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  • Baked potatoes
  • Merak
    Full Member

    Something I’ve just never managed to nail. 6.5 hours in a conventional oven, 45 in a microwave, 10 in an air fryer?

    How do you do yours? Help me own these things.

    Full Member

    For a quite lunch- microwave with topping of choice, do properly in the oven, about an hour and half.

    Free Member

    12 mins in the microwave plus a further 30 mins in the oven for a crispy skin

    Full Member

    6 and a half hours in the oven?! Is anything left?

    A microwaved potato is not a baked potato.

    Rediscovered potatoes done in the embers of a fire whilst camping this summer. Can’t be beaten though not the most practical at home.

    I tend to do a couple of hours in the oven for staple baked potatoes.

    Actually we’ve got some massive spuds in the cupboard this week, this has reminded me to batch cook dinner tomorrow to reheat at work. Valid user of microwave :)

    Full Member

    Flame me now…

    McCains frozen ones for quick and easy.

    for the ‘effort’ version. No idea for air fryer version of this but interested as putting the oven on, I can watch pound coins leaving my bank account

    Full Member

    Couple of hours in the oven works for me.

    Prepare by piercing, brushing with olive oil, then liberal salt and pepper before baking. I prefer sweet potato but Mrs S is a traditionalist. 

    Free Member

    put them in the microwave for 4 mins then in the oven with the chicken steaks for 25 minutes

    Full Member

    Oven for the flavour / texture win

    Microwave for 5 minutes or so, dash of oil, salt and pepper and then 20-30 in the oven for speed and thrift while acceptable eating

    Microwave only – no. What you have cooked there is a steamed potato in its skin.  If you must do this may I suggest stew with a puff pastry lid and some of those frozen mixed vegetables for the full disappointment experience.  😝

    Free Member

    McCain’s frozen. They’re always perfect. Still 55 mins in the oven tho.

    Full Member

    ~10 minutes in the microwave to cook through. 5-10 minutes in the air fryer to crisp up (quicker if you halve them).

    Also partial to a slow cooker baked potato – a completely different beast though.

    Surprised no-one’s said just chuck them in your woodburner…

    Full Member

    Looks like a nuclear blast for 5 then oven for 30 is the winner. I’ve got some Bolognese and way to much cheese for the top. Yass.

    Full Member

    12 mins in the microwave plus a further 30 mins in the oven for a crispy skin


    Smear some butter, salt and pepper on them as you wop them in the oven.

    Full Member

    5 minutes in the microwave, then  switch on oven and put in oven whilst it is heating up,  when oven up to heat 25 minute alongside something else theat is cooking in oven. 

    Full Member

    Wang into a bowl, toss in a bit of olive oil and some salt, then about 55 minutes in the air fryer at maybe 200.


    Nearly as good as me granny used to make in the Aga.

    Full Member

    Rub with oil and salt, pop in oven, about 10 mins before taking them out whack the temp right up

    Full Member

    chicken steaks

    Come again.

    Full Member

    12 mins in the microwave plus a further 30 mins in the oven for a crispy skin

    This, basically. Ding for like 20m turning every 5, drizzle with olive oil then in the oven for about the same. Time depends on spud size / amount.

    Full Member

    Looks like a nuclear blast for 5 then oven for 30 is the winner.

    Just remember to up the microwave time if you’re doing more than one potato.

    Full Member

    Cut a cross in the top. Rub with oil and salt. Microwave for 10 minutes and finish in the oven on 200C for 10 minutes.
    After being cooked, cut in half, cover with grated cheddar and lots of Worcestershire sauce. Grill until the cheeese is well done. 👌🤤

    Full Member

    My mum, purchaser of many an interesting Christmas present, one year, gave me a baked potato bag… yep, you put your spud in it, microwave it. Takes 4 – 5 mins. I always put it in a really hot oven for 15-25 mins afterwards (no, not in the bag) to crisp up the skin. Plus add about a lb of salted butter. Lovely. :D

    Free Member

    Ding for like 20m

    Is your microwave battery-powered?

    20m in mine would cremate a potato, unless yours are the size of pumpkins.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Is your microwave battery-powered?

    20m in mine would cremate a potato, unless yours are the size of pumpkins.

    I tend to do four at once. Who has one potato other than Rhod Gilbert?

    Free Member

    1.5 to 3 hrs in the oven about 180ish depending on size and impatience levels. The longer the better for nice thick crunchy skin. Have tried oiling and salting but I think the end result is more down to the variety and quality (age?) of the potato than fiddling with that. Microwave potatoes can get in the sea.

    Full Member

    I just put them in the oven until they are done. You can tell by giving them a squeeze. Usually 2-2.5hrs, plenty of time to go for a pint while your waiting

    Full Member

    Oven. 1 1/2 hours at 200.

    Nukerowave (4 spuds). 15 minutes at full nuke, then 45 minutes in oven at 200.

    Air Fryer. Still experimenting but feels like for a couple of spuds 45 to 60 minutes at 180 on ‘bake’ setting works.

    No oil, no salt, no nothing.

    Mrs Noise would up all those times but she prefers the skins like dried out old leather…

    Full Member

    Another baked potato failure here. Just never managed to crack the method. Always too hard. Soft and fluffy is a distant dream.

    Full Member

    Possibly the most thought provoking thread this month. Im in the microwave>smear with lard/butter/oil>air-fryer camp.

    Full Member

    Baked potatoes are overrated… unless you wrap it in foil and chuck it on a fire… baking them for hours on end in an oven just seems really inefficient for just one or two tatties. Baking 6 at a time, maybe I could get on board with that.

    But there’s no way I could eat six big tatters in one sitting, it’s not just the carbs, they would need about half a kilo of cheese and a whole pack of butter.

    And 3 tins of beans.

    Full Member

    Baked potatoes are overrated…


    Full Member

    Some breeds of potato work better than others. Generic ‘white’, ‘red’, and the like can be a bit hit and miss.

    I don’t make baked potatoes often but they turn out very good from a combi oven.

    Steam-Baked Potatoes by Carlene Thomas RDN for Anova Precision® Oven.

    Full Member

    Wang into a bowl, toss in a bit of olive oil and some salt, then about 55 minutes in the air fryer at maybe 200. Perfection.

    Now as an air fryer owner, this is the best method 👌

    Full Member

    McCains frozen ones for quick and easy.

    Lived on these when we had our kitchen redone. Surprisingly good.

    Otherwise, 2 hours in the oven

    Full Member

    To help with cooking in the oven, put a teaspoon into the potato. Push the handle into it with the spoony part sticking out. Cover potato with foil as normal. The spoon gets hot and helps cook the middle of a large spud.


    Free Member

    Combi microwave FTW. Cooking time is calculated by weight.

    Full Member

    Always too hard.

    As above, ding ’em first.

    One thing I forgot and I don’t think anyone else has mentioned, give them a good stabbing with a fork all over before microwaving.

    Cover potato with foil as normal.

    Huh? It’s an oven, not a bonfire.

    Full Member

    Huh? It’s an oven, not a bonfire

    Can’t please everyone

    Full Member

    Combi microwave.  Best of both worlds.

    20 mins for 2 large spuds.  Microwave setting on ‘simmer’ and convection oven setting on 220C.  

    No need to d1ck around changing ovens  and uses plenty less leccy than a true oven

    Full Member

    Microwaving? Foil? Oil? FFS.

    Just stick a skewer through the potato and bung it in the oven at 200 for 60-90mins depending on how big the potato is. Crispy skin, fluffy inner.

    Full Member

    It’s a f@##ing potato

    No need to be dicks about it.

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