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  • Are you Bored enough to watch… Project DS911
  • Watty
    Full Member

    My dad had a DS some time in the 60s, but it was the older style before the faired in headlights that turned with the steering which I think as a far nicer looking car (stock pic)

    IMG_0351AND has a similar front end to an early 911
    IMG_0352Interesting eh?

    Free Member

    I ‘may’ have spent some time looking at my friends round headlight version before deciding to go with the Pallas design.

    Free Member

    My other friends DS swayed me


    Full Member

    I went to a DS exhibition in Brussels Motor museum (i think that’s where it was….definitely Belgium). It was stunning…so many incredible examples. I was there for hours 😂

    Full Member

    Still cost a fortune despite Elvis doing most of the work himself.

    It’s a Porsche, big bills go with the marque.

    Free Member

    It’s a Porsche, big bills go with the marque.

    Plus labour charges. Pretty much every job instruction sheet in the workshop manual PDF I got starts with “Drop the engine and Transmission for access.”

    Change the water pump? “Drop the engine and Transmission for access.”
    Change the coolant sensor? “Drop the engine and Transmission for access.”
    Empty the ashtray? “Drop the engine and Transmission for access.”

    Okay I may have made that last one up but to ‘Clear debris from the two front radiators” – a job that should be done at every service – is something liker Remove front wheels. Remove wheel arch liners, Remove headlights, Remove side repeaters, Remove front bumper, Remove air conditioning radiators, brush debris and leaves from the radiator, refit air conditioning radiators, refit front bumper, refit side repeaters, refit headlights, refit wheel arch lines, refit wheels”

    Full Member

    Was it Baz Hart? Of Hartec? I picked up the shell of my 951 from there.
    Bore score isn’t new. The Alusil engines suffer too.

    Overly rich running can wash away the oil film also, the issues already mentioned. Baz was going to machine me some pistons years ago but all the money was in rear engined stuff.
    He talked about reversing coolant flow to help. It was 2009 so a bit fuzzy.

    Love the project!

    Free Member

    I was dealing with Grant. He was refreshingly honest and said £10K + VAT is for the engine rebuild but expect the price to creep as bolts seize, bits are too far gone to reuse and stuff might as well get fixed while the engine is out.

    I wondered what sort of stuff so he sent me a list of some of the more usual little bits they might replace
    All approximate prices + VAT and assuming nothing related snaps:

    New oil cooler. £200

    New bank 1 scavenge pump. £130

    New tandem pump & pipe. £410

    New water pump. £420

    New crank position sensor. £200

    New evap valve. £300

    New air filter. £25

    New exhaust clamps. £110

    2 New small exhaust brackets. £38

    New exhaust sections (prices vary).

    New gear box plug socket with seal. £100

    New oil/air separator. £210

    3 New vent lines. £265

    2 New oil catch tanks. £110

    6 New ignition coils. £240

    2 New ignition coil covers. £60

    Belt. £25

    3 New belt rollers. £170

    New oil pressure switch. £65

    New starter motor wiring harness section. £120

    New coolant tank. £110

    2 New main coolant feed & return pipes at either side of engine along with associated hoses. £570

    2 New engine mounts. £420

    New gearbox mount. £170

    New cardan shaft rubber. £100

    4 New sections of brake pipe at the rear of the car. £560

    Obviously not all the above would apply

    Free Member

    It gets a bit closer to the next episode. I have just hit buiy on these and now need to get them sent down from Derby.

    Free Member

    Well they have arrived.

    Now I just need to cut some off, add some foam and shape it to look like this.

    And try to work out how to make the headlight pod of course. Next video should come as soon as I get a chance to make some progress but I am a bit busy with art commissions, work and Christmas preparations so like and subscribe to get an notification when it arrives.

    This is the original idea :

    Full Member

    Came across this on YT while searching for your channel. Guessing you have seen it before?

    Free Member

    Yeah, they took the wrong end of each car and then actually built it! Makes my idea almost seem sensible!

    Free Member

    Brace yourself for about 7 minutes of ecstasy as the next episode is loading ready for your viewing pleasure :

    Free Member

    Oh, just spotted it will take approx 36 minutes to load.

    Relax, have a cup of tea and rush back in about half an hour.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Fantastic, well done.

    Free Member

    Jump to 3 minutes if you want to see the angle grinder ‘incident’

    Free Member



    Free Member

    4 doors and the front of the bonnet is too bulbous for my liking.

    The headlights turned up today so the sculpting of the bonnets and wings has been paused while I create the headlight pods. I feel that the headlights are defining features and also need to actually point in the right direction so I am going to do those and then continue the wings to match. You will see it all in the next exciting episode I am sure.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Latest drop :

    If you were one of the 3 who watched it before I announced it on there then I have re-uploaded witht he audio fixed. Clipchamp seems to struggle with sound and subtitles.

