in Milwaukee tonight will be accessorising their red MAGA baseball cap with a big plaster on their ear, than it is for trump to take his off

    Full Member

    Looks like it’s absolutely untenable for Biden now but the damage has been done. Unless enough Americans vote to actively keep Trump out it seems like a lost cause.

    Never thought I’d see America in the state it is now with the MAGA cult. Never thought I’d see the UK dragged down so far either, mind you.

    Full Member

    Texas has no personal income tax…handy when you are a multi-billionaire

    Damn, so rather than offshoring you can just off-county, or off state?

    No Wonder the Texans are getting a bit tetchy!

    Full Member

    One thing that’s going to be interesting is the enquiry into the failure by the USSS, (US Secret Service). Their main job, as I understand it, is to protect the President, so how come they screwed the pooch in such a spectacular fashion?

    However, they didn’t find that the Trump Rally shooter had any particular ideology. He left behind no manifesto, and nobody interviewed said that Crooks ever talked politics. Reportedly, investigators also found a second cellphone. They’re in the process of investigating more there.

    On the day of the Trump Rally shooting, Crooks’ parents were concerned for their son. He didn’t return home that afternoon, so his father contacted local authorities. He thought his son was a shooting range. Instead, Crooks was at the rally where he climbed onto a roof and opened fire on the crowd, injuring several and killing one.

    The Secret Service has come under scrutiny for not anticipating the threat prior to the attack. “The buck stops with me,” said United States Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle

    “The shooter was actually identified as a potential person of suspicion,” she said. “Unfortunately, with the rapid succession of how things unfolded. By the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president.”

    No one was posted on the roof. She said, “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there. That we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.”

    However, the director is refusing to step down from her position despite criticism from the public.

    So, here’s the problem, the pitch of the roof was very shallow, a five year old, but not necessarily dTrumph, could have walked up it. The Sherriff’s Office snipers were on a roof with a much steeper pitch, at least 15-20°, and they were managing without fancy PPE like climbing harnesses, their rifle tripods were ready and set up with one long leg on the side away from the stage, facing roughly in the direction of the roof in question, the other two on the side where the snipers were situated. Members of the public spotted the shooter on the roof, they videoed him, even showed him standing up and moving forward, so if the building was secured, how come nobody heard him, how come nobody reacted to their repeated calls to police and security?

    Also: “On the day of the Trump Rally shooting, Crooks’ parents were concerned for their son. He didn’t return home that afternoon, so his father contacted local authorities. He thought his son was a shooting range.”

    The kid was a remarkably good shot, with a regular AR-15; at around 450ft, he was 1cm from taking the side off of Trump’s skull: if Trump hadn’t turned his head to the right, the bullet would have gone right through the back of his head! The shooter had clearly been practicing shooting at a serious distance, which shows clear commitment.*

    Now, I’ve been on this site/forum for a long time, and one thing I’ve spent time doing is debunking ‘fake news stories’ QAnon and the whole conspiracy theory crap! I practically grind my teeth flat at the gullibility of people who fall for such bullshit, but honestly, there’s something not quite right with this picture! I’m really looking forward to the results of this enquiry.
    If it gets published.

    *I’ve just checked the effective range of an AR-15 with a 16” barrel, the most common civilian (Ha!) version, with a 55grain 5.56 calibre NATO bullet, is about 500 yards/1500 ft, the shooter was 150 yards/450 feet away from the stage, so not beyond the bounds of possibility, with some dedication to practicing.
    Also, footage from the ground clearly shows the sniper teams were actually facing towards the building the shooter was on! As a wise man once said, go figure.

    I have a feeling that there are more than a few people who are going to be feeling some real heat around their nether regions after this fiasco.

    Full Member

    This RNC Convention is like watching America’s Got No Talent, what the actual **** am I watching, that utter dick Dana White, owner of UFC and beloved hero of the “bro science Rogan cult” is on stage bigging up Trump.

    I’ve seen enough.

    Full Member

    There’s clearly members here who are very invested and spen a lot of time studying American politics here. Somafunk  watching the convention at 4am in the morning!

    Why? And I’m genuinely interested in this fascination,  not trolling or looking to start an argument.

    Free Member

    The US – about to fall into the abyss.

    I can’t see how they could recover from another trump presidency.

    Free Member

    They even spelt the poor blokes name wrong.

    Full Member

    how come nobody heard him, how come nobody reacted to their repeated calls to police and security?

    I think context is key here: In the context of hundreds of MAGA loons yelling weird ,inflammatory, sensationalist, nonsense about everything, in every direction, how do you filter all that out and hear or see a credible report for what it actually is. How do you distinguish a real threat with a backpack and range finder in the crowd from all the weirdo cosplay gravy seals. Signal to noise ratio and all that.

