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  • Donald! Trump!
  • ninfan
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    An NSA official told the New York Observer it was holding back some of the “good stuff” from the White House

    Of course they are – they have to, Trump threatened to reveal the truth about the moon landings, Roswell and 9/11.

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    kimbers – Member
    To be fair after hanging out with her pervy dad, Steve Bannon and her chinless wonder of a husband, Justin must look pretty tasty…

    You lot are going after Steve Bannon now? :D
    So all those dramas about President Trump have no effects so you lot go after his advisors?

    I wonder how will it work when the eyes are turn on the oppositions/opponents’ advisors. See if opponents’ advisors can stand the heat … should be fun. :P

    Free Member

    You lot are going after Steve Bannon now?
    So all those dramas about President Trump have no effects so you lot go after his advisors?

    It’s almost like they are somehow linked.

    Serious talk now. Is there anyone lucid and logical who can argue the side of Trump et al? Talking with the current proponents in this thread is like arguing with a toddler. I don’t for a minute think all Trump supporters are slack jawed yokels, so please can someone step forward?

    Free Member

    You lot are going after Steve Bannon now?
    So all those dramas about President Trump have no effects so you lot go after his advisors?


    Full Member

    So all those dramas about President Trump have no effects so you lot go after his advisors?

    Cmon, 4 weeks and he’s already had senior advisor quit, has any president been so close to impeachment so soon?

    Trump said he didn’t know Flynn had discussed sanctions, now spicy says he knew weeks ago….

    Miller his new mouthpiece was special this weekend too

    Chewkw another Goldman Sachs to be appointed next week to secretary of state, swamp draining is not good speciality

    Free Member

    Of course they are – they have to, Trump threatened to reveal the truth about the moon landings, Roswell and 9/11.

    Is this a joke?

    Full Member

    Trump? A joke? I wish it was. :(

    Free Member

    It’s as if there’s no way to spin this as anything but an absolute clusterflip

    Free Member

    You have to wonder what they are trying to divert attention away from this time !

    Free Member

    Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaa!

    What a **** shambles.

    When are the swivel-eyed neo-fascist loons going to realise that the swivel-eyed neo-fascist loons they choose to represent them are unfit for office? Unfit to run a small business, in fact (at least one that doesn’t rely on government collusion to succeed). Obviously they won’t, but enough grown ups will, and then we’ll get back to something resembling the real world.

    I can sense the cracks spreading already and it makes me chuckle a bit inside. All over by the end of this year with any luck. The nutters can have their 18 months making tits of themselves in the limelight and they will have achieved nothing.


    Free Member

    Well if it happens I assume the Democrats will ask for pence to step down before any impeachment votes. Gross incompetence within a month, casual disregard for national security, the worry would be the centralised role of bannon and the son in law now.

    Free Member

    I see the Trump haters are still living in “impeachment fantasy land”

    So far he’s had all his appointees accepted by Senate even if the Educatuon Secretary took a tie break, but he won.

    The travel ban / extreme vetting will be enforced one way or another.

    Netanyahu is there today btw. Expect strong action in support of Israel

    Free Member

    Clock’s ticking, boys.

    You had your tantrum. The adults let you think you’d got your way. Now the adults are going to take your toys off of you. At least when you’ve had enough rope to really hang yourselves.

    Better start that war quick…….

    Free Member

    Why not jamby, how is he going to get his travel ban in? His 90 days he needed to work stuff out will be up soon, is he not working stuff out? The court case will be another humiliation for him.
    Overwhelming support of Israeli policy might be popular with some but not the rest of the world these days.
    On impeachment added to the list blatant disregard for security the dinner stunt will haunt him for a long time, whos phones were pointed at the docs in the table? Which waiters heard what?
    So what did he know about the illegal approach to the Russian ambassador? He knew nothing? Incompetence. He tapped his nose and knew nothing caught out.
    Strong rumours of Russian influence will not leave him.
    Anyway after a short absence what’s your take on the last few days? I see he has no real choice but to either discipline /sack Conway or ignore the rest of the government on ethics.

    Free Member

    Educatuon Secretary


    Free Member

    Bless em, the far right just can’t get the staff!

    Find someone who genuinely represents your views and inevitably they turn out to be incompetent, chaotic and utterly unfit for office.

    The best kind of self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member
    I see the Trump haters are still living in “impeachment fantasy land”

    So far he’s had all his appointees accepted by Senate even if the Educatuon Secretary took a tie break, but he won.

    The travel ban / extreme vetting will be enforced one way or another.

    Netanyahu is there today btw. Expect strong action in support of Israel

    You really are this forum’s equivalent of

    Free Member

    They (far right) got the president they deserve.

    Full Member

    where are the executive orders to make America great again ?

    create jobs ?

    nothing …

    Free Member

    There’s a way to go yet, but the humiliation will be all the greater for it. Give them enough rope.

    Free Member

    Al Manny ?@almannysbunnet Feb 12
    From the Auld Scots Dictionary
    2.Scottish> Bawbag;
    e.g. #PresidentBawbag > Latin; Potus Scrotus


    Free Member

    The republican party are still getting what they wanted in terms of policy rollbacks and dismantling Obama’s legacy.
    It’ll take the erosion of their (begrudging) support to spell the beginning of the end for Wotsit Hitler.
    Then you’ll see what a complete @$%t Ted Cruz is.

