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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    So is this why they’ve just repealed Os law on mentally ill people buying guns?

    So Trump can tool up ? ;-)

    Who knows if he’s mentally ill, he’s certainly got a shaky grasp on reality ( huge crowds, birther conspiracy, voter fraud etc) and paper thin skin (see all his Twitter tantrums)

    I’m not sure what his obsession with fake tan is all about but there’s something strange going on.

    Fortunately the judiciary seem to be keeping his worst excesses in check (so far) and his altienating of the intelligence services seems to be reaping the rewards that were obviously coming his way…

    Free Member

    Bollocks. People with BPD have good remission rates with treatment

    People with personality disorders cannot be detained under the mental health act because they do not have a ” treatable mental illness”

    There is a strong view within the profession that people with personality disorder should not be considered treatable

    as a police officer we have very regular contact with people with MH issues and with Personality Disorder. I can name half a dozen individuals diagnosed with P.D who we deal with on a weekly basis, usually as a result of self-harm and suicidality (I’ve personally pulled one of them off the ‘wrong’ side of a bridge, and they are disabled from being successful on a different occasion). In every case I have been involved with (probably in three figures as I managed a police custody suite for 3 years) people diagnosed with Personality Disorder are considered untreatable and therefore not detainable under the M.H Act (sometimes with serious or fatal consequences).

    Free Member

    Found this cracker in the Graun:


    As Professor Allen Frances, the man who wrote the official definition of narcissistic personality disorder, points out: “He may be a world-class narcissist, but this doesn’t make him mentally ill, because he does not suffer from the distress and impairment required to diagnose mental disorder. Mr Trump causes severe distress rather than experiencing it and has been richly rewarded, rather than punished, for his grandiosity, self-absorption and lack of empathy … His psychological motivations are too obvious to be interesting.”

    Nearly spat my coffee out when I read that one!

    Nigel Farage, a man cut from the same cloth as Trump, is a talentless blowhard wearing clownish “man of the people” drag, and he is given endless media coverage – why would he choose to be anything else?

    And that bit.

    Very good and witty article, but I could sum Trump and Farage’s ‘problem’ up in far fewer words.

    Free Member

    And what would have been the response?

    Was it one cogent post because so many were just ignoring you?

    As she said this is not the way our democracy worked and she accepted the result the question was would the man who refused to accept the result have accepted it had he got the most votes and lost and it was shown that russian backers hacked him to cost him the election

    I am not sure what you were even trying to say or achieve with that post as it does not in any way shape or form address my comment about what he would have done if the situation was reversed. We know what she would have done as she has done it.

    Please be rational and cogent you are bright lets have a real debate PLEASE

    Free Member

    Please be rational and cogent you are bright lets have a real debate PLEASE

    Blimey, well I never ! :-)

    Free Member

    Granted I have yet to reach the heady heights of rational discourse that you epitomise Frowns – are you just wanting ninfans crown of scribble anything to get a response ?be quick its the other device with file blocker and i would hate to miss it if it was as incisive and funny as that one.

    Have you you and sean spicer ever been seen in the same room?

    Free Member

    el trumpo en directo! :lol:

    Free Member

    Live coverage now is scarily awful. Plenty of disorder on display.

    When caught out about lying his response was great (sic) – “I was given that information.”

    Free Member

    On Isreal I thought all the “shock” at Trump saying he’d be happy with either a one state or two state solution was somewhat bizarre. There are many on the Palestinian side (eg Hamas and Iran, many in the Arab world etc) and those in the West campaigning as anti-Zionists (eg “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea”) who have been pushing a one state solution for decades. Why would a Jewish one state solution be more shocking than the Palestinian / anti-Zionist version of eradicating Isreal ? The Palestinians rejected a two state solution in 1948, one that was far more generous than anything they will ever achieve now.

    Free Member

    I’ve been saying for years a 1 state solution is the only viable solution, Israeli attitudes make it so.

    Only provisos I would include are Palestinians be given the right to full citizenship and 1 person, 1 vote.

    I doubt this is what trump means.

    Free Member

    He has no ability to make a simple point. It’s scary

    All the stuff senior executives are trained to avoid – all on display in spades.

    How much of a little dick syndrome can be man have?!? 8O

    Free Member

    The Palestinians rejected a two state solution in 1948

    Yeah weird how the Palestinians weren’t happy to hand over their lands to Europeans and North Americans because of crimes which they didn’t commit, but Germans and other Europeans did.

    Where was their sense of fair play eh?

    Free Member

    Donald will never put the shovel down, it’s his shovel, it’s his hole, it’s gonna be great, the Mexicans/Palestinians will pay for the hole, Sean Spicer says there was never a shovel or a hole, the Russians knew about the hole, CiA knew about the hole, the rest of us don’t give a shit about the hole.

    **** wits, even the Rednecks are stepping away from the nightmare.

    Free Member

    For a guy who doesn’t drink, he is doing a great job of appearing pissed on live TV

    That and the EGO

    It’s compellingly awful

    Full Member

    jeez – it’s rambling and incoherent, I’m very very scared.

