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  • Alfa Romeo 159, unreliable or not that bad?
  • coolhandluke
    Free Member

    Ooo they’re lovely looking but niggles and gremlins that have long been associated with Alfa’s worry me.

    Is it a real concern?
    Looking at 1.9 diesel 1 year old ones.

    Free Member

    All Alfas come with a mysterious piece of grey plastic rattling around the boot, thats got to be worth something.


    Full Member

    We have just got rid of a company one. It has probably been off the road for 3 months in the last year!

    Full Member

    Didn’t Top Gear say something along the lines of Alfa making truly great cars that are wonderful to drive……for about 80 minutes and then they break.

    Full Member

    there are some cars with known faults that i’d take a punt on

    – if cheap enough then you can factor in the cost of the known problems and not be unhappy if you have to pay out and if you don’t you’ve saved the money
    – also depends if you want to sell on or drive to near worthless – tend to the latter so if you buy what other people hate its not going to be future problem to sell

    as to the Alfa 159 its reputation for multiple and expensive faults seems very well deserved – wouldn’t shake a stick at one

    Free Member

    2nd hand 159’s are REALLY cheap for what you get. And usually someone has paid to put them right ;)

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