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  • Current Injuries – what you got?
  • SurroundedByZulus
    Free Member

    I have a grand total of 13 haematoma and a cracked rib.

    Rolling a tyre off a rim at full speed isnt a good look.

    What you got?

    I also have a chest infection to go with the gammy rib.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a bit of a cough and a couple of old blood blisters on some toes.
    13 haematomas sounds much more impressive.

    Full Member

    Still got my ruined ankle. Had a month off the bike, only just got back on last week and I’ve been told to go “at tick over” by the physio.

    Free Member

    Nothing without pictures.

    Free Member

    i tried to remove my lh index finger tip in a rotating disc/caliper interaction

    Free Member

    Either knees that feel swollen at the front if I put my seat down, or one that hurts like hell at the back if I put it up.

    Have come to the conclusion one leg is shorter than the other.

    Also think I’m developing asma, can the cold bring that on?

    Free Member

    Big graze on my elbow, bruised toenail.

    Full Member

    4 stitches in my teabags after having the snip.

    Do I win?

    Free Member

    My elbow is still a bit scabby after this…

    RIMG1547[/url] by Jon Wyatt[/url], on Flickr

    I have a bit of a rash on my bum too from yesterday after riding home in heavy rain with what felt like 3 pounds of grit down my shorts.

    Full Member

    snapped my chain 2 weeks ago , big ring took a nibble on my calf

    had the stiches out tonite

    Full Member

    Wonky thyroid affecting both body and mind. 👿

    Full Member

    Polite request

    Guys – please – no more pics. 😯

    Free Member

    Full ACL Re-repture

    Free Member

    Nowt *touch wood*

    Free Member

    Cool scar cheesybeanz – almost body mod territory.

    Getting over having disc removed at l5 – s1 – legs are killing me.

    Full Member

    A massively swollen Cantbebothered gland pumping it’s rancid filth into my blood stream. 🙁

    Trouble is I can’t be bothered to do anything about it…..

    Full Member

    got a dodgy ticker that is keeping me from riding…………..
    got a foul temper cos of it……………is that a illness ❓

    Free Member

    I’ve got a big spot on my right cheek, and flaky scalp.

    Full Member

    Femeroacetabular impingement in both hips not ridden for 3 years 👿

    Free Member

    Hey, they’re just innards CG, we’ve all got ’em. 😉

    Free Member

    a dodgy left shoulder that decides to pop out whenever it wants…

    Full Member

    I have a small graze and bruise on my knee.

    Full Member

    idle bone

    Free Member

    broken heart, sigh.
    various bruises
    messy shin


    Free Member

    Not a physical injury, but a damn, right nasty cold which I have had for 12 days 🙁

    It’s getting me right down 🙁

    Free Member

    Two weeks since I had a plate inserted to fix l/h snapped collar bone.

    Chipped r/h elbow the week before the above.

    Just finished a course of antibiotics for a dose of cellulitus from a pedal strike.

    Praying thats my run of bad luck over…

    Free Member

    Bunch of clumsy feckkers aren’t you? Try keeping the bike the right way round, eh?

    Me, I’ve got a knackered shoulder that won’t heal 100%, leaving me with a niggling pain.

    Free Member

    Fractured knuckle and pulled ligaments in my hand. Colleagues assume it’s from riding my bike. It’s actually because I fell down the stairs (sober and everything).

    Free Member

    Screws in my clavicle and a back that gave out in July. Oh, and a mysterious lump behind my right shoulder.

    Full Member

    Got the end of a bout of ITB that’s really annoying more than anything else. I need to get doing my physio again, that and more weights and running.

    other than that, just the usual aches and pains.

    Free Member

    Dislocated right shoulder 5 weeks ago
    A bursitus on the left shoulder, seems to be clearing up now
    A Heamotoma in the groin where I impaled myself when dislocating my shoulder

    Free Member

    A pain under the ball of my big toe which sounds insignificant but has completely curtailed all running. I’ve had to go to spin classes three times this week instead 🙁

    Free Member

    My thyroxine (for thyroid problem) has also just been upped in dose again after the hospital discovered that was too low.

    That was when I was in hospital getting assessed for a hernia op.

    They also deferred that op (and the circumcision I’m also queued up to get) because I’ve got a cough, but my GP didn’t seem to think that was serious enough to kill off with yet another prescription.

    And my mum has just Friended me on Facebook. That’s quite injurious.

    Full Member

    Fecked shoulder had MRI on it last week and go back to the hospital next Friday to find out if I need an operation to put it right.

    Not advisable to use your shoulder as a brake 🙁

    Free Member

    tiredness, had it all week.

    Free Member

    I’ve Got a Mild case of Manthrax at the moment

    Free Member

    4 tendon issues in my ankle, shin, wrist and elbow, a slightly tweaked hamstring, a very sore VMO muscle, lots of tiredness, and really feeling the effects of long term stress. I also didn’t sleep last night and have a thumping headache today.

    My physio now gives me mates rate as i’m there so often. The receptionist greets me with “hi claire” but when other clients come in, they have to say who they are there to see and what their name is… 😕

    Free Member

    Cinnamon-girl – i’ve tried to email you but i got a bounce back. Is your hotmail address still the same? I can’t email you on fb either!

    Full Member

    General anaesthetic and 10 stitches 5 weeks ago, but now healing up nicely and I’m back on the bike…
    Knee Xray[/url] by oxym0r0n[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    A reasonable chunk off the tip of my index finger on my left hand, the result of trying to cut up a lime for the bazzillionth G&T. Uncunning.

    I have been bleating about it all week and some of the injuries on here have made me decide to shut up about it all and be thankful.

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