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  • Current Injuries – what you got?
  • TurnerGuy
    Free Member

    Got a hooked plate holding my right collarbone together – another op in a few months to take it out 🙁

    Regarding those with nagging shoulder injuries above – I had a painful right arm after a rotator cuff injury and couldn’t get rid of the pain with stretching and exercise – it was scar tissue I think as an MRI looked ok.

    But I fixed it when I swam round an island in the Maldives using just my arms in a breastroke fashion sweeping from above my head to right down near my crotch. Was snorkling so my head was facing down and I had the fish and reef to look at, and progress was slow (1.5 hrs to get round the island) but it fixed my arm nicely and built up my back muscles very quickly.

    I have said this in other threads but worth repeating here as the results were so good and if anyone else is struggling with a shoulder/back problem…

    2 weeks all-inclusive was £1250ish but when you add up the cost of all the physio appointments and gym membership that had no results it was good value indeed – plus all the beers were included :-).

    Obviously I will be going again this year 🙂

    Free Member

    Shoulder/upper arm is still not right after a crash on the big FOD tabletop at the end of August. Physio exercises and some mild dumbell things are slowly helping it to improve. I can ride, its just if I go OTB and land on this arm again it’ll probably put me back to square one. So I have no confidence at the minute and probably won’t til its healed properly 🙁

    Free Member

    I have a slight sniffle from this mornings ride 😉

    Free Member

    5 cm square section of skin removed from back, (15 stitches) and a enlarged spleen giving constant pain. Also my knee is hurting again.

    Full Member

    Pneumonia 🙁

    Free Member

    Slipped disc at the bottom of my back that is taking ages to heal and a prolapsed or protruding disc at the thoracic region, had that for 6 years now NHS sucks the big time!

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    Free Member

    Am I going to be anally probed in airports now??

    Got this xray done today..the middle screw IS positioned correctly not bodged!!

    Free Member

    thumb nail growing back after it was removed by a door on a forklift at work 4 weeks ago(you would think i would know better as i fix them for a living) general amount of cuts on both hand and just about got over the cold that been going on forever(3weeks) 😐

    Full Member

    monkey ribs.

    cant lie on my front without going ooh ooh aah aah.

    Free Member

    Lump on face not from riding. dropped a truck power steering pump on my face, it hurt, alot.

    Free Member

    Toothache, started about 4.30, and the dentist is shut til Monday,
    Beer and drugs it is then 😥

    Full Member

    Sprained ankle – six months on and I’ve just started (gentle) running…..It’s ok on the bike though.

    Free Member

    Crushed heel and a Talus in 4 pieces. 7 pins and a plate in there.
    50% loss of movement.
    Although it is nearly 8 years old it is like walking around with a badly sprained ankle all the time.
    Hope this counts as current as it always hurts!

    Free Member

    Until i read soops i thought i might have a worthwhile contribution. Dude Thats a fecker of an injury…. If youre still riding amazing…

    I have done both clavicles, thumb ligs, neck disc and femoral artery…

    Clavicles one healed k another resected at lateral end.

    Thumb ligs op to repair pretty well useless. Great surgeon but really bad injury and crap patient so all a bit rubbish

    neck disc k now after 3 months sleeping on the floor

    the biggy was the femoral artery. Someone mentionwd impaling themselves earlier. The same thing split my artery, it tamponaded and had repair and now its just dead weird but blood goes to my thigh and beyond so all good.

    Majority of this is in 18 months of 2008.

    And riding again

    Thats my aches in summary

    graze to elbow and knee when failwd to unclip when virtually stationary outside my garage after weds ride. and a few post ride beers…… 😉

    Full Member

    my most recent was concussion 4 weeks ago. but i generally am battered 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve got the squits. Fourth day. Bad times.

    Free Member

    sore nuts, had to have a scan ‘n it’s making me rather grumpy.

    Free Member

    Menopause. Does that count? 😆 Makes me transiently insane.

    Some of you lot are real badly injured, be careful on your bicycles!

    Full Member

    Frozen shoulder after breaking collarbone in July. Knee still fecked from same crash.

    Free Member

    ………a broken heart!


    Free Member

    6 stitches in bridge of nose
    8 stitches above top lip
    2 stitches under bottom lip
    36 stitches inside mouth

    Oh, and mouthful of Belgian toothpaste (one for fellow Darkside followers)

    Free Member

    Dislocated my shoulder on Saturday and my ankle is still knackered from last month.

    Free Member

    tibial compartment syndrome – i haven’t run more than 300m in 5 years. it finished my hockey playing, and i’m now REALLy wanting to get rid of it – keen for some (alps based) fell running.

    Free Member

    Singlespeeder’s knee

    Free Member

    I tried to take a chunk out of my ankle with a chainring the other week and it keeps weeping…

    I also did something silly post pub in the snow to my thumb which seems to have rectified itself (mostly).

    Oh and I don’t have a heart any more, just a swinging brick…

    I am thankful I haven’t any of the serious shit up there^^^ nasty!

    Free Member

    Continual bone-ache from the Pamidronate to stabalise my bone mets.

    Cycling in the second week hurts hard.

    But I am double-hard, so I suck it up… 😉

    Full Member

    Ruptured achilles tendon. No riding for me post-op for at least three months so at least expect to be safe at home 🙁

    Free Member

    I just pulled my **** off but it was a good ****. Overall I’d say it was worth it.

    Free Member

    I fell down the stairs and somehow managed to rip the bottom off my big toe as I also twisted my ankle!

    Free Member

    Soops, I got a scar very similar to that from 10 years ago and it still hurts from time to time.

    Dislocated my shoulder at CyB 20 months ago and still giving me loads of problems. I think the other one is having sympathy pains too.

    Had a bad cough/chest for 3 months.

    Had a bad back since a motorbike crash in Ibiza in 1997 and it, like the shoulder, gives me a good deal of pain on a daily basis.

    But I’m a scouser so I’m hard and don’t complain.

    ..except to the wife, and anyone else who’ll listen…

    Oh, and I’m bald too…

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