    Free Member

    The republican party are still getting what they wanted in terms of policy rollbacks and dismantling Obama’s legacy.
    It’ll take the erosion of their (begrudging) support to spell the beginning of the end for Wotsit Hitler.
    Then you’ll see what a complete @$%t Ted Cruz is.

    Yep. I’d love to see Trump and Pence in the stocks, though.

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member
    I see the Trump haters are still living in “impeachment fantasy land”

    Hasn’t he just lost his national security advisor? He better not lose any more.

    To lose one advisor is unfortunate, but to lose two sounds like incompetence….

    Free Member

    The republican party are still getting what they wanted in terms of policy rollbacks and dismantling Obama’s legacy.

    Only in headlines they are currently having trouble coming up with an actual policy on what to do next. Given the broad church of right wing nutters will be interesting to see what comes to pass.

    Free Member

    tbh I do agree with jamba, people are getting too excited about impeachment.

    Gonny need some proof which seems to be lying under a mountain of wishful thinking.

    At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that “The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

    Free Member

    It’s also very touching that jambalaya thinks the average Trump voter gives a shit what deal the US does with Netanyahu. OK, so a bit of Palestinian-bashing is nominally popular, but both Israel and Palestine are ‘abroad’ and quite far removed from what they were voting for. A few Palestinians being run over by tanks isn’t going to make Cletus and his mates happy for very long.

    Full Member

    A few Palestinians being run over by tanks isn’t going to make Cletus and his mates happy for very long.

    …whereas sorting out Obamacare probably *would* make them happy. But despite having had 6 years to work out what to replace it with, they seem to have nothing.

    Other than it’s going to be so much better, so very much better, bigly.

    Free Member

    Emoluments, he currently receives a chunk of cash from foreign leaders and governments via his hotels.
    Influences or cash from Russia would be bribary or treason
    That is before we go further into the business

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Emoluments, he currently receives a chunk of cash from foreign leaders and governments via his hotels.
    Influences or cash from Russia would be bribary or treason
    That is before we go further into the business

    Which his sons now run. (If the paper work is to be believed from the sign off at the start of his presidency).

    If you are going to prove that, you need to prove he is still running the companies. So far, I don’t see anyone claiming he legally does? Happy to be corrected.

    Free Member

    Jambalaya when and how do you say Obama banned immigration from Iraq ? The only law or step I can trace is his suspension of the visa waiver programme which obviously is different and had defined exceptions to allow some iraquis to still get visa waiver , and his 6 month monitorium on new visas. At no point in Obama’s presidency did immigration from Iraq stop .
    I’d love to weep over some facts if you have them.

    ???? Glad you back jam can you answer the above please ?

    Free Member

    Or (tin hat on)…Putin thinks it’s more effective dismantling American democracy by outing Trump than just letting Trump do it by himself (with a bit of help).

    Free Member

    World is getting to all sorts of levels of crazy! What would the US do if the North Koreans have got hold of an unarmed missle sub and are developing the missile for it!

    Free Member

    Which his sons now run. (If the paper work is to be believed from the sign off at the start of his presidency).

    AFAIK there is proof that he still receives a benifit from the company. At any lenght you could group the family together – of course I do everything indepandantly and there is no reason to be suspicious that my family is getting richer – spat with daughters retailers for instance.

    If you are going to prove that, you need to prove he is still running the companies.

    Actually you don’t, it’s not a court it’s a vote. They can make their case and vote on it.

    Full Member

    Seosoamh77, photos showed that paperwork was blank and we’ve not seen anything since then to prove it. Smoke and mirrors then pointing and shouting as usual. Squirrel!

    Full Member

    Loving the Trumpers claimimg this doesnt weaken Trump

    it wont be this that brings him down but its more awkward questions
    last week he knew nothing, now we learn he knew weeks before that Flynn had spoken to the ruskies about sanctions
    poor kellyane doesnt have a hope, even Pence now caught in a lie about what he knew when

    as for Netenyahu ….hes gonna hate that handshake dominance game
    and is facing scandals and investigations a-plenty at home
    I expect strong actions towards destabilising the region even further

    You can watch Spicy stumble over the Flynn allegations today

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Which his sons now run. (If the paper work is to be believed from the sign off at the start of his presidency).

    AFAIK there is proof that he still receives a benifit from the company. At any lenght you could group the family together – of course I do everything indepandantly and there is no reason to be suspicious that my family is getting richer – spat with daughters retailers for instance.
    If you are going to prove that, you need to prove he is still running the companies.

    Actually you don’t, it’s not a court it’s a vote. They can make their case and vote on it.

    Two-thirds of the senators must vote for conviction.

    It’s all a big maybe though, I’d go as far as to say an unlikely maybe, but we’ll see how it develops.

    Free Member

    akira – Member
    Seosoamh77, photos showed that paperwork was blank and we’ve not seen anything since then to prove it. Smoke and mirrors then pointing and shouting as usual. Squirrel!

    I’m pretty certain the documents on that table were just a mass of blank A4, but shirley they have to be logged somewhere. And people can look at them?

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    poor kellyane doesnt have a hope

    I reckon she’s the best hope for cracking and revealing all. Looked tonight like she was thinking oh for **** sake, this is even doing my nut in! :lol:

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