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  • Boring D/glazing, & front door Q
  • 2unfit2ride
    Free Member

    Hi All,
    At the moment I have a fairly standard 'cheap looking' UPVC front door & a UPVC window right next to it, it was cheap stuff when it was put in more than 13 years ago & I would like to replace it with something rather more aesthetically pleasing, but still low maintenance & draft proof.

    What are my options?

    Cheers in advance.

    Free Member

    Composite front door and just replace the side widow as is. The new frames are internally beaded and the gap between the glass is wider thus giving better insulation and security. The composite doors are brill, really heavy and solid. I've fitted a few and would always recommend them.

    Free Member

    same as above i fit composite doors every other week and they are brilliant and can be found for good prices now as well.

    The window should just be replaced with a newer plastic 1 as regulations have changed it will be of better quality providing you get it supplied of someone half decent.

    Full Member

    Sorry – slight hijack on the composite door front. I want to improve the physical security on my garage (detached) starting with the side door. I'm intending to get a PAS24 / Secured By Design approved door but would any modern composite door do (with a decent snapsafe lock of course) or would PVC or wood offer similar security?

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