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  • Dirty minds on Rapha CC
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    Posted a comment on their blog, and when I went back it had been reported. I’m thinking WTF?
    Then my missus points out why.
    ‘I had to shave my carpet when I got rim cement on it’ or we’re assuming it’s because of that. The posts were about keeping bikes in your bedroom which I did. And once I had to use my dads razor to remove dried on rim cement off my bedroom carpet
    There really are some proper ****s around aren’t there.

    Anyway to the racing Post.

    Free Member

    Why din’t you just bung a bit of newspaper down, then you could’ve avoided all this unnecessaryness?

    Full Member


    *reports post*

    Free Member

    Why din’t you just bung a bit of newspaper down, then you could’ve avoided all this unnecessaryness?

    I was 15 and being very careful. Anyway I said it was my sisters hairdryer.
    There is still rim cement on my mums shed walls where I got in a right old mess, been there nearly forty years 😀

    Free Member

    I can understand having some problems with rimming your rug, but on the carpet? That’s a completely different thing.

    Free Member

    Not even sure I had that sort of carpet when I was that age.

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