    Full Member

    how come nobody heard him, how come nobody reacted to their repeated calls to police and security?

    At least one version of the story I’ve heard is that the snipers were aware, indeed were already turned and aiming in that direction (they ‘located, engaged, and neutralised’ the would-be assassin very quickly after he fired). But the issue was that where the roof he was on was in the second ring of secure, it was the remit of local law enforcement, and so reports of a man on the roof with a rifle were being checked and rechecked. Might it be a local LE bod up there? What’s the fall out of shooting someone from the local sheriff’s office in response to a sketchy report. Once it became clear he was a bad guy, the situation was resolved in seconds.

    Seems very plausible that was the breakdown, not that no-one reacted at all.

    Full Member

    There’s clearly members here who are very invested and spen a lot of time studying American politics here. Somafunk  watching the convention at 4am in the morning!

    Why? And I’m genuinely interested in this fascination,  not trolling or looking to start an argument.

    A combination of spms and curiosity as to just how **** batshit this convention will be, being stuck in my reclining chair as I can’t stand up to get to bed/my muscles are so rigid.

    Better now, I managed to reach my sativex and took 15 sprays and eventually made it to bed at 5.30am where I passed out, woke up at 10am and now sat munching banana honey wheat loaf and a double/double/double espresso (bowel opener)


    Full Member

    double/double/double espresso

    Expecting lots and lots of posts around about now then!

    Free Member

    Peak ‘Merica – Hulk Hogan speaking at the RNC in favour of Trump


    in retaliation, Bidens team are reported to have hired the undertaker.

    Sorry, an undertaker

    Full Member

    Kimberly Gilfoyle at the “when you can’t call a Nazi at a Nazi Convention”

    “It’s no wonder that the heroes who stormed the beaches at Normandy and faced down Communism say they do not recognise our county any more”

    Full Member

    Their main job, as I understand it, is to protect the President

    But he’s not the President.

    Biden’s only hope now is to have somebody attempt to assassinate him but take out his nose or a couple of fingers or something.

    Full Member

    Yep – he could then dress as a mummy, he already walks like one.

    Full Member

    When Biden was doing his “calm down, calm down” bit on TV it did look like he was a partially animated ventriloquists dummy. Nothing moved apart from his mouth and even then only just.  They’ve walked right into a trap trump didn’t even know he’d set.

    Free Member


    Post shooting poll from Reuters/Ipsos. Plenty of catchy sentences in there for you.

    But 80% of voters – including similar shares of Democrats and Republicans – said they agreed with a statement that “the country is spiraling out of the control.”

    Full Member

    I tried to put this on the truss thread but it won’t load


    Full Member

    ^^ I have to remind myself. She lead this country’s government.

    She lead this country’s government.

    Shit on a stick. :/

    Full Member

    “It’s no wonder that the heroes who stormed the beaches at Normandy and faced down Communism say they do not recognise our county any more”

    I must go and rewatch Saving Private Ryan as I really don’t remember the commies being on the beaches!

    The MAGA lot really are attempting to rewrite history aren’t they?

    But he’s not the President.

    The United States Secret Service (USSS or Secret Service) is a federal law enforcement agency under the Department of Homeland Security with the purpose of conducting criminal investigations and protecting U.S. political leaders, their families, and visiting heads of state or government.

    The Secret Service was, until 2003, part of the Department of the Treasury, due to their initial mandate of combatting counterfeiting of U.S. currency.

    The agency has protected U.S. presidents and presidential candidates since 1901.

    Free Member

    But he’s not the President.

    Remember America still calls folk by their titles for life, all former presidents are referred to that way as are generals, admirals etc.

    I must go and rewatch Saving Private Ryan as I really don’t remember the commies being on the beaches!

    The MAGA lot really are attempting to rewrite history aren’t they?

    BUt NAZ1s Wer Soshalyst,!!!1!

    Free Member

    I must go and rewatch Saving Private Ryan as I really don’t remember the commies being on the beaches!

    The MAGA lot really are attempting to rewrite history aren’t they?

    I’d hope that her statement spans a decade or two, otherwise heroes who stormed the beaches at Normandy and faced down Communism will say they do not recognise our history any more

    Free Member

    The MAGA lot really are attempting to rewrite history aren’t they?

    She’s right though, the US must face down authoritarians… https://snyder.substack.com/p/how-to-stop-fascism

    Full Member

    That Liz Truss clip? Dear god!

    Isn’t Braverman out there too? Along with Boris, Farage and Russel Brand? We really are exporting our finest minds, aren’t we?

    Can we cancel all the return flights?

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