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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    The NYT can do as much reportage as it likes…no one is paying attention.

    Also it was the ‘failing’ NYT and especially Wash Po that pursued the Flynn story and brought him down.

    We were being told that trump would be sidelining the MSM…. It seems that they are now taking out his inner circle.

    Who’s next- Spicer, Conway, Miller Preibus?

    Free Member

    Got to be Conway, both sides calling for her head on some very simple this rules.

    Full Member

    Please, not the sphincter. He’s too entertaining. Kellyanne is looking considerably more raddled than she was at the start of the campaign, so I’m guessing they’ve got something on her. Either that or her blood products are being harvested to keep the Donald alive.

    Free Member

    Oh and a note for poor little Ivanka, if who your Daddy is got you the gig don’t get upset when he causes it to go away…
    They don’t need much on Kellyanne she is finished anyway with the endorsement even if the bowling green should have got her.

    Guess would be the inner circle? can we call them the inner ring? want Priebus out

    Free Member

    martinhutch – Member
    Last Week Tonight

    While I agree with the comments on brietbart and infowars and people getting their news from narrow/non traditional news outlets. The same is clearly true for a large part of the “left” imo. It’s patently obvious a lot of people only get their news from the likes of John Oliver.

    Now While I enjoy his shows, I can separate it from news. i’m not sure a lot of people can! Something I feel people need to recognise.

    The entertainment/news lines is heavily blurred on all sides.

    Full Member

    The entertainment/news lines is heavily blurred on all sides.

    when youve got a reality tv celebrity for a president prone to tantrums over the most inane things what do you expect!

    farage, the referendum, delusional brexiteers, trump….. as Armando Iannucci said

    “I now find the political landscape so alien and awful that it’s hard to match the waves of cynicism it transmits on its own. – Fiction is winning out because fact is no longer making sense.”

    Id also take john oliver’s factual accuracy over that of breitbart or infowars!

    Free Member

    well if your sides are not splitting…

    The New York Times published a story Tuesday evening claiming anonymous “aides” on President Donald Trump’s campaign had contact with Russian intelligence, citing classified information supplied by “four current and former American officials.”
    Oddly, the Times reports that these officials concluded that there was “no evidence” they had seen that the “Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.” So there would seem to be no story.

    However, the anonymous officials were reportedly alarmed by the “amount of contact that was occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.” The Times does not report who initiated the contact.

    The Times misreports at least one key piece of evidence. It claims: “At one point last summer, Mr. Trump said at a campaign event that he hoped Russian intelligence services had stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and would make them public.”

    That is not true: the “campaign event” was a press conference, and Trump’s comment was clearly a joke, as Breitbart News reported at the time — though that did not stop the media and the Hillary Clinton campaign from trying to make it a campaign issue.
    More logic fails than a STW rightie…

    Free Member

    Just seen an ad for Hannity on Fox where he said Trumps approval rating is climbing, tried to do some research and can not find anything to corroborate this.

    I know Hannity is a scumbag IMO but this seems a stretch even for him.

    Free Member

    I know Hannity is a scumbag IMO but this seems a stretch even for him.

    Fox = Murdoch= Buying Influence

    Free Member
    Full Member

    That Gallup poll doesn’t include reaction to Flynn’s resignation yet either

    Free Member

    Cheers Klunk that is what I found as well. I swear we are all doomed

    Free Member

    he’s still got a way to go to hit GWs low of 25% but to be so low so early in the administration is really “unusual!”

    Free Member

    but to be so low so early in the administration is really “unusual!”

    not considering the work he has put in so far, damm he has been working hard

    Free Member

    Does it make any difference other than a warm fuzzy feeling for the democrats though?

    All the polls in the world don’t stop him being president

    Free Member

    On his state visit with the Queen, Donald Trump expresses his desire to change the status of American to that of an Empire. The queen says that to achieve that, they’d need an emperor in charge, so it isn’t possible.
    “How about a Kingdom?”, Trump asks. “No, you’d need a king”
    “A Principality?” “No, Donald, you’d need a prince.”
    After a moment’s thought, the Queen adds: “Considering the current situation, it’d be much better suited as a country”.

    Free Member

    You’re really tiresome ninfan, you know that, right?

    Free Member

    ah he is back on form!! you were wavering in your support earlier ninfan.

    What about the nice little calls to the FSB?

    Who’s next for the high jump? Conway?

    Full Member

    All the polls in the world don’t stop him being president

    Yes we had noticed he was president

    Fortunately the Reps not feeling too fuzzy about those polls, so when they have to vote on that impeachment….. :P

    Free Member

    aren’t we due a new travel ban exec order. Or is that on the back burner for now ? :?