    Free Member

    It still seems to have sound issues but only for the clip where subtitle are present. Weird, it doesn’t do that when played in Clipchamp.

    Full Member

    I found it most entertaining.

    Free Member

    I’m along for the series. I’ve know you’ve struggled with it, but I couldn’t help thinking the light pod moulds weren’t identical when you held them up to camera.

    Free Member

    I will go with ‘near identical’ for now. They are close enough the let me shape the front wings and bonnet lines. More importantly they have an accurate length front to back to allow me to work out how far back they can be and still allow room for the underlying car. I managed to cut 18cm out of the plug from in front of the wheel arch this evening which makes a big improvement in the overall look, even if I do virtually start from scratch again with the wings and bonnet.

    Free Member

    Plenty more before I get that lot onto this.

    I really should start with the foam plug attached to the car but I want to keep using the car while I am working on the project. This makes it slightly slower with a bit of rework but lets me enjoy the car for the moment while it is too cold to make too much progress outside or lay up much composite.

    Free Member

    You would be really amazed at how much work has gone into this project between the end of Part 4 video.

    and then current situation which is this.

    Basically I realised that the MDF and doam buck I made in Part 3 needed to have the headlights made in Part 4 integrated and to do that I needed to know where on the car EXACTLY the headlights would go. This meant stripping the car down, which I originally wanted to avoid, and scrapping the whole idea of a moulding plug on the frame in the garage.

    So I stripped the car and started to fit the scrap wings from the garage buck but needed various brackets to do this. I could have easily knocked these up in CF or glass fibre apart from the fact the temperature was hovering around zero. I used a few sheets of MDF instead as a temporary solution. This worked fine until we got hit by the storm which ripped the car cover open and soaked the MDF which simply collapsed, ruining everything I had done up to that point.

    I am not sure what out of the hours of video I will actually use for the next episode as most of it is now irrelevant. Anyway, we have headlights mounted in the approximate moulds resting in approximately correct position.

    I need to make a secure mounting platform to be able to bolts them in place.
    I need to sort out some resistors to let the LEDs work without triggering CAN Bus errors,
    I need to cut a new wiring from the original Porsche (proprietary?) connector to split to two new H4 LED connectors with indicators and DLR (possibly not fitted to my car) as required.
    I need to build another pair of frames to hold the foam to shape the wings.
    I need to replace all the wooden brackets with CF once it warms
    I need to make a CF copy of the original bonnet so I can make a new bonnet without ruining my good one.

    Free Member

    Well having finally finished editing the latest release of this thrilling series you will be excited to know that none of the stuff above has been done but you will have to waste 7 minutes watching this to understand the enormity of my progress.

    Free Member

    Sneak preview of the start of the next episode. I know I left the episode above quite abruptly but I wasn’t expecting to get any time on the project so showed the progress I had made. I then got a couple more hours and finished the rough cut of the wing tops.

    Free Member

    Have you ever wondered about making stuff out of Carbon Fibre?

    This video shows how badly it can go wrong if you are an idiot but also how perseverance pays off in the end. It is a true emotional roller coaster of an episode that puts the heartache and destruction of the storm damage well and truly in the past.

    Full Member

    Well done, small round of applause :)

    Free Member

    Well done, small round of applause 🙂

    Very small I should imagine ;-)

    Full Member

    Not suggesting that what you’re endeavouring to do isn’t daft enough but it seems to me the engine, axel and wheel counts are all rather modest. What about a second engine, in fact make both engines V8s. Then three more axles, and an extra wheel somewhere in the middle for good luck.

    Full Member

    Mental…the longest 2-seater in the world…possibly!

    Free Member

    What is wonderful is that is only one of the wonderful DS ‘evolutions’ among many such bizarre creations. I agree, mine is pretty tame in such company.

    Free Member

    In this exciting episode we actually make visible progress as I style the first front wing :

    Free Member

    I am a little excited about progress today so here is a sneak preview from the next episode.

    Free Member

    Blimey, what a difference a week makes!!

    Only 4 minutes but packed with action – fire (almost) floods, and plagued by bad editing but the bonus feature at the end is actually okay.

    If you do bother watching it, please let me know what you like/dislike. DO I keep them the same, do I show more detail for specific stages, are the videos too long / short when I try to keep them at 6 – 8 minutes.

    Can proper video people please refrain from telling me how to shoot video, edit video, do voice overs. Or at least keep their comments helpful. I am currently building a car, 2 bike parks, a portfolio of art for the Spring sales, holding down a full time job and keeping my wife and family happy. There is a limit to my time and the skills I can learn. :-)

    Full Member

    I have been watching them all and enjoy your content and style. Keep em coming

    Free Member

    Thanks. My wife thinks it is a bit sweary some times

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