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  • Back to work sandwich recommendations – that aren’t cheese
  • slowol
    Full Member

    Cheese and pickle is the only sandwich you need. Homemade chutney makes it great every day!
    Failing that brie and grape.
    If lazy but want some of the above shop bought sandwich fillings are OK although pricier. I’m thinking the ready mixed tuna sweetcorn or coronation chicken.
    A side salad males more of a meal of a sandwich lunch.

    Full Member


    with this…

    Crap white bread, obvs. Looks like a murder scene. Tastes bloody lovely

    Free Member

    Suggestions for other things to go in between two slices of bread that aren’t meat or cheese?

    Erm… Er… Hmm… Ooh no wait…

    No; you’ve got me. No idea. Soz.

    That makes me feel sick just looking at it.

    I know, right? I mean; what the actual? 🤢

    Full Member

    If you get bored with butties, remember that wherever you are in the UK, you’re never more than 20 ft away from….

    What a time to be alive! 😃

    Free Member

    Heinz Sandwich Spread.

    I prefer the tuna and sweetcorn version, but it slowly disappeared from everywhere some years ago, so it’s back to the original.

    If I fancy a change (every couple of months or so), I go for cheese and pickle, using Lidl’s finest spreading cheese and Branston Small Chunk Pickle. If you use proper slices of cheddar, they fall out and drop pickle all down your tie.

    Full Member

    Make like you’re in Wigan and put a pie in your roll.

    Full Member

    Good shout – is OP from Tweed Valley? Think that’s right. If so – off to Forsyth’s for a macaroni pie and stick that in a roll. Cheese element is diluted somewhat my the carbs and cheap fats.

    Full Member

    Who doesn’t love double carbs?

    Free Member

    Fish fingers with HP sauce.


    Jam (with cheese)

    Those packets of microwave beans or rice with some carrots or lettuce in a wrap.

    Full Member

    Who doesn’t love double carbs?

    Fully paid up southerner here, north of the Thames I get a nosebleed, but that looks ******* great!

    Full Member

    Some great ideas here, thanks.

    I do the falafel thing fairly often, though the ready made ones from Aldi are letting my sandwich game down with their dryness. Their sweet potato pakoras are a bit better. I’m more of a lime pickle (homemade) guy than mango chutney, but each to their own.

    Grated carrot mixed with peanut butter, bit of chilli jam ( or anything with spice) squeeze of lime.

    this is genius!

    Finely grated carrot and cumin seed – useful wet mix that goes with hummus, cheese, even on its own at a push

    Like that idea @stwhannah. And I survived, thanks, despite the best efforts of the IT department to make me walk before I’d even done a day. Re. food flasks, my experience of them is that they all end up tasting slightly of a mix of everything that’s ever been in them I’m afraid.

    Smoked Tofu in mayo.

    @thisinotaspoon Interesting, will try.

    Marmite and peanut butter sandwich is my go-to lunch (at home, at work, out on the bike, wherever) when I’m completely lacking in time or imagination to make anything else. That’s not meant as an insult, BTW, I bloody love it, I just shouldn’t have it for lunch every day.

    I work in Newcastle city centre, I have to ride past about 7 Greggs’ just to get to the office. Though if I were doing it properly, I’d make a small detour to go to the Greggs outlet shop on my way in.

    Full Member

    peanut butter and banana – food of the gods

    Full Member

    Agreed. At its most divine on a cinnamon and raisin bagel.

    But I can’t get my head round the idea of lunch not being a mainly savoury affair.

    Full Member

    A) Beetroot cheese and salad cream

    B) Sausages and marmalade.

    Both need to be tried to be believed, the last tastes like sweet and sour pork and ideally is toasted.

    Full Member

    My mind is just blown by the concept of Gregg’s Outlet!
    I think I’d be much fatter if one of those was close to work.

    Full Member

    Just remembered what I used to take to school in sandwiches!!!!

    in this order between home-made granary bread:

    Marmite, Strong Cheddar, Peanut Butter, Sour Cherry Jam.

    I was riding over 40 miles a day on that mixture and never felt hungry! So why the bloody hell do I feel hungry these days by midday after zero miles and doing bugger all after breakfast?

    Full Member

    Tinned Mackrell, salt pepper bit of mayo and red onion on malted….

