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  • Best iron for getting rid of creases?
  • TrailriderJim
    Free Member

    Sad question, I know, but we need a new iron and it seems the best time of year to get a deal on one. I want the best there is for under £50 that gets creases out well. Any ideas welcome, ta.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You seriously thought a forum frequented mostly by middle aged blokes who don't ever do any ironing was the best place to ask this?

    Free Member

    my wife is good at getting the iorning done in our house so i have no idea do you want me to ask her, may have to wait for an ans as she is busy cleaning the house after the mess i have made 😆

    Free Member

    I am a middle aged man and anal about cleaning and ironing.

    Most irons are fine. What makes the difference is the clothes not being bone dry when you iron them (one of the plant misters from a garden centre can help here) and technique.

    Either that, or pay someone to do it for you.

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