    Free Member

    Fortunately the Reps not feeling too fuzzy about those polls,

    Ah, the same reps who were all disowning him when they thought he was going to lose?

    It’s a bit like being bothered about the polls when the polls all got that wrong too.

    Not only are you living in impeachment fantasy land, but you’re forgetting what the result would be – take a look at the possibility Mike Pence’s policies and you’ll really shudder.

    Free Member

    Ah, the same reps who were all disowning him when they thought he was going to lose?

    Would they be the ones deleting tweets about being slack on classified material? #DinnerSpills

    Not only are you living in impeachment fantasy land, but you’re forgetting what the result would be – take a look at the possibility Mike Pence’s policies and you’ll really shudder.

    Read your history?
    How did Nixon go down? Reps need Dems to get the Vote, Dems will ask for a patsy in the VP first

    Full Member

    aren’t we due a new travel ban exec order. Or is that on the back burner for now ?

    Due this week isn’t it? Pull your finger out man, you’re slacking.

    Free Member

    How many Trump supporters/voters do you know?

    I wouldn’t say I “know” any, but I see comments from quite a few on FB, and unless these people are completely unrepresentative then they are a way off realising it is BS. TBH I’m not quite sure what will result in that realisation – his support appears to be more religious than rational (appropriately, given that a lot of his support comes from so-called Christians).

    I suppose we could always try and get an answer from our resident Trump supporters…

    Free Member

    The people who were promised jobs, those that were promised action, any coal mines getting opened?

    Oh and his approvals are falling

    Full Member

    The news never gets as exciting as this!!!! :)

    Free Member

    You’re an apparently rational man – you talk a lot of sense on some other threads (and I enjoyed your moon landings joke up there – it was a joke wasn’t it?) So you can surely see through the BS to what the man really is doing. Can you rationally explain why you are still a supporter?

    (bonus points if as somebody who appears to be quite into the outdoors you can explain why his wholesale dismantling of the EPA and environmental regulation is a good thing)

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t say I “know” any, but I see comments from quite a few on FB, and unless these people are completely unrepresentative then they are a way off realising it is BS.

    I suspect that they are quite unrepresentative – silent majority and all that. Trump’s core support isn’t enough to get him elected.

    Free Member

    It looks like all the fake news and the opponents of President Trump are at it again by trying to destroy President Trump attempts to rebuild relationship with Russia.

    The reason is simple because the opponents simply cannot accept the fact that there will be peace established between USA & Russia, especially from someone who “grabs” others’ body part. They really cannot imagine that.
    These people simply cannot imagine having their concept of bogeyman (Russia aggressor etc) destroyed because that will make their (irrelevant) values redundant. :P

    Full Member

    And chewy is back in the room :roll:

    Full Member

    If Trump can pull off a similar relationship with Russia that Reagan/Thatcher/Gorbachev managed then well done him (though it was mainly down to Gorbachev’s desire for change – I don’t see Putin having the same attitude).

    Full Member

    chewkw – Member
    The reason is simple because the opponents simply cannot accept the fact that there will be peace established between USA & Russia, especially from someone who “grabs” others’ body part. They really cannot imagine that.

    Peace <> doing as uncle Vlad tells you because if you don’t he will (allegedly) tell everyone what naughty things you’ve been up to and sabotage all you and your mates’ financial deals in Russia.

    Free Member

    And chewy is back in the room

    If everyone could just ignore the troll they would go away

    Free Member

    colournoise – Member
    Peace <> doing as uncle Vlad tells you because if you don’t he will (allegedly) tell everyone what naughty things you’ve been up to and sabotage all you and your mates’ financial deals in Russia.

    1. President Trump 71 year old. Accused past is the last thing on earth that worries him. i.e. things like financial dealings with whoever, grabbing body parts etc … nobody give jack shite about that coz people will still vote for him.

    However, not doing the right thing for the people will definitely keep him awake.

    2. He won the election with the support from “rednecks”. Do you think these people give a flying zebra about US and Russia relationship getting better?

    3. People want change so voted previous “US regime” out regardless.

    4. Accused cyber hacking etc swayed jack shite about people voting for President Trump. (oh ya, this cyber hacking etc happens all the time what’s the big deal?)

    Now apply all the above to your rationale that Russia has managed to grab hold of President Trump body parts then see if something happens.

    Full Member

    (AAARRRGGHH!!! can’t resist).

    Wasn’t saying that anything will happen because of whatever Trumpie’s relationship with Vlad is or isn’t.