    Mackrell with a drizzle of chilli sauce is the food of the gods, slightly toasted bread is best, but the bread is just the delivery mechanism.

    Full Member

    Make like you’re in Wigan and put a pie in your roll.

    No Wiganer ever used a ‘roll’. A barmcake maybe, or an oven bottom.



    Full Member

    Either jam or marmalade so…
    Jam – strawberry, raspberry, cherry, plum, apricot, peach, fig, blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry, bilberry, greengage, gooseberry, rhubarb.
    Marmalade – lemon, lime, orange; thin or thick cut.

    Full Member

    Peanut butter and banana (+1).
    Jam and clotted cream
    Goats cheese and chilli jam (savoury version of the above)

    Full Member

    Beetroot, chopped walnuts with a dollop of horseradish sauce. Yummy

    Full Member

    Here’s a something different

    Some of last night’s veg with cheap packet noodles or cous cous and tinned fish.

    You get one of your five a day and maintain a glossy coat thanks to the fish oil!

    Full Member

    Cornflakes and mayo.

    Trust me :wink:

    Full Member

    @cougar- the king of all bread products, and the only one to consider for the Wigan Kebab…

    Full Member

    Mmmmm…Sheldons oven bottom muffins make the perfect bacon butties.

    Full Member

    Indeed. We discovered another key ingredient to the perfect bacon butty last weekend. This stuff is amazing!!

    Butties must always have butter on, as margarine is the devils ejaculate, but this stuff is on another level

    Full Member

    No butter in a bacon butty. I’d have no qualms about eating all of that M&S butter with some champ or a baked spud though.

    Full Member

    Can of tuna, cream cheese, squirt of ketchup and salad cream/mayo (all mixed together)

    Crunchy peanut butter (even better with a bit of added salt) & Bonne Maman Black Cherry jam

    Full Member

    A bit of pesto on the bread, add slices of cucumber, tomato and mozzarella and some lettuce. Sometimes a drizzle a bit of a balsamic viniger glaze over the top.

    Free Member

    Re. food flasks, my experience of them is that they all end up tasting slightly of a mix of everything that’s ever been in them I’m afraid.

    I’ve thrown a few away thanks to that. The current one (genuine stainless Thermos King Food Flask) has so far resisted spicy tomato soup, creamy fish dishes and assorted chinese, indian and south american spiced foods with no pick up of flavour.
    Just gets a spoon of bicarb and boiling water once a week. (and washed normally every time it’s used.)

    Full Member

    Nandos Sweet Chilli Jam and some Lite Mayo turned bland chicken sandwiches into something lovely, if we have some in the house I’ll add red onion and lettuce too.

    Full Member

    OK so it’s cheese but no mention of cottage cheese?….as to butter or spread…never ever used…one of the offspring antigees thinks you can’t make a sandwich without Nutella

    Full Member

    Smoked mackerel (you don’t have to fish/smoke it yourself, it comes in packs), beetroot (again available cooked in packs), spread bread with horseradish sauce instead of butter.

    Full Member

    @slowoldman – I’m definitely trying that! I’m a big fan of corned beef and beetroot butties too. I bloody love beetroot! Have you tried this? It sounds right up your stasse

    Its bloody lovely!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If you get bored with butties, remember that wherever you are in the UK, you’re never more than 20 ft away from….

    That probably contains rat DNA in some form…

    I’ve just had a Pastrami, French blue cheese and Picallili sandwich. Meat, cheese and pickle. Pretty much the Holy Tinity of sandwich fillings.

    Free Member

    Primula (particularly the ham flavor one) and a crusty baguette is childhood memories of picnics for me, don’t ruin it!

    Prawn flavor cheese though just sounds wrong though.

    Free Member

    Grated carrot with hummus in a wrap, maybe some lemon juice.

    Full Member

    Prawn flavor cheese

    … probably needs showering off before morning.

    Full Member

    Primula (particularly the ham flavor one) and a crusty baguette is childhood memories of picnics for me, don’t ruin it!

    – As a big fan of Primula with ham, could I recommend this as an accompaniment to it

    Referred too as crack cocaine bread in our house due to its addictive qualities

    If you want to be a bit more grown up about it, its also awesome with blue cheese or smoked salmon pate. I can sit and trough a whole baguette, no problem

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