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  • Breakdown Cover
  • thegreatape
    Free Member

    I know it’s been asked before, but…

    I have RAC bells and whistles cover for our main family car, which comes ‘free’ with M&S car insurance. It covers either of us when driving the family car, and it also covers me, being the policyholder, when I’m driving the runaround car which is insured with a different company not M&S.

    It doesn’t cover her when she’s driving the runaround (we switch cars depending on who’s got the kids that day).

    I’ve asked if I can just upgrade that cover to include her on the other car as well but no joy. So what’s the best way of covering her to fix it or get her home if she breaks down in the little car without too much expense? The furthest it ever goes is 90 miles away from home if she’s got a course. Otherwise 15 miles to work most days for one or the other of us.


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