    Just pointing out that IMO any imbalance is not a great foundation for a relationship or for peace…

    And, you REALLY think Uncle Donald actually cares about doing the right thing for ‘the people’? I’ve seen precious little evidence of that so far.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    colournoise – Member
    Just pointing out that IMO any imbalance is not a great foundation for a relationship or for peace…

    I am sure they are balanced. Really, they are. These two are just posturing so will not go head to head and they know that.

    And, you REALLY think Uncle Donald actually cares about doing the right thing for ‘the people’? I’ve seen precious little evidence of that so far.

    Crikey, do you think he has JK Rowling’s magic wand that can do instant transformation? How long has he been in office? Also everywhere he goes the opponents are blocking him by lying down in front of him so not making his life easy innit. Why not get out of the way and let the President does his job then you decide?

    aracer – Member

    chewkw » However, not doing the right thing for the people will definitely keep him awake.

    #trumpcares [/quote] Yes, he cares for those who have voted for him. I am sure that’s the right thing to do, hence he cares. :P

    Free Member

    You’re an apparently rational man – you talk a lot of sense on some other threads (and I enjoyed your moon landings joke up there – it was a joke wasn’t it?) So you can surely see through the BS to what the man really is doing. Can you rationally explain why you are still a supporter?

    He upsets people who I like to see upset?

    No, in all seriousness, there is a level of truth in this, if Donald is upsetting and frightening people who have held the reins of power for decades, then he must be doing something right – like it or not the status quo hasn’t been good for a lot of people, their jobs have been offshored to the lowest cost provider with the lowest workers rights and environmental concerns (something I would suggest was never really the point of free trade) – forcing those suppliers back onshore can only be a good thing for the long term sustainability of the US economy.

    Regards Muslim ban etc- like it or not, Wahhabist Islam, as a religion, has some truly horrible aspects within its community and implementation that are incompatible with western liberal society (attitudes on women and homosexuality for example) have led to global insecurity, its right that those home nations do everything in their power to combat it and work with other nations to do so – to put their own house in order and to take refugees themselves as well. Just as we would be doing if it was the scientologists blowing people up for insulting Joshua Smith. My opinion is that Trump is trying to pressure them into making those changes, and that isn’t a bad thing.

    (bonus points if as somebody who appears to be quite into the outdoors you can explain why his wholesale dismantling of the EPA and environmental regulation is a good thing)

    I think this is mixed, there are concerns, rightly or wrongly, that much of their work had taken on a political and evangelical rather than truly scientific and environmental aspect. See the recent NOAA whistleblower stuff as an example. If the intent is deconstruct and rebuild, and to make them concentrate science and regulatory work rather than as a political lobbyist, this might not be a bad thing. Of course if the goal was, in the alternative, merely to reduce/weaken regulation, then it’s different.

    Edit: to add, if nobody can see that the whole Russia thing isn’t classic ‘post collapse of GWOT, new Cold War pork barrel politics’ then they must be daft.

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of misunderstanding of what Putin actually wants.

    Nobody seems to understand that he (and some of his key advisers who have actually gone into print on this) want instability elsewhere. That way Putin doesn’t really have to have policies (or certainly doesn’t have to have them ‘approved’ by the populace). Simply asserting himself as a constant, a safe option in a world convulsed by apparent chaos is then enough to ensure his position.

    That is why Putin will have helped the likes of Trump to win an election, then threaten to release evidence of this and other stuff to discredit him. It all adds to the impression he is trying to create amongst his own populace that it is a dangerous world ‘out there’ and you’re better off with Uncle Vladimir in charge.

    Putin does not want anything other than to preserve his position and security, don’t think of this as akin to past alliances and pacts, this is not about anything of the sort.

    Full Member

    chewkw – Member
    Crikey, do you think he has JK Rowling’s magic wand that can do instant transformation? How long has he been in office? Also everywhere he goes the opponents are blocking him by lying down in front of him so not making his life easy innit. Why not get out of the way and let the President does his job then you decide?

    Admittedly, I’m not monitoring the US media 24/7 but I’m not sure anything that’s come out of the Whitehouse since January (Executive Order or not) has been focussed on making things better for ‘the people’ on a day to day basis. Any potentially positive effects just feel like collateral damage at the moment.

    Possibly against my personal judgement, I’m willing to give the new administration the benefit of the doubt to a certain extent but that gets harder and harder with each new ‘revelation’ – even given the that the mainstream media is obviously so biased and basically just spewing anti-Trump propaganda…

    (I don’t really like using emoticons).

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