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  • Clever logo… (well I thought so anyway)
  • nedrapier
    Full Member

    If we’re getting into trawling back through 35 pages, I’m getting off.

    but as you’ve quoted an absolute statement and then a self contradiction just there:

    there is no other information there – just clear name or unclear name.

    I see a fancy font and I think – “winker”

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Ned =- out of context and you know it – or is your ability to understand that limited?

    here is no other information there – just clear name or unclear name.

    in the context of people claiming the font gave meaning such as businesslike or similar that was universal and inherent.

    I see a fancy font and I think – “winker”

    Any fancy font says to me winker – this is not inherent and universal meaning alleged. These are not contradictory as they refer to different things.

    Really – its one of the amazing things on this thread how poor your grasp of semantics is.

    Full Member

    Really – its one of the amazing things on this thread how poor your grasp of semantics is.

    Really – its one of the amazing things on this thread how poor your grasp of telling the truth is

    TandemJeremy – Member

    Guys – my final post.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    apparently there is lots of meaning there that everyone but me gets – the font used has meaning, the colours used have meaning, the little triangle has meaning and all these are seen by everyone. all this stuff is a universal inherent attributes and everyone gets the meaning

    Or conversely – it only means anything to the people who know the code
    You see TJ, there you are (yet again) confusing ‘logo’ with ‘brand’. This is why you (almost) singularly do not understand what we are saying or know what you are talking about.

    The Garmin *logo* (as I called it in the thread title) is a *logo*. It is only *part* of the brand. It is nothing but a * component* part of the brand (just like a wheel is not a bike, it is a component on a bike). The fonts, colours etc all help form the overall visual appeal of the *logo* and they will have been chosen to help develop the *brand* positioning (I would suggest modern, words like contemporary, clean, uncluttered and simple would have been used somewhere down the lines in developing the brand). But you don’t *need* to understand all that in order to see the (albeit very subtle) arrow pointing north over the letterform ‘N’ (which stands for North).

    I ask you TJ – does this piece of visual communication mean nothing to you? Have you ever looked at a map or used a compass?

    Free Member

    To say that in your entire life, you (and TJ) have never been nudged one way or another on a marginal decision over some inconsequential purchase due to some of these influences is incredible.

    you forget that they are both so much smarter than that, they are not fooled by the subtle use of nicely kerned helvetica neu or the sledgehammer of comic sans (in bold).

    Free Member


    You had been doing so well of late but it appears you have allowed yourself to be sucked into your old ways.

    When you start posting things like (I’ll pick the most recent)

    Ned =- out of context and you know it – or is your ability to understand that limited?


    Really – its one of the amazing things on this thread how poor your grasp of semantics is

    which is effectively calling others stupid, then it’s way past the time where the vast majority people would say enough is enough and just leave the thread.

    Full Member

    (nice use of a monospace neo-grotesque slab serif font there)

    Free Member

    I ask you TJ – does this piece of visual communication mean nothing to you? Have you ever looked at a map or used a compass?

    Its an N with a blue triangle. Nothing more. Several other people on this thread don’t get it. It suggests nothing at all to me

    I do understand the difference between logo and brand.

    woody is perfectly correct tho. It does get frustrating when people distort the meaning of what one has typed to make a point as MF did above to show I did not understand something.

    Look at what I have been called as well woody

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Who gives a toss?It’s a logo FFS.

    Full Member

    The Garmin *logo* (as I called it in the thread title) is a *logo*. It is only *part* of the brand. It is nothing but a * component* part of the brand (just like a wheel is not a bike, it is a component on a bike). The fonts, colours etc all help form the overall visual appeal of the *logo* and they will have been chosen to help develop the *brand* positioning (I would suggest modern, words like contemporary, clean, uncluttered and simple would have been used somewhere down the lines in developing the brand). But you don’t *need* to understand all that in order to see the (albeit very subtle) arrow pointing north over the letterform ‘N’ (which stands for North).

    Anyone else reminded of the explanations of “One song to the Tune of another”

    Full Member

    > does this piece of visual communication mean nothing to you? Have you ever looked at a map or used a compass?

