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  • anyone been over the Hartside Pass recently?
  • ir_bandito
    Free Member

    I see its open now, but what’s the road like? Any snow drifted onto it, any icy patches?
    Supposed to be riding over to the Lakes tomorrow morning.

    Free Member

    I was up there today, theres mahoosve drifts on either side of the road and its a tad narrower in places but generally its ok with no ice.

    Free Member

    ace. I’ll take the camera then 🙂

    Free Member

    Bandito can you report back on lakes conditions/photos as im meant to be rding there at the weekend…. going over from northumberland too

    Free Member

    Anus. I wouldnt. Go to Dalby instead.

    Free Member

    Ride over on friday morning was a right laugh. First shake-down ride on the new audax biike and it was superb. Hartside was indeed fine, with 6′ + drifts either side of the road. I was a little unsure about re-frozen snow-melt on the road but it was fine.
    Ride back last night into the headwind was chuffin’ hard though.

    Didn’t do any mtb riding over the weekend, just a bit of walking. Lots of snow in places still, especially where its been troddne into the paths and re-frozen, even lower down. Where the snow has gone, the ground is dry and firm though so it has potential…

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