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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kimbers
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    seosamh77 – Member
    I’m pretty certain the documents on that table were just a mass of blank A4, but shirley they have to be logged somewhere. And people can look at them?

    Youre being naive if you think Trump has let go of his $$$

    alternative facts rule!



    Free Member
    Free Member

    It’s all a big maybe though, I’d go as far as to say an unlikely maybe, but we’ll see how it develops.

    Yep 2/3, the historical parrallel is Nixon (again started as fantasy and the only thing that stopped it was resignation. They also got rid of the VP first in that case)

    Lets face it he has no plan for healthcare, the jobs plan seems missing, he hasn’t asked for the cash for the wall, exec orders in tatters and an assault on the Rep appointed judiciary. What happens when he goes after his own party that hard? Are they just going to roll with it?
    Next stop questions about Security from the Patio operations room – again given how much he whipped up the Reps into yelling about Clinton’s emails this one isn’t sitting well (senior reps deleting tweets on the subject at the moment)
    Next questions for Spicer – what was discussed in front of Journalists/punters
    What was on the documents you were holding phones up to?
    Were all of those phones government issues/secured?

    Full Member

    he is not a director of his scottish companies anymore according to Company House .

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    seosamh77 – Member
    I’m pretty certain the documents on that table were just a mass of blank A4, but shirley they have to be logged somewhere. And people can look at them?
    Youre being rather gullible if you think Trump has let go of his $$$

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-revocable-trust-business-empire-money-conflicts-of-interest-trump-organisation-don-eric-a7563391.htmllike I say, happy to be corrected. :) I’ll have a read at that, ta.

    Free Member

    Trudeau is now running course for all world leaders in how to own Trump at handshakes 8)

    Free Member


    according to this, by law he isn’t actually required to relinquish control. So being in control/financially benefiting actually wouldn’t be grounds for impeachment. I’d guess that’s vastly different if you can prove he’s in control and the companies are commiting crimes.

    Free Member

    Fair comment from that article though

    “Constitutionally it’s going to be very hard to prohibit anyone from becoming president by making them divest of their holdings,” Painter said. “And if he wants to continue to run a business while being president, it would be like Berlusconi in Italy, which is probably the closest comparison.”

    What is in question is are the decisions he makes in the interest of his business (Family included), is he providing advice and information to his Family to enrich his/their wealth and ultimatly is he acting in the interests of the US or others.

    All of which is much harder to prove when you have no interest, control or knowledge of what your cash is invested in.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    It’s all a big maybe though, I’d go as far as to say an unlikely maybe, but we’ll see how it develops.

    Yep 2/3, the historical parrallel is Nixon (again started as fantasy and the only thing that stopped it was resignation. They also got rid of the VP first in that case)
    Lets face it he has no plan for healthcare, the jobs plan seems missing, he hasn’t asked for the cash for the wall, exec orders in tatters and an assault on the Rep appointed judiciary. What happens when he goes after his own party that hard? Are they just going to roll with it?
    Next stop questions about Security from the Patio operations room – again given how much he whipped up the Reps into yelling about Clinton’s emails this one isn’t sitting well (senior reps deleting tweets on the subject at the moment)
    Next questions for Spicer – what was discussed in front of Journalists/punters
    What was on the documents you were holding phones up to?
    Were all of those phones government issues/secured?

    Problem is at the moment, it’s just incompetence.(cynic in me says planned incompetence) And given politics these days, incompetence seems par for the course. So all I can see is a 4 year lame duck president(in regards to actually doing anything for people, he’ll line corporate pockets with tax cuts and deregulation etc(as lets face it, that’s the ultimate goal of his presidency(which will keep the part happy/placated imo))). unless someone can come up with some proof of wrong doing/russian control as grounds for impeachment.

    He doesn’t strike me as the type that will quietly step down of his own accord due to (perceived/advertised) incompetence.

    Free Member

    Trump was elected because he has money, the American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons. The point with Hillary is everyone knew she would say whatever the biggest doner group wanted. She had no principals, she stood for nothing.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    Trump was elected because he has money, the American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons.

    crazy fools! :lol:

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    What is in question is are the decisions he makes in the interest of his business (Family included), is he providing advice and information to his Family to enrich his/their wealth and ultimatly is he acting in the interests of the US or others.
    All of which is much harder to prove when you have no interest, control or knowledge of what your cash is invested in.

    All about proof though, I also think there’s another factor involved though, and that’s irrational patriotism. Most americans will be extremely reluctant to go down the impeachment route. I’d guess the embarrassment of nixon is very much in the public mind there and it’d take alot to go down that route..

    Free Member

    Rorschach – Member

    Trudeau is now running course for all world leaders in how to own Trump at handshakes

    There’s some interesting Trump handshakes here :


    Free Member

    Trump was elected because he has money, the American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons.

