Totally depends what I buy and from where. Pre washed and prepared supermarket salad generally not. Things like whole lettuce or anything from organic market stall yes. Often a few bugs but in reality they won’t kill you. Supermarket fruit is often sprayed with pesticide for bugs and wax to make to look shiny, best to give it a wash or at least a quick rub on your shirt.
The gf bought some lovely cep mushrooms from an organic producer, then took a while cutting them into pieces and soaking them in vinegar, it was amazing the amount of bugs which emerged. The mushrooms where very tasty btw.
EDIT you wash stuff to take chemicals off, to remove grit / soil and insects. It’s a bit of a sad world that we are so used to supermarket ready to eat produce. Vegetables like lettuce have to have individual leaves washed, so if you buy a whole lettuce the inside cannot have been washed and if there are no bugs it’s because of lots of pesticide used in the production