    Its an N with a blue triangle. Nothing more.

    Proof positive, if any were needed, that TJ is man that doesn’t know which way is up 😀

    It does get frustrating when people distort the meaning of what one has typed to make a point

    Yes, yes, it does doesn’t it. 🙄

    Full Member

    does this piece of visual communication mean nothing to you? Have you ever looked at a map or used a compass?

    Its an N with a blue triangle. Nothing more – I take it that’s a genuine quote

    I’m reluctant to join in with picking on TJ here, but I do not believe this:
    You’re not a stupid man TJ; it’s well within the grasp of all of us here that we recognise the allusion/reference. Either you do, and are denying it or else there’s actually, genuinely something wrong with the way you process stuff

    Free Member

    Its an N with a blue triangle. Nothing more. Several other people on this thread don’t get it. It suggests nothing at all to me

    You really are beyond help TJ – if you are unable to see what is a pretty universally recognised form then you must really struggle through life.

    Do you recognise this?

    Free Member

    sorry – a blue triangle means north? really? Why?

    remember several other people on this thread did not get it either. This is a classic example of what I said right at the beginning. To people in this world and who are interested in this stuff the language / code /hidden meanings are obvious. However some folk like me don’t give two buttons for it so we don’t see it.

    Now you have told methats what it is I can see the intent from the designer – I now have the key to decode that.

    Its not a universally recognised form – this is the bit you fail to appreciate. If you understand the language / code you can see it – if you don’t you can’t. Can you understand Russian?

    A blue triangle atop the letter N in a word does not signify north. If someone did not know what a garmin was would they have the context to understand that

    Yesterdfay you were telling me blue meant cold. so maybe its a fridge? I have never seen a compass with a blue triangle – mine has an arrow.

    Free Member

    sorry – a blue triangle means north? really? Why?

    (sighs) a blue triangle directly above the letterform ‘N’

    Free Member

    Why? I thought blue meant cold – thats what you told me yesterday. My cold tap has blue triangle on it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Why? I thought blue meant cold – thats what you told me yesterday. My cold tap has blue triangle on it.

    We went through that one yesterday didn’t we Jeremy? Have a look back over the thread and remind yourself on what we already agreed on.

    Free Member

    I see no blue triangles. \Point made.

    None of those even have a triangle over the letter N. N above an arrow is a more recognisable symbol. An arrow pointing to N shows north. A traingle above and N does not.

    Maybe its a hat to stop the N feeling cold?

    its only cos you know what a garmin is that you would even think of a compass point.

    Full Member

    I see no blue triangles. \Point made.

    But colours have no meaning to you though.

    Free Member

    Ok TJ, heres another one for you, in true STW style it refers to NAzis (let’s be clear this is not something I agree with, it’s a ridiculous example to show TJ something.

    Do these look the same to you? They are just a logo and words in a font. I think there is a different meaning to them.

    please don’t think I’m having a go, because I’m not.

    What I’m trying to say is that it’s pretty difficult in our society to not be exposed to branding/marketing/ whatever and not be influenced. However you and many others ACTIVELY (because it is so effective) look past it.

    That sound fair?

    Full Member

    Right, I’ve had enough, everyone walk away from the thread or the dog gets it;

    Full Member

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member

    Right, I’ve had enough, everyone walk away from the thread or the dog gets it;

    Free Member

    I see no blue triangles. \Point made.

    None of those even have a triangle over the letter N. N above an arrow is a more recognisable symbol. An arrow pointing to N shows north. A traingle above and N does not.
    You win.

    I’m bored.

    Full Member

    A Google Images search for “north symbol” gives 15,200,000 results. Have a trawl through and I’m sure you’ll find at least one.

    If you are stating you LITERALLY cannot understand these symbols, then as m_f says, life must be incredibly difficult for you.

    Perhaps we can set up some kind of STW charity event for people in your position, but obviously we’d need a good logo.

    Free Member

    That one is a really classic example.