    Buy my daughters clothes
    Stay at my hotels
    Advertise my resort
    Play golf on my courses

    How much did the Russians pay Flynn for his trips to Russia (that he forgot to decalre) he has already had one nominated person walk away as they felt it was impossible to separate their business life from the next role in government.
    I would say the people who belived his BS are realising it was just that.

    She had no principals, she stood for nothing.

    It’s good that we know the Trump single easy to understand principle.

    Anyway time for Story time with Spicer – How long did the president know Flynn was flagged as a security risk? If he didn’t know who didn’t inform the president his national security advisor was a security risk.

    All about proof though,

    Thing is it isn’t. All he really needs is the idea to be propogated so much that everything looks dodgy. They had proof Clinton lied, he stayed in.
    As for embarresment it comes down to a call on which is more of an embarresment.

    Full Member

    It’s basically going to come down to results- he’ll be able to get away with all sorts of heinous bullshit, as long as he’s giving people what they want, and then it’ll come home to roost when he doesn’t. That’s a fairly loaded statement- he might not actually give people what they want but still persuade them he has, he might not give the party what they want but please his part of the electorate.

    So what that basically means is that he can coast through all this crap just now and just roll with it, because he hasn’t let his supporters down. Yet. Me, I think there’s literally no chance that he won’t. But the next question is, will they believe it, will they blame him, will it all be the lawyers fault or the mexicans or the cucks or the jinese. The whole campaign on Hilary’s emails followed immediately by security breach scandals is absolutely laughable but it’s not going to sway the Magahats.

    Free Member

    I’d largely agree there NW

    I think the points to add to that would be the culmulative effect of the outrage/alarmism/exaggeration of every minor thing as the precursor to (literally) a new holocaust.

    I’m on record as a supporter, but I would argue that the protests and character attacks have achieved nothing, whereas the only effective damage has been caused by really traditional, old fashioned leaking and well structured and calm/clinical Court action (whether it subsequently holds up or not)

    The thing is, if the outrage/alarmism and character assassination continues, then at some point you are going to hit “peak Trump” and news fatigue, whereby the value of the outrage has been so diminished (if everything is an outrage, then nothing is ever a real outrage) that when something really bad happens, the opposition become the boy who cried wolf.

    Free Member

    I’m on record as a supporter, but I would argue that the protests and character attacks have achieved nothing, whereas the only effective damage has been caused by really traditional, old fashioned leaking and well structured and calm/clinical Court action (whether it subsequently holds up or not)

    I think the character attacks are provoking his rage and ego – the Avoid Trump Products stuff probably spurred the thing about his daughter and will probably finish off Conway.
    The celbrity tweets will have seior republicans rolling their eyes as to why he is bothering to dignify them with a reply. People know he will bite and look like an idiot.
    Mass protest also highlights he hasn’t got a full country behind him, it reminds the Republicans that the mid terms will be very important. If he fails to increase his approval rating it could end with a big reversal of seats.
    They have 12 months of solid work to do to show they have achieved something, to do that he has to start working with people not fighting the world.

    Free Member

    and to be honest the Russia story isn’t going away

    But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. At one point last summer, Mr. Trump said at a campaign event that he hoped Russian intelligence services had stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and would make them public.

    The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump. On the Russian side, the contacts also included members of the Russian government outside of the intelligence services, the officials said. All of the current and former officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the continuing investigation is classified.

    On this also do you not think that the current public opionion makes it easier to leak knowing that you have the public backing if it goes wrong.

    Free Member

    than wanabees like the Clintons

    Do you think they are a poor family?

    Let’s see what Trump stands for – other than himself.

    Free Member

    American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons

    Absolutely.. until you see what his investments/advisors/cabinet is made up from.


    Dakota access pipeline… just got a green light for completion

    The presidency is absolutely a self enrichment venture, on all levels.
    I bet if he hadn’t been elected, he would have launched a tv network with “the journey to the presidency” as the headlining reality show.

    Full Member

    I’m on record as a supporter

    What exactly is it that you support?

    Full Member

    I still think Trump will give up the presidency quite quickly as he discovers he can’t do everything he wants and as the lampooning of him gets worse. He just is unable to accept he is not right and can’t take the mockery

    Full Member

    More damming information about Trumps cronies contacts with russia – about which he has lied and can be proven to have lied

    Free Member

    Trump was elected because he has money, the American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons. The point with Hillary is everyone knew she would say whatever the biggest doner group wanted. She had no principals, she stood for nothing.

    You repeatedly say it’s not right to write off Trump voters as being thick, but if they truly believe what you say there, then they are more stupid than I gave them credit for.

