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  • Best trail fs, like, ever!?
  • si-wilson
    Free Member

    Have i mentioned the Chumba VF2 yet? ;)

    Free Member

    One of these…
    Trance X Advanced Bargin
    can turn into something like this…

    which weighs this…

    Free Member

    Whyte T-120S. Just got ours in and was going to use them as demo bikes. However, they’re selling out so quick that I probably can’t get any more so I’ll just have to sell them!

    Free Member

    You’ve already mentioned the Blur XC and with 120mm forks and a shortish it isn’t too steep. However, for your money, I’d be looking at something like a Cube Stereo. they’ve slackened it a bit for 2011 and the spec is great for the money.

    But do you really need a FS at all?

    Free Member

    Turner DW Flux going cheap at Merlin – Fully built under £2K.
    The Ghost AMR 7000 series get good reviews & good specc’s.

    Free Member

    Turner flux is steeper than I’m after, same with the ghost. Cube looks good, got a mate with a trance to try out. Possibly a chumba, hadn’t seen those would need a look at the geo though…

    I don’t need a full suss, I want one based on what I’m wanting to get out of it. I’ve nothing against ht’s at all and a couple are on my favourite bikes of all time list. I’m after a fs though. (actually got a plan to pick up a nice ht on the cheap but one bike at a time eh?)

    Free Member
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