    Currently blaming the courts for overturning the immigration ‘ban’

    Free Member

    indeed THM and its not har to see why folk think he is unhinged

    who are you

    When told
    I know who you are

    to the BBC who beautifully said impartial free and fair when Trump had a pop at them.

    Free Member

    BBC, impartial free and fair


    Free Member

    He is deliberately attacking everyone in the room

    Has he even been give the simple advice: make three v simple points, then STFU

    Dont ramble, whatever you do….

    Free Member

    No one has ever said that to the least anti semitic person they have ever met :wink:

    His press conferences are weird he really does not like anyone asking an even vaguely probing question of him and he has zero respect for anyone who dare question him or his motives.

    Its not hard to see why folk thing he is a little bit on the personality disorder scale

    Full Member

    even the Trump fans – surely you can’t watch this and think this is normal or appropriate for a ‘world leader’?

    Free Member

    got to admit i find him funny at times, i’m changiing fake news to…. very fake news! :lol:

    Free Member

    funny in if it was ALI G or we were in on the set up and the reporters were not.

    He really cannot stop himself from having really childish digs at anyone and also at his opponents

    He was very clear on crime try and stop it no stop it so there you have it he will unite the nation and end all crime

    Lucky US I say

    He made spicer look incredibly adept and professional

    You know he walked off stage to 16 hangerons telling him he pwned the room and agreeing about how unfair the media are to him.

    Free Member

    I like that he made a deliberate point of mentioning that he’d known his wife for a while :)

    Free Member

    he has probably known everyones wife for a while except the ugly ones

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure we’re actual trapped in the matrix and the power is derived from DT internet related activity. It really is the only plausible reason for what I have just witnessed.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus
    funny in if it was ALI G or we were in on the set up and the reporters were not.

    He really cannot stop himself from having really childish digs at anyone and also at his opponents

    He was very clear on crime try and stop it no stop it so there you have it he will unite the nation and end all crime

    Lucky US I say.

    He made spicer look incredibly adept and professional

    You know he walked off stage to 16 hangerons telling him he pwned the room and agreeing about how unfair the media are to him.I also find people falling over themselves to be outraged by him, at every turn, fairly amusing too, tbh.

    ninfan is correct there, it’ll be the boy who cried wolf if there’s something to really get concerned about

    Free Member

    looks like he’s not coping with the stress of the job very well to me.

    Free Member

    The satirists are even more pissed off than the rest of us – he’s stealing all their lines

    Free Member

    Remind me again who exactly the Palestinians are, what their lands are, and on what basis they claim sovereignty over them?

    <bored of Trump, let’s argue about the Middle East conflict instead>

    Free Member

    I also find people falling over themselves to be outraged by him, at ever turn, fairly amusing too, tbh.

    One hardly has to put in any effort to find that press conference or his demeanour or him alarming.

    You are very lucky you find all participants amusing though

    Free Member

    “I don’t think there’s ever been a president elected who in this short period of time has done what we have done.”

    I’ll give him that one.

    Free Member

    Remind me again who exactly the Palestinians are, what their lands are, and on what basis they claim sovereignty over them?

    A claim stronger than the israel one that took them

    What next why is ireland Irish?

    Free Member

    Trump said his team is running like “a fine-tuned machine” at his first solo press conference today.
    Nothing to see here….move along.

    Free Member

    got to admit i find him funny at times, i’m changiing fake news to…. very fake news! :lol:

    This is it – the outraged lefties don’t get that he is playing with them, they are just unwilling to see the cheeky glint in his eye as he says this stuff. Even the press laughed at that one.

    The whole thing is glorious, God Emperor Trump emerges unscathed from the press bearpit yet again 8)

    Free Member

    One hardly has to put in any effort to find that press conference or his demeanour or him alarming.
    You are very lucky you find all participants amusing though

    No-one is coming out of politics well, the politicians nor the media.

    So much so i’m really wondering what the point is(if we’re ment to take this seriously), it’s a clown show on all fronts, on both sides of the Atlantic. It is entertainment, not politics or news.

    Free Member

    he certainly escaped with his image no more tainted than before I will give you that

    Certainly he is trying to play up but even you must accept it was some way short of statesmanlike and presidential it was practically a scene from Dr strangelove :wink:

    Full Member

    Ninfan – you really think that?

    Free Member

    practically a scene from Dr strangelove

    They at least had a war room instead of a public restaurant.Although I half expect the travel ban to include a clause about vital bodily fluids.

    Free Member

    Ooh, it wasn’t statesmanlike? Well boo, and indeed, hoo.

    People elected Trump as someone who was a doer, not a talker. So far, they’re getting their money’s worth.

    “Hilary got the questions before the debate, not a peep, imagine if that was me, it would be the biggest story in the world, you would be calling for the death penalty to be reinstated”

    He’s not wrong, is he?

    Free Member

    President Trump is absolutely right in hammering those fake reporters.

    I mean look at Channel 4 news trolling the people from time to time, I mean some of their reporters (most of them) are so dramatic in their report you though the world would collapse when the stock market fluctuate. What a bunch of reporter tools trying to be dramatic … :lol:

    You should watch the bloke on Newsnight last night (Wed) where the bloke from Newsnight was so keen on inserting his own statement, the entire interview was him asserting his statement rather than listening to the person he was interviewing. A tool.

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