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  • Calais – sum it up in 5 sentences for a foreigner pls?
  • Lifer
    Free Member

    1.6 million refugees in Turkey.

    I was going to go through the rest of the post but it’s absolute guff as usual.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it ironic that an economic migrant to this country, who traveled halfway across the world to get here, despite not facing any dangers at home, should come to this forum and question the motives of those who are so desperate to flee appalling conditions that they are prepared to take horrific personal risks?

    Perhaps ironic isn’t the word I’m looking for.

    Free Member

    Lifer – Member

    1.6 million refugees in Turkey.

    I was going to go through the rest of the post but it’s absolute guff as usual.

    You managed to read that much you might as well finish reading them. 😀

    Counter them if you may and not just counter point 10 … 😯

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Isn’t it ironic that an economic migrant to this country, who traveled halfway across the world to get here, despite not facing any dangers at home, should come to this forum and question the motives of those who are so desperate to flee appalling conditions that they are prepared to take horrific personal risks?

    Perhaps ironic isn’t the word I’m looking for.

    What ironic? I am here to compete for economic reasons. I am here to earn money absolutely who does not? Money!!! What is there to hide? I am honest, I work hard for a living and I follow the rules set for me. I am a Johnny foreigner by birth but the Queen likes me so adopted me as Geordie Johnny foreigner. No, I did not jump off the back of the lorry nor married a Geordie lass, nor recruited via employment agency. I applied for a ZM bureaucratic post and got it simple.

    For me it is purely for economic reasons as simple as that. I am a minor economic ZM bureaucrat and the larger ZM bureaucrats like me hence I am here … simple. Respect the authority!

    There is no denying there are economic migrants all over the world as that’s the nature of things and I for one don’t mind them … except …

    There is a difference between economic migrant with lawful entrance, queuing and being processed legally, complying with bureaucratic rules and those forcing their way in because they want to.

    You set the rules people comply with the rules people win so what say you? Nothing! They are in simple.

    But if you set the rules people bend the rules then force you to accept them … what’s the point of your rules? Aren’t you being double standard there? In that case why have all those rubbish rules to pin down your own citizens? You cannot deal with external forces/influences/rules bending and now you want to bully your own people? Am I following the rational bureaucratic principles or are they simply hot air?

    I mean “do as I say but not what I do” … hhmmm …

    Make up your mind … 🙄

    Full Member

    It took until point 5 to get to “AK47” and no ZMs to be seen at all. You’re slipping up.

    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member

    It took until point 5 to get to “AK47” and no ZMs to be seen at all. You’re slipping up.

    I know, I know, as I was getting a bit serious I realised I was slowly being sucked in, so decided to lighten it up a bit but the basic nature of the problems/questions remain. i.e. the EU system does not work when the system is swarmed. The proof is just right in front for you to see. 😯

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