Just had literally the worst customer experience there.
I'm providing this as a warning to any others considering offering their custom there.
I walked in, casually browsed around (Christmas shopping y'see) for a little while, then made to leave the store.
I found my exit blocked by the (alleged) store manager, who asked "What have you got?".
That's it, no kind of politeness, or enquiry. Just a plain accusation of theft.
Then then insisted upon checking my bag, which I happily complied with, though I'm aware of my rights and I know full well that I had every right to refuse. But y'know, I had nothing to hide - figured it could have been an honest mistake, I'm reasonably easy going.
Upon finding merely my top, and an empty sunglasses case (yes, she checked), she insisted upon me emptying my pockets, and then, upon *still* finding nothing, insisted upon me removing my top!
Bear in mind, this is all at the front of the store.
And she'd gathered about 10 employees around her. I'm fairly accepting of safety in numbers, but seriously. My 9.5 stone frame just isn't that intimidating.
Upon *still* finding nothing (for there was nothing to find, see), she told me I had a poor attitude, and told me not to come back.
Excuse me? I have a poor attitude? I've complied with even your most ridiculous requests, I've not raised my voice, or used bad language at any stage. I hadn't even spoken to any other members of staff there.
I asked why she'd felt the need to stop me, and she muttered something about me "suspiciously" browsing. Bear in mind I didn't actually pick anything up (I might have played a little on one of the laptop keyboards). I'm not sure how normal window shopping can be considered suspicious.
I asked to speak to the manager, and she told me that she was the manager, and I couldn't talk to anyone else. She insisted upon me leaving once again.
Another person came over and told me that he was also the manager, and that there was nothing he could do, if I'd just like to go quietly on my way.
I asked for the head office phone number.
He gave me the wrong phone number. Thanks for that.
At no stage was any kind of apology offered. I was told I had a poor attitude on several occasions.
Anyway, I've lodged a complaint. Should I not get an answer to my satisfaction, I'll be standing outside next weekend, advising potential customers of the managers' poor attitudes.
Thought I'd warn people in advance.
Don't shop at Currys Harlow.