    A blue triangle above an N is not a universally recognised symbol for north. Both of you found a bunch of images for north arrows none of which show a blue triangle above an N

    Now you know a garmin is to do with navigation AND you look out for this sort of symbology. Thus you see it.

    I don’t give too hoots for the symbology and it is rather tenuous (if it was a red arrowshape it might be more obvious) so I did not see it until pointed out. Of course I can see the intent now.

    If you did not know Garmin was to do with navigation you would not have the context to think “north Arrow” as it is not a universally recognised symbol.

    Do you really think you would have seen that as a north arrow unless you knew it was to do with navigation?

    This is the point – you need to context to get the meaning. You need to understand the code to get the meaning. I am not the only personon this thread to not see it.

    Now enough – that dog looks like a nice doggy

    Free Member

    Can we do this one now?

    Free Member

    i am not i am merely saying that no matter how good it is it , alone, wont make me buy their product/s.

    That is bleedin obvious.

    Point missed, but not as badly as TJ.

    Full Member

    Ned =- out of context and you know it – or is your ability to understand that limited?

    here is no other information there – just clear name or unclear name.

    in the context of people claiming the font gave meaning such as businesslike or similar that was universal and inherent.

    Not out of context at all. A universal statement by you that leads people to believe you think there is no information conveyed in a choice of font. That it is in no way inappropriate for a childrens entertainer to display their name white, on a black background, in the same font Motorhead use; that if you were setting up a financial services company, the only people to be influenced by your choice of a font looking like children’s handwriting would be designers, because “only they know the code”.

    And you’ve made these sorts of statements, conveyed these sorts of sentiments all the way through this thread.

    If you’re claiming you’ve been constantly misunderstood, that’s nobody’s fault but yours.

    Full Member

    Now you know a garmin is to do with navigation AND you look out for this sort of symbology. Thus you see it.

    Agreed. In the context of the original logo I didn’t “get” it until it was pointed out.

    Of course I can see the intent now.

    So why pretend you can’t?

    Do you really think you would have seen that as a north arrow unless you knew it was to do with navigation?

    Hmmm.. I’m not sure. I think the best I can say is possibly.

    If I happened upon an ‘N’ chalked on the ground with a triangle above it and wondered what it was then yes, I think that “Maybe it indicates North?” might be an interpretation that crossed my mind.

    Now enough – that dog looks like a nice doggy

    What’s a “dog”? That’s just a learned reference point. A construct. You are not born knowing that those three letter glyphs correspond to a hairy four-legged animal. It is not universal, it is a code known only to some and therefore I completely reject the idea. I have no idea what a dog is. All I see is three letters. 😀

    In fact I don’t see letters. They are are not universal. You are not born knowing what letters are and many people don’t use Latin script.

    So actually all I see is a circle with a line stuck to it, another circle, then a circle with a tail.

    Actually no, scrap that, circle is not a universal construct. It is a code invented by farty geometry types.

    All I see now is some meaningless squiggles.

    All of your posts TJ. They are just meaningless squiggles with absolutely no meaning to me now.

    I hope you’re happy.

    Free Member

    -m- – nice one – I had to google suunto – it appears to be a watch manufacturer. I have no idea what the red triangle is supposed to signify. does anyone?

    Full Member

    and don’t hide behind “universal”, because it’s meaningless in this context. Language isn’t universal either, but a French childrens entertainer wouldn’t use black and the motorhead font either.

    So there’s information conveyed which can be more widely understood than language.

    But not by you.

    Full Member

    It suggests nothing at all to me

    Free Member

    Perhaps we can set up some kind of STW charity event for people in your position, but obviously we’d need a good logo.

    quote of the thread proper belly laughing at that one.

    Point missed, but not as badly as TJ.

    Would you like to make a point whilst being dismissive?
    I can name lots of bike manufacturers/ parts makers whose logos I dont know if that helps. Have they also done their job?

    Free Member

    I’m sorry.. but despite all the convoluted twists and turns that the pedantic wags have encouraged TJ to make.. It would appear that after all these pages he is still actually winning the debate..

    Free Member

    I have no idea what the red triangle is supposed to signify. does anyone?

    You could try Wikipedia

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