    Free Member

    Trump was elected because he has money, the American voters believe that makes him and his appointees far less likely to be corrupt/corruptable than wanabees like the Clintons. The point with Hillary is everyone knew she would say whatever the biggest doner group wanted. She had no principals, she stood for nothing.

    Does he have more than Zuckerberg or Gates or Buffet?
    Is he in the top ten rich list?
    At $3.7bn, he’s not even in nthe top 250 of global rich.
    It’s incredibly naive to think he’s beyond corruption. He can’t be No1 on the richlist, so he can play at being president and all the little, stupid Trumpettes voted for him.
    Might be easier to calculate his real worth if we knew how much tax he was paying, but that’s a different point. I totally trust someone who won’t share their tax details.

    Full Member

    The moral of that story is that you probably shouldn’t piss off your own country’s intelligence agencies.

    Full Member

    I’m on record as a supporter, but I would argue that the protests and character attacks have achieved nothing, whereas the only effective damage has been caused by really traditional, old fashioned leaking and well structured and calm/clinical Court action (whether it subsequently holds up or not)

    The court cases are helped by the mass calling out of his idiocy

    & These leaks are happening because of his tantrums & the ridicule they receive

    He used his address at the CIA rather than to build desperately needed bridges with the agencies hed been attacking
    Instead choosing to rant about unfair meedia coverage of his crowd size, even bussing in his own supporters to show people applauding for the cameras. All of this self-indulgent whining done in front of the memorial to all the CIA agents who had died on duty

    And what the trumpers dont realise is that the celebrity snubs and global outrage are hurting the GOP


    their traditional big money donors are nervous

    Michael moore has been happily pointing this out – hes damaging the Reps & they will be weighing all this up when that 1st impeachment vote comes….

    Free Member

    The ones I’ve spoken do realise it, but they are willing to put up with Amatuer hour, they are willing to put up with Russian links, they are willing to put up with Anything to stop the spread of Islamic culture.

    Full Member

    Trump’s always had a rocky relationship with intelligence.

    Full Member

    Distracted by cat, nothing to see here.

    Free Member

    Distracted by cat, nothing to see here

    Donald Trump as said during the 15/2 security and intelligence briefing.

    Full Member

    Distracted by cat, nothing to see here.

    Full Member

    It was the best cat ever though, no seriously you should see this cat it’s amazing. But I can’t show it to you. Also it might be a Russian cat.

    Full Member

    Actually it wasn’t a cat, I never saw a cat. I’ll need to look into it.

    Full Member

    You do have to wonder whether Trump’s constant efforts to discredit the NYT among his supporters over recent weeks might have something to do with their sniffing around this particular issue.

    I think I’ll wait to see what Infowars and Breitbart have to say on the story before I make my mind up.

    Full Member

    I think I’ll wait to see what Infowars and Breitbart have to say on the story before I make my mind up.

    I know your answer is tongue-in-cheek, but it’s exactly why Trump supporters won’t be moved by these “revelations” at all. They’re getting their news from sources that are sympathetic to, or controlled directly by, the Trump/Republican administration. (as is Trump himself). The NYT can do as much reportage as it likes…no one is paying attention.

    Full Member

    How are breitbart/infowars fox spinning the Flynn thing then ?

    Full Member

    That is the strategy though. Divert people to alternative news sources, continually attack the mainstream media.

    Last Week Tonight did a bit on the vicious circle of Drumpf’s own news consumption, his promotion of those sources, his supporters quoting the ‘facts’ back, and then his use of his supporters belief in them to bolster his own.


    Nothing to see here, look at this cat.

    Full Member

    nickc – Member

    I know your answer is tongue-in-cheek, but it’s exactly why Trump supporters won’t be moved by these “revelations” at all. They’re getting their news from sources that are sympathetic to, or controlled directly by, the Trump/Republican administration. (as is Trump himself).

    I think this is overegged tbh. Yes there’s a hard core of peple using alt-terrorists like Breitbart but the actual reach isn small. In terms of web traffic they’re way, way down on CNN, Fox, NYT, Washington Post. And a good 10% of their traffic is referrals from Reddit, which will be mostly people like me tapping the glass.

    There’s definitely a hardcore there but while it’s enough to count in an election it’s a minority of Trump’s vote. Fox for all their right wing mentalness are in a different league, and while they’ve got a serious reach and clout it’s still not omnipresent. (Fox have had some pretty harsh content on Trump’s omnishambles- I think if you have any pretence to being news, it’s hard not to)

    The other thing is, some of these allegations- links to russia, government corruption, infringement on the constitution- are bread and butter for these sorts of people. It remains to be seen how far Trump can do that before the cognitave dissonance really kicks off. Cold Dead Hands people and other constitutional fundamentalists don’t like any sort of intrusion on that frinstance.

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